The Morning Briefing: Democrats Are Bathing in Desperation and Flop-Sweat

AP Photo/Ted Shaffrey

Top O' the Briefing

Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Pesmerick flirted with the idea of becoming a hamster man before realizing that his true love was the zither. 


While it's true that I'm the one who is usually cautioning against irrational exuberance, this is still a newsletter, and sometimes it is just fun to talk about what's in the news. 

Especially if it's about angsty Democrats. 

Those who want Joe Biden to lose in November are in classic "if the election were held today" territory right now. It's as if Team Biden has hired Murphy's Law as a campaign consultant. Even the Dems' flying monkeys in the mainstream media are noticing that the house is on fire. 

This is from something Rick wrote yesterday:

"A pervasive sense of fear has settled in at the highest levels of the Democratic Party over President Joe Biden’s reelection prospects," begins a Politico article about the Democrat's "freakout" over Biden's listless campaign for reelection.

“You don’t want to be that guy who is on the record saying we’re doomed, or the campaign’s bad, or Biden’s making mistakes. Nobody wants to be that guy,” said a Democratic operative in close touch with the White House. 

They've known for a long time that Biden is a train wreck when out in public. What this means is that they're afraid that Donald Trump is about to move outside of the margin of magic mail-in ballots. It also means that the internal polling from the swing states is much worse than the public polls are letting on. 

Another thing it means is that they know that their corrupt legal assault on Trump isn't going to yield the results that they want, even if he's convicted by the Bragg/Merchan Soviet show trial jury. In fact, this is probably what's really sparking the uptick in concern. 


They had everything riding on the perversion of justice getting Trump out of their way, after all. Trump has been spinning all of the negativity into gold, however. His raucous good time in the Bronx to wrap up last week was probably the mother of all triggers to make them realize that he'll still be popular with regular voters even if he's in an orange jumpsuit. 

The Politico panic piece wasn't yesterday's biggest sign that Biden-Harris '24 is in freefall, though. The antics outside the Manhattan courthouse where Trump is being railroaded really added a clown car effect. 

This is from Victoria:

Joe Biden dispatched his political team to the microphones outside the courthouse where he sicced a DOJ transplant to prosecute his opponent, Donald Trump. Up to this point, the Biden regime gamely denied that this wasn't a political show trial, claiming that it was a legitimate prosecution based on legal payments that they of course had nothing to do with. 

But then he sent his political team to drum up votes outside the courthouse. Biden's attempt to troll Trump while he was in court fighting for his freedom against bizarre bookkeeping charges confirmed what we'd known all along. 

That's right; they held a campaign event at the courthouse. Even more bizarre, as Victoria notes, is that the stunt was kicked off with the insistence that they weren't there because of ORANGE MAN BAD being in the courtroom. There's video in Victoria's post, and it redefines awkward. It was just more daddy issues acting out from people who suffer from chronic Trump Derangement Syndrome. 


It's odd that, with so many entertainment industry people in the bag for them, Democrats don't understand the optics in situations like this. There should be someone involved in these decisions who can say, "Yeah, that's a lousy idea." Maybe some famous actor. 

Oh wait.  

Matt wrote this

The Biden campaign is panicking about the situation and decided to revise its strategy of largely ignoring the trial to sending actor Robert De Niro to the Manhattan courthouse to troll Trump.

OK, they're all a little too in the bag.

De Niro did nothing but add extra helpings of unhinged to the already ridiculous proceedings (Matt's got video of that). The sight of Hunter Biden snorting blow off of a hooker in the background might have actually classed up the sad affair. 

This isn't a campaign in crisis; it's a campaign in the midst of a nervous breakdown. 

Somewhere in the Pennsylvania night, the Magic Mail-In Ballot Machine groans under the weight of expectations. 

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Everything Isn't Awful

SFK of the Day

Robert De Niro Remains the Poster Boy for 'Just Shut Up and Sing'

"The ascent of Donald Trump to the top of the political food chain in America really brought out the celebrity commie chihuahuas, and they haven't stopped barking since 2016. Even after they got their desiccated husk of a puppet in the Oval Office in 2021, they kept yapping as if they were being tortured."


Shot of Vodka

Dear Mainstream Media: You're Squirming and We Love It

"The fear is palpable in stories ranging from gentle advice aimed at nudging Biden in a better direction politically to out-and-out panicmongering over Orange Man Bad that makes the anti-Trump stuff from 2016 and 2020 almost look sane in comparison."

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