Results for: On Media

Study: American Children Prescribed ‘Multiple Psychiatric Drugs’ at Increasing Rates…ibed-multiple-psychiatric-drugs-at-increasing-rates-n4926683
– Rates of American kids on government healthcare, upon whom the future of the West hinges, are prescribed “multiple psychiatric drugs … University of Maryland.Related: Diverse Fat Activist Gets Paid to Lie to Children About Nutrition for Corporate ProfitAs I reported on … recently at PJ Media, the marketers of semaglutide (Ozempic) are now going after America’s obese children — a huge and, as of yet,…
The Theory That Mail-in Voting Is Secure Just Died a Horrible Death…mail-in-voting-is-secure-just-died-a-horrible-death-n4926623
– results.We at PJ Media will continue to report on stories like this, but we do so at incredible risk of being demonetized and our … Use the promo code CENSORSHIP for a 50% discount on an annual membership. … sites: PJ Media, Townhall, RedState, Twitchy, Bearing Arms, and HotAir.…
Non-Binary Teen's Death Blamed on Libs of TikTok
– Technically, I joined the golf team in my junior year, but that was because very few people wanted to be on the team. … I was dumped into trash cans, slammed into lockers, punched, kicked, spat on, and, of course, routinely ridiculed. … The attack on Nex should be condemned in no uncertain terms, and justice should be served.…
Bachelor Paternity Case in Court! Clayton Echard Wins Big.
–  On Wednesday, a Maricopa County, Ariz., judge denied Owens’ attempt to flee the court system, and the case will be heard on June …  The hits kept on coming on Wednesday when Judge Julie Mata also forced Owens to sign a HIPAA release that she had been refusing … This would also trigger an investigation if there are no fetal death certificates on record for the deaths.…
Former CNN Anchor John Avlon Is Running for Congress. Yes, Really.
– Avlon fancies himself — as most media members do today — as a savior of America.Who or what is Avlon going to be saving America from … She has the virtue of not being a total unknown.The Hill:Avlon also vowed to focus on rebuilding the middle class, investing in infrastructure … something slightly nauseating about any media figure, right or left, cashing in on their notoriety and name recognition to grasp for…
Mother Blames MTA, Social Media for Son's Subway Surfing Death
– Last year, Zackery was "subway surfing" on the roof of a train and struck his head before falling between cars on Williamsburg Bridge … She faults the MTA for not creating barriers to keep kids from climbing on top of the trains. … If we know that social media is so awful, why do we continue to use it?…
North Las Vegas Mayor Celebrates Black Businesses. There's Just One (Huge) Problem.
– love to set up a booth there and have some good times with potential customers.The problem is, I'm white, and the city is putting on … But you knew that already.Here's the mayor's official announcement that her office posted to social media, courtesy of LibsOfTikTok … If a private organization wants to put on an event exclusive to black-owned businesses, that's one thing.…
Average Americans Are Snuffing Out 'Expert' Gaslighters
– America or Americans, but here’s one so let’s take it: Two recent data points suggest that the dangerously high influence of “experts” on …  But here’s the thing: Normal Americans are realizing this.Related: The Election Will Be a Referendum on Joe Biden's PresidencyThe … All of the institutional “expert” help and hardened media defense perimeters in the world could not hide Biden’s growing senility and…
How to Resist the Left
– If you're a regular reader of PJ Media, you know that we hold those in power to account — on both sides of the aisle, but especially … Our articles get the suppression treatment from advertisers and social media giants on a regular basis, but we have writers and editors … On the site, in our THM News app, and in emails!…
Wall Street Journal: FYI, Biden Doesn't Really Want Ukraine to Win Either…fyi-biden-doesnt-really-want-ukraine-to-win-either-n4926595
– That's an especially bad standard for the justification of conquest to be set on that particular continent. … They've created a false moral equivalence between Ukraine's fight with Russia and Israel's war on Hamas. … It’s free and it supports conservative media! Subscribe…
The Morning Briefing: It's Getting Rougher for Biden's Handlers to Make Him Appear Lifelike…her-for-bidens-handlers-to-make-him-appear-lifelike-n4926593
–  The rapid physical and mental decline of Joe Biden hasn't been easy to watch, no matter which side of the aisle one is on. … It's free and it supports conservative media! …  Here's a Supercut of the Media Being Wowed Over Biden's Supposed Mental PowersProbs.…
‘Body Positive’ Influencers Open up Circular Firing Squad Over Ozempic Sponsorships…up-circular-firing-squad-over-ozempic-sponsorships-n4926608
On the other hand, it’s a “brain disease” to be treated medically. … Tovar and other activists have started spreading the word on social media and speaking to the press.As profits explode from sales of … WeightWatchers is hyping its new WeightWatchers Clinic, focused on injectable weight-loss drugs, via paid promotions with social media
Trump-Backing Truckers Threaten to 'Shut Down' NYC After Fraud Ruling…rs-threaten-to-shut-down-ny-city-after-fraud-ruling-n4926599
