The Morning Briefing: Colorado Supreme Court Hits Trump, Begs for SCOTUS Attention

AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall

Top O' the Briefing

Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Lazanchuc was perplexed at the poor reaction to his cranburger delight among the members of the Drakkar Noir Veneration Association. 


The nationwide "Let's Railroad Donald Trump" effort hasn't quite proceeded at the pace its organizers would have preferred. I'm sure that in their original planning sessions, they were hoping to have Trump in an orange jumpsuit by now. OK, they were more in the dreaming than planning stages then. 

A quiet panic has been spreading among the Dem elite lately as it became apparent that their pre-election interference attempts weren't going to work in time. 

They got a little reprieve in Colorado last night, which Matt wrote about

The Colorado Supreme Court has decided that Trump cannot run for president in the state of Colorado. The Court, which is made up entirely of justices appointed by Democratic governors, decided without any evidence that Trump incited an insurrection and is therefore ineligible to run under the 14th Amendment. The ruling is likely to trigger a battle before the United States Supreme Court.

The court was split 4-3 in its decision.

“A majority of the court holds that Trump is disqualified from holding the office of president under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment,” the court wrote in its decision.

Dem-leaning judges and prosecutors have been torturing and perverting the law throughout all of this charade, but this one is especially egregious, given that it comes from the state's highest court. It is bad enough to have a rogue prosecutor here and there, but four thoroughly corrupt judges on a state supreme court is a sad sign of the politicized rot in the judiciary. 


To say that the Colorado court went rogue on this one would be a real trip over the Understatement Bridge. 

As Matt wrote, the ruling is "patently absurd," a sentiment echoed by my friend and colleague Ed Morrissey: 

The low-info lib social media crowd was, predictably, full of triumphant joy. Not surprisingly, one of the coldest hot takes came from noted Republican squish and libmedia darling David Frum. Writing in The Atlantic, Frum said that the Republicans have a chance to "save themselves" thanks to the Colorado Supreme Court. I actually smiled at the silliness when I read that. The people who don't get it about Trump really don't get it. 

Last night's Trump-hating revelers are going to have a rough time when the United States Supreme Court smacks this ruling down. Here was my initial response: 


I usually don't offer legal opinions like that but the prevailing sentiment from pretty much everyone who isn't consumed by Trump Derangement Syndrome is that SCOTUS is going to do away with the Colorado court ruling in rather quick and brutal fashion. A former White House lawyer thinks that it might even be a 9-0 decision

What happened in Colorado is the Democrats' dream of the future: a completely politicized judiciary doing their revenge bidding. They'll tell you that's what conservatives really want, but that's not reality-based. Conservative judges have a long history of ruling in ways that they aren't expected to. Modern era liberal judges are more predictable than a nine-year-old around Halloween candy. 

The four justices who decided to throw Trump off the ballot must know that SCOTUS isn't going to waste time telling them that they're wrong. That must mean that it was more important that they get their Trump tantrum on record than get the law right. 

These tantrums may be directed at Trump right now, but they're going to be looking around for others to vent their political spleens at as soon as they're done with him. 

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