I Don't Remember This Many Russian Invasions, Terrorists, or Pirates When Trump Was POTUS

AP Photo/Reba Saldanha

"Are you better off than you were four years ago?" 

OK, it's not quite four years into this Joe Biden in the White House nightmare, but the sentiment in Ronald Reagan's question from the 1980 presidential campaign is an important one, especially when applied to the global scene. 


In my last, "Trump Derangement Syndrome Meltdown of the Week Column," the winner was an Opinion article that posited that a Trump victory next year would throw the world order into chaos. 

My first thought was, "Does this guy have internet?"

A quick glance around the international news indicates that chaos is present everywhere during the Biden presidency. The only thing that is better worldwide since he got into office is the COVID-19 pandemic situation, and that's because it ran its natural course. It's also the one thing that the Biden administration wishes weren't better. They've been working, um, feverishly to launch a pandemic panic comeback tour for next year's election. 

When they want something to be bad, it's good; when they want something to be good, it's awful. 

Welcome to the Biden way. 

I'm not one to wax nostalgic about all of the Trump presidency. The pandemic year was a disaster. True, there was some slack to be cut because of the unprecedented nature of all that was going on. Still, Trump is the one who weaponized the tyrant Anthony Fauci, and that will forever be a big black mark on his time in office as far as I'm concerned. 

Until the Wuhan Flu hit our shores, however, there was far more good than bad here at home. This is about the international scene though. 


Despite the persistent media myth that Trump and Vladimir Putin are besties, the Russian strongman wasn't as, shall we say, active as he is now. Not that Putin is capable of anything resembling "best" behavior, but he was at least on his "less awful" behavior when Trump was POTUS. 

Israel — one of America's closest allies — wasn't waging an existential war against Hamas. Perhaps that's because the worst people in the world like Hamas's leaders don't like to act up when the United States has a strong president. Perhaps it wasn't. 

The situation in the Middle East was markedly better under Trump than under Biden is all I'm saying. 

If memory serves me, the United States wasn't facing a pirate-induced economic crisis that, as Stephen Green writes, threatens our prosperity. Seriously people, pirates. It's like this administration has people dedicated to enabling things that we never thought we'd have to worry about. What next? Shadow wraiths? Leaping chlamydia? A "Cop Rock" reboot?

I really shouldn't give them any ideas. 

Speaking of international crises, the flood of illegal aliens across our southern border is obviously the one that hits closest to home. I have lived relatively close (60 miles, at present) to this border my entire life, so I'm not going to pretend it hasn't always been problematic. 


Trump was at least working on making it better. When Biden got into office, he channeled every bad open borders idea known to man and went for a full "Hold my beer" approach. Wasting very little time, he turned the border situation into a two-headed monster of a humanitarian and national security crisis. 

Then he tasked Kamala Harris with fixing it. 

So, any direction in the world one looks, it's impossible to say that things are better than they were when Joe Biden shuffled into the Oval Office and began his puppet dance. 

Wait, I'll take that back. 

The people who sell guns and ammo are doing all right. 

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