Oh, Come On! NOW Media's 'Surprised' Fauci Lied About Social Distancing?

Townhall Media

Every once in awhile, when I'm on the radio, I tell the story about how I first heard of so-called social distancing during COVID. Early in the pandemic, at a White House presser, the scarf queen, Dr. Deborah Birx, said they just sorta kinda made up that whole six-foot thing. Birx said something like, Well, we thought we'd just double the distance suggested for most illnesses. Fauci was in on the conception of the life-altering lunacy. They were spitballing, pure and simple. The media were there for the presser. But that origin story was sucked into a Super Massive black memory hole to make room for more Fauci worship. 


The proclamation, no wait, the "guidance," made by the highest-paid government employee in America, The Science, Dr. Saint Anthony of Fauci, and other coronavirus poohbahs brought near-societal catastrophe. It may yet. The country's citizens—isn't it adorable that we still think of ourselves as citizens?—are still counting the cost of this authoritarian juggernaut. 

This past week, we learned that Fauci testified in secret to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic that the whole six-foot social-distancing thing was made up. According to readouts of the meeting that we're too insignificant to witness in person or on C-Span, the now-retired government employee told grown elected officials that the six-foot social distancing "guidance"—and we're quoting here—"just sort of appeared." 

So many COVID rules "sort of just appeared," it seems. 

The mainstream media are confounded and shocked. The Boston Herald headlined its reaction with, "Fauci socially distances from responsibility for lockdown fallout." Other media outlets are pretending that this was new news. 

Related: Peak Buffoonery: Paddleboarder in Ocean Off Malibu Is Arrested for Not Socially Distancing

As I was looking for the Birx quotes I referenced in the paragraph of this story. After a several hours-long search over two days, I found this little nugget in that obscure blog site called Forbes.


Here's the September 19, 2021, story by Graison Dangor.

The headline read, "CDC's 6-Foot Social Distancing Rule Was 'Arbitrary,' Says Former FDA Commissioner." That FDA commissioner was one Dr. Scott Gottlieb, who was named by President Trump to the FDA Commission and left in 2019 after his wife was hit by a car. He now works for the American Enterprise Institute and serves on the Board of ... Pfizer. 

Here's what you saw Friday when you clicked on that story. 

We don't know why that story was killed. 

Gottlieb was mocked in a Washington Post story when he reappeared publicly in early 2020 to suggest that testing and treatment be used to "turn the lights back on" in the United States. What a luddite. 

And, of course, symptom treatment and testing saved lives, downtime, and other downline problems. Just ask Dr. Peter McCullough, that other leading American expert who saved lives with treatment options during Covid. The media remembers that horse-paste episode. And is it OK to mention that mRNA expert, Dr. Robert Malone, or will the Joseph Goebbels Department at Facebook come for us again? 

Even the Wall Street Journal, which announced that Fauci "finally fessed up," reported, "It’s not news that the six-feet rule lacked scientific rhyme or reason. A BMJ article in August 2020 explained as much." 


And, of course, treatment of symptoms wasn't something Fauci and the gang wanted to do because it would ruin the vaccine emergency implementation. I can't wait till the media find out about that story! 

The next thing you know, they'll be touting a new EXCLUSIVE!, NEVER BEFORE HEARD! story about how COVID came from a LAB LEAK!  Oops, wait, Fauci also admitted in the testimony (that we couldn't witness) that the lab-leak theory, which he knew was likely but was censored anyway, was not a conspiracy. 

Related: This Is What California Is Doing to the Little Guy During This Pandemic

Just wait till they find out that the clot shot gave healthy kids heart conditions and wasn't a "vaccine"; that masks don't work for this virus; and that billions of our tax dollars in COVID relief went to Nigerian Princes in foreign lands and prisoners in California. Hoo boy, that's going to be a moment, eh? 

Remember when Fauci convinced news outlets to stifle the experts at Oxford and Stanford about their correct observations about COVID? Sure, Fauci and company lied about Jay Bhattacharya, but he found a new job at the Hoover Institution! He'll get his reputation back in no time. 

That Chinese Bat Lady, the former Wuhan Lab researcher, was a real pain in your side, wasn't she, Fauci? But you showed her who was boss. Where is she now, anyway? I can't wait to see the headlines when the media find out about this one! 


And the armies of Super Citizens—you may call them Karens or Stassi (tomato, tomahto)—who suddenly appeared to inform on fellow Americans for failing to wear masks, keep their distance, and stay home if they had the sniffles, are still confused and stubbornly unapologetic. We were called grandma killers, fascists, white supremacists, and terrorists, and we were arrested for paddle boarding, forced out of hardware stores in Southern California, and arrested at school board meetings.  

And we understand that the American Refugees are doing well in their new Tennessee and Florida homes where their children's education and not the teacher's union is the priority. See? A happy ending. 

Confusion still reigns in Mediaville, however. Will they act surprised when Fauci admits these other revelations, or will they just go back and stealth-edit previous stories? Decisions, decisions...

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