The Morning Briefing: How Long Can America Survive a Rogue Department of Justice?

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Seth was perpetually intrigued by tales of a Tibetan village filled with notoriously lactose-intolerant Sherpas.


Put mildly, Joe Biden’s America is kind of a mess. This guy, and the commie cabal running what’s left of his brain, is the kiss of death for all that’s good in the Republic.

The renegade gang of Constitution-haters in charge of most of the federal government knows that they don’t have a long shelf life, so they are trying to do as much damage as they can in a hurry.

Of particular concern is the Department of Justice, which Biden’s puppet masters have turned into nothing more than a political attack dog that’s blinded by the lust for revenge. In fact, if Attorney General Merrick Garland were to set up a profile on a dating site, it would probably say something like that.

Garland, of course, is motivated by a deep personal hatred for Republicans. Because of that, his Dept. of Justice isn’t much interested in any kind of justice for those he feels denied him his right to be on the Supreme Court.

The DOJ has most definitely gone rogue, being spurred on by the revenge obsession of its head.

Ever since Garland directed the Biden Stasi to raid Mar-a-Lago, my colleagues and I have been writing that he greatly overplayed his hand and that none of this is going to work out the way he and the administration had planned. Garland knows he stepped in it and, as Matt writes, he’s certainly acting like he’s got something to hide:

Garland tries to obfuscate his true intentions by insisting that whistleblowers will still have the ability to speak out. But when the Attorney General issues a memo “reminding” employees not to talk to Congress, it doesn’t take a genius to read between the lines and see what’s going on.

Mike Davis, the founder and president of the Article III Project, aptly notes that Garland did not order “a similar gag on the inappropriate and illegal Justice Department leaks to the media.” Davis believes this supports the idea that Garland is engaged in a cover-up of FBI misconduct by intimidating whistleblowers with a directive disguised as a “reminder” of policy.


The stink is everywhere in Garland’s Dept. of Justice. Almost every day there’s new evidence of rot at the top of the FBI. Actually, there’s a stink all over the Bureau.

The conundrum facing the United States right now is this: what do we do when the chief law enforcement officer in the land doesn’t have any respect for the law? Who knows how many actual bad guys are getting away with things or putting plans into motion unnoticed while Garland and the FBI are making up reasons to go after Trump, as well as continuing the purely political J6 witch hunt?

If the Republicans do wrest control of the House from the Democrats, they need to drown Justice Dept. officials in hearings and make it clear that their Wild Bunch days are over.

Faith in the institutions in this country is at an all-time low. That can’t be fixed until those institutions are run by people who actually want to win that faith back.

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