Massachusetts Maniac Stabs Children, 'Laughing the Whole Time'

AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez

I have asked this before, and I will ask it again: Seriously, what is wrong with people?

You may have heard over the weekend about one Jared Ravizza, a 26-year-old crazy person who stabbed six people, including four young girls, in a rampage across Massachusetts.


He also might have killed a guy in Deep River, Conn., not long before.

According to the New York Post, Ravizza entered an AMC movie theater in Braintree and randomly attacked four girls between the ages of 9 and 17 years old with a knife, supposedly "laughing the whole time."

Fleeing the theater, Ravizza hauled his worthless behind to Plymouth, about 30 miles away, and attacked two employees of a McDonald's restaurant located at a rest stop.

Thankfully, none of his victims had life-threatening injuries.

The same cannot be said, unfortunately, for Bruce Feldman, whom Ravizza supposedly murdered in Deep River, about 120 miles and a two-hour drive west, earlier that day.

A different article from the Post suggested that Ravizza had been staying with Feldman for approximately two or three weeks, according to neighbors, and one described Ravizza as "an odd duck."

That's an understatement if I have ever heard one.

WFSB did some digging into his life, and Ravizza had apparently been a nutcase for a while.

He claimed to be a media mogul and influencer, and Beverly Hills Magazine wrote a puff piece about him last January, although the New Boston Post discovered that Ravizza paid them $350 to write it (which says something either about the quality of Beverly Hills Magazine or what people will do for a quick buck).


Ravizza apparently also attacked his father, Jason Ravizza (a Martha's Vineyard psychologist), in April, yammering to the cops about how his dad didn't love him and was trying to kill him, even foaming at the mouth like he was rabid as he ranted and raved about the deep state and how the Ravizzas helped form the United States with John Adams or something.

Jason told WFSB that his son "had just had a mental break."

No kidding, Mr. Ravizza, no kidding.

Jared was taken to a hospital for a mental health evaluation after this incident, but he supposedly "did not meet its standards for that, so he was released" by the hospital.

Bet those people feel dumb now.

A couple of people online, such as Libs of TikTok, claimed Jared is a transgender "woman," but nothing has been confirmed. However, his Instagram (which is still up, and his last post was less than a week ago as of this writing) does feature a "she" pronoun, and he appeared to start dressing more effeminately around December. Still, nothing seems to suggest that he was "transitioning."

Regardless, there is a mental health epidemic in this country, and fixing it will not be easy. However, if this guy was transgender, expect the mainstream media to bury it. 


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