The Morning Briefing: Biden's SOTU—Hey Racist Terrorists, Let's Try Unity and Stuff

Jabin Botsford, Pool via AP

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. There’s leftover meatloaf in the van. I’d smell it first.

Thanks for the birthday wishes yesterday. Those who offered them will be fondly remembered.


The others will be judged.

As promised, I “watched” Amtrak Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address via our own VodkaPundit’s famous DrunkBlog. Stephen makes these tedious affairs enjoyable. I caught up on all of it after a quiet birthday dinner with two of my best friends. As soon as I read through it, I began to pursue the mainstream and social media responses to the puppet president’s latest babblefest.

These people.

As Mr. Green has often pointed out, Joe Biden’s handlers have gotten good at pumping him full of enough Adderall to make him able to read a teleprompter for a while without having to worry about him wandering off mentally and beginning to eat his foot.

And I mean literally eat his foot.

Predictably, the usual suspects in the MSM were carrying water for Ol’ Gropes, making it seem as if all is right with the world. I knew that if I just grabbed three random clips from the speech, each would be a train wreck in its own way.

I was, as always, correct.

Stephen mentioned Biden’s squinting, which always distracts me too much when he’s on ‘prompter duty. It’s disturbing that I can’t see his eyes at all. I know that has nothing to do with substance, but it does have to do with the fact that this guy has been past his sell-by date for a long time now.

A lot of the reports were mentioning Biden’s call for unity, which is impossible to take seriously coming from a man who calls his political opponents racists and terrorists and uses his Dept. of Justice to silence them.


So, less-than-respectfully Joe, hell no.

The media can pretend all it wants that Uncle Joe’s America is just fine but the rest of us have to live in it.

We know the real state of the union.

Everything Isn’t Awful

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