This May Have Been the Biden Campaign’s Dumbest Idea Yet

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Donald Trump’s resilience in the polls as he endures the bogus trial in Manhattan has befuddled the political left.

"Why isn't Trump's trial hurting him?” leftists ask.


They can’t understand it because they’re so blinded by their hatred for Trump that they can’t see that his legal troubles don't stem from a fair justice system but a biased system motivated by politics. The polls prove it as they show that the public believes the criminal charges are politically motivated. 

The Biden campaign is panicking about the situation and decided to revise its strategy of largely ignoring the trial to sending actor Robert De Niro to the Manhattan courthouse to troll Trump.

“I don’t mean to scare you. No, wait, maybe I do mean to scare you,” De Niro said. “If Trump returns to the White House, you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted.”

Yeah, okay, buddy.

"And elections, forget about it. That's over. That's done,” he claimed. "If he gets in, I can tell you right now, he will never leave. He will never leave. You know that. He will never leave. What does that mean? Is that the country we want to live in? Do we want him running this country and saying ‘I'm not leaving I'm dictator for life.’"

Does anyone believe that? Does anyone remember Donald Trump refusing to abdicate power after the 2020 election despite the suspicious nature of Biden’s victory?


Related: Umm... Did Joe Biden Just Commit Another Crime to Protect Hunter?

"I hope this new ad campaign reaches outside the bubble to remind supporters of what a danger he is to our lives,” De Niro continued. "This is not a threat. This is a reality. And that's why I joined the Biden-Harris campaign. Because the only way to preserve our freedoms and hold on to our humanity is to vote for Joe Biden for president. We don't have a choice."

Several videos on social media show just how unhinged De Niro was; he not only had to speak over car honks and alarms but over jeers from locals.


Who at the Biden campaign thought this was a good idea? De Niro sounds like a kook, and sending a washed-up Hollywood actor on its behalf is pathetic. The Biden campaign’s strategy of pretending to be disconnected from the trial was a strategy that it should have stuck to. The only reason it has changed course is panic. As PJM’s Rick Moran previously reported, Democrats are freaking out over the election as Biden’s prospects for victory continually look bleak.

Related: Why a Hung Jury Is Likely in the Trump Case

As the election gets closer, the Biden campaign is likely to resort to even more desperate acts to reset its struggling campaign. Thanks to our VIP members’ support, we’re able to stay online and continue to bring you the unvarnished truth. If you’d like to join us in the fight to save this country from becoming a banana republic, please sign up here. Use the promo code SAVEAMERICA for a 50% discount on your annual membership. 


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