Results for: On Media

Fani Willis Avoids One Courtroom Showdown
– “The case is not resolved on a final basis. … A PJ Media VIP membership is a tremendous value on its own, but you can use the code SAVEAMERICA to get a 50% discount. … Help us take on the left again and again. Become a PJ Media VIP today!…
Jackie Robinson Statue Found Destroyed and Burned
– According to TV station KWCH, the statue was located on Tuesday. It was found cut into pieces and placed in a trash can fire. … On a micro level, my premise fails. … After all, the media, the universities, the government, and social media platforms can and do find new ways to inflame our passions…
New James O’Keefe Undercover Video Exposes Dysfunctional Biden White House…cover-video-exposes-dysfunctional-biden-white-house-n4926017
– Kraiger also spoke of talk of Kamala Harris being replaced on the ticket. … They quit on her en masse.” But, that’s not even the juiciest part. “She will be the vice president nominee,” Kraiger noted. … social media, Charlie Kraiger deleted his social media accounts.…
The Kruiser Kabana Episode #225: The Conservative Tantrum Over Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Is Pathetic…trum-over-taylor-swift-and-travis-kelce-is-pathetic-n4926012
– (Reminder: New episodes are on the podcast page, but I’ll still do promos here.) … It’s free and it supports conservative media! Subscribe…
Joe Biden Just Entered the Presidential Quotes Hall of Fame. Really.
– Presidentish Joe Biden's social media people thought it wise on Tuesday to jump into the Great Elmo Controversy of 2024. … Another said, "Like 4 wars going on and this dude quote tweeting Elmo." And my personal favorite. … "On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes — and I see many of them in the audience here today…
You'll Pay Amazon to Watch Their Commercials (And They Think You'll Like It)…atch-their-commercials-and-they-think-youll-like-it-n4926024
– The Seattle-based megaretailer is putting the best possible spin on it, helpfully explaining how "Prime Video ads can help brands connect … For an annual fee of $79, members would enjoy unlimited two-day shipping and overnight shipping on many goods for an extra $2 per item … Most new shows had made the move to HD and TiVo (or knockoff devices) gave you all the on-demand convenience of streaming plus the…
Are the Chinese Using Michigan EV Plant for Espionage?…ns-of-chinese-using-michigan-ev-plant-for-espionage-n4926020
– "And I think we have to be very vigilant about what the hell is going on. That's just the way they operate. … You can bet the FBI will be keeping an eye on that facility. … So why not just ban China from doing business on U.S. soil?…
'Unwoke' Free-for-All #64: We Promise to Never Be Plant-Based, Sustainable, or Carbon Net Zero…never-be-plant-based-sustainable-or-carbon-net-zero-n4925995
– A Ukraine flag in a social media profile is a sure sign that the person is an absolute nightmare to coworkers.  … If you’d like to take a ride on Brokeback the Magic Mescaline Pony and join us on the other side, you can subscribe to VIP here.…
Pennsylvania Man Is Accused of Decapitating His Father Who Was a Federal Employee
– to be tried and hung, depending on their role. … the USA," or how many other points we may agree on. … What happens when the powers that be are only interested in the crazy people on the right but ignore the crazy people on the left?…
The Morning Briefing: The UN Is a Great Starting Point for Adding to the Terror Watch List…starting-point-for-adding-to-the-terror-watch-list-n4925980
– In a just world, these "relief workers" would be rounded up and put on trial. … If we aren't going to bail on the UN entirely, maybe we can cut its allowance.  For a long time.  … It's free and it supports conservative media!  …
Forget Leftist Voter Fraud — Republicans Are Great at Losing Elections All by Themselves…ans-are-great-at-losing-elections-all-by-themselves-n4925964
– I worked on my first Republican campaign in 1984, so I've got some real perspective.  … The excuse game is strong on the right side of the aisle when it comes to election failure. … It's free and it supports conservative media!  Subscribe…
Trump 'Victim's' Cringeworthy Laugh Over Legal Victory Shows How Unserious She Really Was
– He went on offense. The left-wing Independent described the messages Trump put on Truth Social that he subsequently took down. … On Monday, Carroll turned up on MSNBC with Rachel Maddow. She said she'd use her $83 million to help women. … The media were fine with it.…
The Army That Didn't Deploy and the Fallout From Biden's Two-Front War
