Top O' the Briefing
Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Codwollomun felt that Fenugreek was his wildcard in the inevitable drunken "annual vs. perennial" debate at the Compost Club holiday party.
Keeping up with the worst of the Biden administration is no simple task. From the doddering mess at the top to the lowest cabinet staffer, Team Joe has a gift for finding messes and smearing them all over the American public and sometimes the world. This relentless commitment to awfulness can make it difficult to figure out who is doing the most unsavory thing from week to week.
Perspective has a lot to do with it. As a resident of a border state who lives only 60 miles from Mexico, the bumbling, prevaricating Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas gets the majority of my disdain. Things are so awful down in my neck of the desert because of him and his boss that I sometimes overlook the other primary players in Joe Biden's Incompetence Initiative.
As his business is always elsewhere, it would be nice never to have to think about Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Blinken is one of those Ivy League Beltway bureaucrats who makes you wonder how the Ivy League ever got the reputation for turning out the best and the brightest.
Blinken's federal résumé is heftier than most Biden cabinet members, but that doesn't mean much. Like Mayor Pete or the aforementioned Mayorkas, Blinken often appears to be in over his head when attempting to do the job for which he was hired.
Obviously, having a secretary of state who is out of his depth when the world is on fire is not ideal. Our military is so compromised by woke upper management that it's terrifying to think of the United States being pushed to the brink of anything more involved than what's happening with the Houthis in the Red Sea (and we all know how that's going). A viable diplomatic option sure would be nice for the United States and its allies in troubled times like these.
Good luck with that.
Blinken's work on the Israel/Hamas conflict has been nothing short of embarrassing, and it's not getting any better.
If you’re a leftist in the Washington establishment, it doesn’t matter how often your fail or how frequently you’re proven wrong. That’s how we ended up with Old Joe Biden as president and Antony Blinken as Secretary of State.
Blinken was in Davos Wednesday for the big Commie shindig, uh, that is, the World Economic Forum, and he was peddling the same faulty analysis and failed remedies that have caused so much trouble in the world already as the cure-alls for the world’s problems. He has done this before. And he’ll do it again.
Blinken unveiled his grand plan for Middle East peace: a Palestinian state. Yes, that’s right: Hamas murdered 1,200 Israelis, many in unimaginably gruesome ways, with Palestinian civilians gleefully cheering them on, and Blinken wants them to end up being the ones who emerge the winners from this present conflict.
Here is the big-picture guy consistently painting a horrorscape for Israel, a country with which we are ostensibly still allied.
Westerners who advocate for any kind of capitulation — which a Palestinian state is — to Hamas, Hezbollah, or any of the other Iranian-funded terrorist savage organizations are traveling in realms of delusion heretofore unseen. None of those groups are going to be mollified by being given a little more land and a cafeteria pass at the United Nations.
As with all things related to Jihadi terrorists, Democrats struggle with reality and the definition of "evil." Also, as we have discussed many times since October, it's really easy to spot the bad guys in this conflict.
Unless you're a Democrat.
With Putin flexing in Europe and Iran giving the finger to the United States in a variety of ways, this is no time for the secretary of state to be whispering sweet terrorist nothings into the president's ear and consistently offending the only real friend this country has in that part of the world.
Then again, if the long-term interests of the United States of America and its freedom-loving allies were of any importance to the Biden administration, Blinken wouldn't be lending any credibility to Davos with his presence. The World Economic Forum should be on a terrorist watch list, not being embraced by a very high-ranking American official. (My RedState colleague Bob Hoge has a most excellent post about how the Davos gathering should be regarded.)
It was difficult to imagine a worse secretary of state than Hillary Clinton when she was traipsing about the globe with planes full of Franzia, yet here we are. If given too much more time in office, Antony Blinken might broker a deal to turn control of the United States over to China in exchange for a pinky-swear promise that all ChiCom higher-ups will convert their homes to solar.
The weekend is upon us, so I've got a couple of days before I have to figure out which cabinet member of President LOLEightyonemillion needs to be called out next. Come to think of it, we haven't heard much from Jennifer Granholm lately.
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