– social media, it even gained the attention of the former president. … “Such an honor to have so many Great Patriots on the side of freedom,” he posted on his Truth Social network on Sunday. … Lord has hit the proverbial nail on the head.…
Experts, Politicians Cite Dangers of Feds’ Planned Digital Currency…cians-cite-dangers-of-feds-planned-digital-currency-n4926633
–  I have reported more than once here on PJ Media about the Biden administration’s plans for a CBDC. … In fact, most ominous of all, America under Biden was one of the countries that signed on to the G20 plan for not only a digital currency … happened in Communist China and could happen in other countries that want a similar digital currency.Breitbart published a piece on
John Oliver Offers Bribe to Clarence Thomas to Ditch SCOTUS…ing-justice-clarence-thomas-a-bribe-to-ditch-scotus-n4926607
– Oliver went on to say about a multimillion-dollar tour bus that he added to the mix to sweeten the deal. … fine job on the bench. … And let's also hope that John Oliver retires from all forms of media ASAP. Like yesterday.…
Trump Has a Theory for Why Nikki Haley Is Staying in a Race She Can’t Win
– pretending that Republican primary voters are sending her the message that she must soldier on.In a campaign memo received by PJ Media … The brutal memo continues:Of course, like any wailing loser hell-bent on an alternative reality and refusing to come to grips with … On Super Tuesday, under this very favorable model for Nikki, President Trump would win 773 Delegates.…
CNN Reporter Asks Biden If Lack of GOP Support for Ukraine Aid Led to the Death of Navalny…support-for-ukraine-aid-led-to-the-death-of-navalny-n4926591
– President, would you go so far as to say that Alexei Navalny’s blood is on the hands of House Republicans right now?" Lee asked. … Fox News:CNN isn't the only member of the media that's placing blame on Republicans for Navalny's death. … But CNN is now more partisan in favor of Dems not only than MSNBC (which criticizes him on Israel) but even Biden himself: https://…
RNC Security Officer Who First Responded to J6 Pipe Bomb Claims Official Story 'Makes No Sense'…6-pipe-bomb-claims-official-story-doesnt-make-sense-n4926682
–  Why the silence on something of that nature? Seems like such a small thing to be secretive about. … To pull off something of that magnitude, you would have to have powerful individuals in on it. … “People need to have all the information to find out what was actually going on.…
Biden's LNG Export Ban Favors Russia and Is Bad For the Environment
– Joe Biden is giving himself whiplash on energy policy. … slavish devotion to the green lobby and its climate change hysteria is costing America billions in exports after Biden issued a ban on … The answer may lie in a paper from Cornell professor Robert Howarth that has received an outsized share of media attention.…
R.I. Teacher Warns That DHS-Funded 'Media Literacy' Program Will 'Indoctrinate Children'…edia-literacy-program-it-will-indoctrinate-children-n4926564
– of Rhode Island's Media Education Lab called Courageous RI. … the "Courageous Conversations" curriculum goes on to say. … to him as the "root cause of all social media and media disinformation" and inspiring violent extremism, citing Jan. 6 while ignoring…
Here's What We've Learned From the Fani Willis Hearings
– We discovered that she had to move from her home because of threats against her life — which Atlanta's extensive media never reported … She would take her answers to questions off on tangents as if she were trying to obfuscate. … McAfee put a stop to the hearing at the end of the day on Friday and began to look over the evidence from two days of testimony."…
The Morning Briefing: War on Women — Woke Medical Charlatans and Man Boob Milk Fantasies…woke-medical-charlatans-and-man-boob-milk-fantasies-n4926574
–  Yeah, I can feel it — if today's Briefing were on any rails, we would definitely be running off of them. …  Sanity is on the ballot in 2024, and none of its candidates are men who wear nursing pads to work. … It's free and it supports conservative media!…
They're Coming for Your Kids: Even Red State Parents Are Losing Their Children to Trans Ghoul Authorities…es-losing-their-children-to-trans-happy-authorities-n4926626
– wanting bathroom rights" to dominating women's sports, frequent violence, brutal assaults, and multiple mass shootings that the media … Since Jennifer was considered a suicide risk, she was put on 24/7 suicide watch. An aide was stationed outside her door. … state-sanctioned kidnapping.Jennifer was later sent to a group home in Montana where she was expected to remain for six to nine months, but on
Now We Know Who Convinced Joe Biden to Seek Reelection
– Even in 2020, his mental decline was obvious to anyone who watched him on the campaign trail. … But the inevitability of a one-and-done for Joe Biden prompted the media to openly speculate who might replace him as the Democratic … “On top of concerns about Mr.…
Is Nikki Haley About to Drop Out?
– She went on to lose big in the Nevada primary to "none of these candidates." … As if that wasn't embarrassing enough, polls show that she is on the verge of losing big in her home state of South Carolina — a state … On Monday night, her campaign sent out a media announcement that she intends to deliver a "State of the Race Speech" on Tuesday…
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