– The U.S. is currently in a two-front proxy war, even as it watches for any move by China on Taiwan. … of the attack on "Tower 22" or an estimated 170 other proxy attacks. … promises and short on results.…
A Day in the Life of Hunter Biden's Laptop: 'The Smartest [Liar] I've Ever Met'
– As part of our ongoing series, "A Day in the Life of Hunter Biden's Laptop," based on the "Report on the Biden Laptop" produced by … More on this in the next update.  … This gives you access to all the content at all the Townhall Media sites: PJ Media, Townhall, RedState, Twitchy, Bearing Arms, and…
Say Goodbye to America…n-immigration-problem-its-a-national-security-issue-n4925952
– The border crisis is a national security problem, but you won't see the mainstream media reporting on it. … That's why it's crucial that you support media outlets that report the truth — outlets like PJ Media. … At PJ Media, we remain committed to reporting the truth and asking the tough questions the mainstream media won’t.…
Why Did Trump’s Lawyer Backtrack on the Conflict of Interest Allegation Against the Judge?…e-conflict-of-interest-allegation-against-the-judge-n4926011
– "More specifically, I have no recollection from that time period of ever interacting with Your Honor on a case, participating with … Post columnist Charles Gasparino appears to be standing by the story on social media, and all Habba was doing was asking for the judge … On top of that, if there was no conflict at all, why wasn’t the overlap in Roberta Kaplan’s and Lewis Kaplan’s time at the same firm…
Tennessee Pro-Lifers Facing 10+ Years Following Convictions
– One look at the left and its media and protestors shows that abortion practically is a sacrament among a segment of the population. … Those on the right enjoy no such immunity.  … On Tuesday in Nashville, six pro-life activists were convicted of violating laws related to the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances…
The Morning Briefing: The Joe Biden Traveling Senility Circus Is Tedious and Tyrannical…traveling-senility-circus-is-tedious-and-tyrannical-n4925945
– This is what really gets to me about these repeated lies about Beau Biden:  Media will put 1000 fact-checkers on what Trump says he … It's free and it supports conservative media!   … 'What Color Panties You Have On?' and Other Legal Concerns Oops. …
Horrifying New Video Shows Biden's Asylum Scammers Dogpiling NYPD Officers…hows-bidens-asylum-scammers-dogpiling-nypd-officers-n4925983
– Horrifying video of an attack by Biden's pseudo-legal aliens on New York’s Finest hit the news this morning.  … There is no gain in passing new, weaker laws when adequate law on the subject already exists. … An American who lies on or falsifies a federal application commits a felony. Just ask the president’s son.…
A Libertarian President!
– The media say Milei will never pass his reforms, and leftists may yet stop him.  … He points out that Milei already, "Eliminated all restrictions on exports and imports, all with one sign of a pen." … "What's incredible about Milei," notes Di Martino, "Is that he was able to win on the (SET ITAL)promise(END ITAL) of cutting subsidies…
Report: Team Biden Begging Obama, Clinton to Salvage Capsizing Campaign
– The plan underscores the belief among Biden allies that the party needs an all-hands-on-deck approach to help him win a second term … polling or voter turnout on election day. … But that would be a little too on-the-nose in this here Sacred Democracy™.…
Could E. Jean Carroll Hand Trump the Election?
on "something Donald Trump hates."  … But her most damaging interview was with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. … social media, prompting much outrage.…
Is the 'Take Back Our Border' Convoy a Government Psyop?
– Business Insider: An itinerary shared on the group's website states that the convoy was due to set out from Virginia on Monday, splitting … The group has had widespread media coverage, quickly growing its following on Telegram from around 1,000 over the weekend to more than … "We're not really focused on that," he told Vice News.…
Trump Stays on Illinois Ballot Despite Belly Button Lint Charge
– As usual, a Republican on the board expressed misgivings. … The media “said we are spending $10 million on legal fees in all these cases. Now that’s not bad. But it’s a lie.” … He then said he had spent $50 million on legal fees.…
Karine Jean-Pierre Hits a New Low
– But at this point, even a serial bumbler such as herself should be able to navigate a media hit, particularly one on a friendly network … These are soldiers fighting on behalf of their country. … When queried, Kirby merely said, “I don’t have anything on his schedule to speak to.” …
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