The Morning Briefing: Biden Takes His COVID Tyranny to a Disturbing New Level

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. I’m in the mood for an expensive robe and an antechamber.

Our long COVID nightmare isn’t going to go away, is it? I don’t mean the virus itself — those things never really go away. I am, of course, referring to all of the tyrannical politicians who have made COVID panic-porn their raison d’être.


One Joseph Robinette Biden comes to mind.

Biden would never have gotten to play Occupy Oval Office had the Wuhan Chinese Bat Flu not arrived in America during a presidential election year. He knows that and has been conducting himself as if he owes the virus a debt of gratitude and is determined to keep fear of it alive. It’s his Precious. It’s also the perfect vehicle to help the big-government fetishists glom onto all the power they can, even if they don’t deserve it.

It is also a convenient thing to blame for Biden’s myriad failures.

Yesterday, Biden walked all over the United States Constitution on his way to the podium to make the big play you just know his handlers have been waiting to have him do. Stacey covered it for us:

Democrats believe that experts whom you have no confidence in should rule you, and that the government is responsible for you from the cradle to the grave. Because of this decidedly paternalistic view, President Joe Biden made good on his promise to unveil a new plan to get COVID-19 under control–a plan that includes a vaccine mandate for companies with more than 100 employees.

He opened his speech today by expressing confidence that we could “turn the tide” on COVID-19. According to CDC data, we already have. Cases and deaths are declining:

Ol’ Gropes is using every kind of federal threat and coercion at his disposal to harass the American public into bending to his will. OK, he hasn’t threatened to send troops into the homes of private citizens to forcefully vaccinate them, but it’s a safe bet he and his handlers have at least joked about it.


Not that Biden has the mental capacity to remember that far back, but Matt reminds us that the president wasn’t a fan of these onerous mandates not so very long ago:

In the wake of the news that Joe Biden plans to mandate COVID vaccinations for federal workers and for private businesses with 100 or more employees unless they do weekly testing, it’s worth reminding you that it was less than a year ago—eight months, in fact—that Joe Biden opposed both vaccine and mask mandates.

“No, I don’t think it should be mandatory. I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory,” Biden said of vaccines. “But I would do everything in my power — just like I don’t think masks have to be made mandatory nationwide — I will do everything in my power as president of the United States to encourage people to do the right thing. And when they do it, demonstrate that it matters.”

My, what a difference an ongoing international blunder with a body count will make.

Biden obviously wants to play the benevolent dictator, but the Republican National Committee and several GOP governors quickly vowed to fight this latest overreach.

Let’s hope that they’re all serious about that because this parade of power-grabbing needs to come to an abrupt halt.

I will keep repeating this: none of this is about public health. In fact, the messaging on that is — and has been — rather nonsensical:

Joe Biden’s speech on COVID was bizarrely incoherent.

He told the American people without qualification that fully vaccinated people are at incredibly low risk: “Only 1 out of every 160,000 fully vaccinated Americans was hospitalized for COVID per day.”

Then he promised to shield them against the evil people who are threatening their very lives: “We’re going to protect the vaccinated from unvaccinated coworkers.”

But Joe, you just said the vaccinated were already protected!


Keep your laws off my body, Democrats.

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