The Morning Briefing: Fauci's Pathetic, Low-Rent Mussolini Shtick Has Got to Go

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, Pool

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. We need a national conversation on what the heck the “sell by” date is all about.


Honestly, I have never understood the fascination with fall, October, and Halloween. It’s all a mystery to me. I almost feel bad for the big Halloween party fans this year, now that masks have been ruined by Joe Biden.

Seriously, the guy absolutely destroys everything he touches.

I wrote a couple of weeks ago about the fact that the mask-vaxxers keep finding new lows for their mental instability to hit. These people are truly unwell, and the prognosis for recovery doesn’t look good.

One of the central flaws of the sales pitch that the mask-vaxxers keep giving the American public is that they want us to be safe — or safer — from the pandemic.

I call bull****.

They’re loving the power grabs, the fake virtue, and the hip-pocket excuse to screw around with elections. This is like a Super Bowl that never ends for the lefty fans of big government. The Wuhan Chinese Bat Flu has become the BFF that most of them never had.

The person with the biggest vested interest in keeping the drama going is the dictatorial snake-oil salesman, Anthony Fauci. The alleged physician is a pathological attention whore who has been turned into the kind of celebrity that only the diseased minds of American leftists could create. Appearing on the Sunday shows has become his crack and he is a full-on addict.

Stacey wrote yesterday about Little Prince Panic’s latest preening for the cameras. While being interviewed by Margaret Brennan on Face the Nation, Fauci once again presumed that he is in a position to recommend what Americans do when it comes to spending time with our families:


Fauci responded, “Well, Margaret, I believe just the way the CDC has recommended. That when you are in a situation where you have a dynamics of virus in the community, where there’s clearly a lot of spread, even if you are vaccinated, and you are in an indoor setting, a congregate setting, it just makes sense to wear a mask. And to avoid high-risk situations.” Unless, of course, you are attending the Emmys, Barack Obama’s birthday party, or the Met Gala–or if you are San Francisco Mayor London Breed. Then you can drink, nosh, and dance maskless to your heart’s content.

Brennan then asked if Americans could gather for Christmas or if it was too soon to tell. Fauci responded, “You know, Margaret, it’s just too soon to tell. We’ve just got to concentrate on continuing to get those numbers down and not try to jump ahead by weeks or months and say what we’re going to do at a particular time. Let’s continue to focus like a laser to get those cases down.”

He gets worse and, as usual, Stacey goes into great detail about why Fauci and his ilk are fools.

One of my few misgivings about Trump’s presidency is that he didn’t use his signature “You’re fired!” phrase enough. Fauci should have been canned or marginalized long before Joe Biden was able to begin occupying the Oval Office. He was an annoying petty tyrant in 2020, and now Biden has turned him into a monster.

Enough, already. It’s time for this un-American dictator to be deposed.

Now let’s get back to making our holiday plans without consulting the fascists.


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