The Amy Coney Barrett Circus Is Going to Be Spectacular
Happy Monday, my Kruiser Morning Briefing compadres. This week is going to be just oozing Kumbaya, don’t you think?
Last week I mentioned to my colleagues in a private chat that I’ve been waiting for President Trump to nominate Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court like a kid waits for Christmas.
In a year like this, one has to really savor the enjoyable moments. There was much savoring to be done this past Saturday and — even though I know the Democrats are going to be extremely awful going forward — I know that there is going to be a lot to enjoy in the next couple of weeks.
I watched every leftist on Twitter melt down for an hour or so during and after the nomination the other day. It was another “hold my beer” moment. Every time I think that they can’t possibly get any worse, they go out of their way to prove me wrong.
One of the first lines of attack on Barrett was to say that she is a bad mother for being an accomplished professional.
My, how far feminism has come.
It got worse from there. The next bit of bottom-feeding was to go after the judge’s kids, because the liberals are nothing but class:
I noticed that a particularly nasty line of attack was developing against ACB Friday night on Twitter. A Democrat staffer and activist posted a thread pondering if the adoption process for her two Haitian-born children was legit. The person even implied that maybe the children were snatched up and taken out of Haiti by “ultra-religious Americans”.
As I have had to say all too many times in the last year: these people are filth.
There are two schools of thought going into the confirmation hearing.
Matt wrote about one over at Townhall. That theory holds that the Democrats are aware of the potential damage they can do to themselves by going after Barrett too hard. The optics of beating up on a devoutly religious mother aren’t going to serve them well with voters they need to win back in flyover country.

The other theory — which is the one I agree with — is that the Democrats won’t be able to resist being awful even though they know the risks. Anti-Catholic bigotry runs deep with the pro-aborts, after all. They’re frothing savages when it comes to fighting for their baby-killing rights. I can’t see them staying quiet.
The idea that the Democrats can suddenly stop on a dime and cease being the vile creatures they’ve become especially since 2017 seems a little far-fetched to me. These people are proud of their aberrant behavior. They are already in tantrum mode and that’s not going to get any better between now and the beginning of the hearing.
Plan on them being as awful as possible.
If I’m wrong, it will be a pleasant surprise.
But I won’t be wrong.
It’s All a Set-Up To Give Grandpa Gropes a COVID Excuse To Bail On the Debates
These ridiculously spaced TV interviews are performative virtue signaling at this point. That’s like 15 feet …
— Geoffrey Ingersoll (@GPIngersoll) September 27, 2020
First it was the salacious Woodward book
Then the discredited Atlantic Story
Today, a sham by the @nytimes
They will ignore Hunter’s corruption. They will ignore Joe’s dementia. The media will do this every day between now & the election. It’s disgusting. #JournalismIsDead
— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) September 28, 2020
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The Kruiser Kabana
Amsterdam at night
— Architecture Hub (@architecturehub) August 30, 2020
I’m really not sure how to pack for the gulag.
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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear twice a week.
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