
A PJ Media Compilation! The Biggest Whoppers the Left Has Launched, Part 1

I thought I'd whip up a "listicle" article about the most ridiculous lies the pinko-Americans on the other side of the sewage lagoon have been vomitously spewing over the years.

INSIDE BASEBALL-O-RAMA! Here at PJ Media, a "listicle" is an article like "The Top Ten Signs Nancy Pelosi Is a Lizard-Person," or "77 Reasons — and counting — Grayson Shouldn't Have Written that 'Smart Gun' Article. You get the point.

I had ample liberal hooey for my piece and enough sequels to put the Hardy Boys to shame. But for those who read my stuff and know me, you'll understand when I say that it was overloaded with snarky, anti-commie goodness. It needed another touch.

So I thought I'd make it a party and hit up my PJ Media homies for their thoughts on liberals, leftists, and the lies they tell. Besides, we at PJ Media enjoy a midday distraction as we write from our off-the-grid bunkers in territories unknown to Google Earth cameras.

Mad bomb shots to Athena, Catherine, Grayson, Robert, Lincoln, Gwen, Matt, Victoria, Jeff, Chris, and Charlie for their input. If I used all of the lies they sent me, the piece would be called, "This Article of Lefty Codswallop Is Too Long to Read, Go See What Kruiser Posted."

So here we have it, in no particular order, an expurgated list of progressive bulldust as per my conservative cobbers here at PJ Media, Part 1.

1. Suspecting fraud in the 2020 presidential election means you’re a loony conspiracy theorist in the tank for Bad Orange Man. —Robert 

It's fruitless to point out the Communists' hypocrisy because they know they are lying liarheads and don't care. They spent four years wailing that Trump only beat the Hildebeast because of yet another lie, Trump-Russia collusion. But when Americans righteously wondered why five swing states stopped counting votes on the night of the 2020 election at almost the same time, when Trump was spanking Biden in all of them and yet went on to lose all five states, we were labeled tinfoil-hat kooks.

This lie is devastating because it also attempts to set a precedent: accept the results of all future funky elections or be tarred and feathered as a loon. It's almost like they planned to do it again.

FACT-O-RAMA! Though the CIA didn't invent the term "conspiracy theorist," they weaponized it against people who questioned the idea that the last-minute decision to take JFK on a slow turn into Dealey Plaza just feet from Lee Harvey Oswald, a known Communist and former Marine sharpshooter, was all happenstance.

2. Democrats stopped being the racist party. —Catherine

I love watching the mental somersaults a lib undergoes when trying to whitewash the Democrats' centuries-long history of racism. 

Now, I could provide links to the congressional votes proving the Democrats were opposed to civil rights, but I don't want you to stray so instead I'll just post this brief video that explains the reality of Democrat hatred from 1829 through to modern day.

And for those bozos pushing the phantasy that Democrats said, "I'm done being a racist" at the exact same time Republicans said, "Gee, I sure would like to be a racist," PragerU has another brief video explaining away this flapdoodle.

STACKS-O-RAMA! The more time you spend on this page — even if you're watching videos — the more cheddar I make. Cha-ching!

Here's a gut-buster. W.Va. Democrat Sen. Robert Byrd was a former member of the Klan. His name was even removed from a building at a state college. At his funeral, he was eulogized by Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, and even Barack Obama.

3. Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation. —Victoria

I lost respect for everyone who believed this mother of all lies. If you truly thought Russia, a behemoth country struggling to beat the much smaller Ukraine in a war, is somehow savvy enough to find a guy who looks just like Hunter, have him shoot a bunch of drug porn, and "fake" hundreds of emails proving the Biden family is in the bribe game, you should probably be relieved of your reproductive organs and voting privileges.

Victoria put it best:

The FBI convinced social media to censor the laptop story before the 2020 election. After Donald Trump's loss, approximately 17% of Americans said they would have changed their vote had they known the laptop was real, according to at least one poll. 

That Russian disinformation operation was used to censor American media, including the nation's oldest newspaper, the New York Post, which broke the laptop story, and other sites like PJ Media to stop the story from getting out. 

The FBI's information operation against the American people censored news to the American people to change or at least tamper with the results of an American election.

Americans were derided as conspiracy theorists and worse by this information operation. The information operation by the FBI and allies was used to disparage President Trump and his allies, including Rudy Giuliani, who has never recovered. 

Now, tell me how Trump is the "dictator" we should all fear.

4. White Supremacy is the nation's biggest problem. —KDJ

Nothing pleases the left more than white supremacy. The problem there just doesn't seem to be enough to go around. So as a black female friend once told me in regards to her hair, "If you can't achieve it, weave it."

Lefty news outlets put the lives of the Covington, Ky., kids in danger when they posted a photo of Nick Sandmann, a 16-year-old Catholic pro-lifer in a MAGA hat, smiling at a Native American activist, and declared him a racist. Sandmann and his friends received death threats. Some animal threatened to blow up his school. Never mind the potential danger to kids that could have resulted from their lies, the left has to push that myth of white supremacy. Who cares if a few Catholic kids burn to death in a firebombing?

The apparatchiks in the Pravda press circle jerk also went cray-cray when they thought they had a picture of Border Guards "whipping" illegal immigrants. Biden later admitted that it never happened but wanted the guards punished anyway. Why anyone still pays attention to these Fibber McNewsites is beyond me.

5. Abe Lincoln was gay. —Jeff

There isn't a shred of evidence to suggest Abe honestly loved men. This was likely invented as a way for the LGBTLOL crew to associate themselves with the liberator of slaves.

However, there is ample evidence that Hitler found some Mein Comfy in the arms of dudes. Or should I say that he liked to sink his Bismarck at a gay hostel?

6. COVID-19 —Charlie

Wow, where to begin? Listing all the COVID applesauce could take days. Let's look at some of the "Greatest Hits" of COVID blatherskite:

  • COVID came from a dude eating bat salad.
  • It certainly did not come from a lab.
  • Masks work.
  • Social distancing is effective.
  • The vaccine will end the pandemic. You won't be able to catch it or transmit it.

Here is a Nov. 2020 article from the Communist News Network (CNN) claiming that the Pfizer vax is 95% effective. By March of 2022, the Pfizer clot shot was a mere 12% effective for kids. One month later, more vaccinated people were dying from COVID-19 than those granny-killing un-vaccinated. 

Anthony Fauci has since admitted that the social distancing "guidance" was a joke and that the idea that COVID came from a lab is no longer a conspiracy theory, yet he still isn't in a gulag rastlin' his cellmate for the last moldy cabbage of the weekend.

I'm already working on Part 2 of the avalanche of lefty lies. If you've got a good one, please drop it in the comments section. Until then, don't take any wooden nickels from Rachel Maddow.


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