The Morning Briefing: Teachers' Unions Are Heading for the Ninth Circle of Hell

AP Photo/Mark Lennihan

Top O’ the Briefing

Teachers’ Unions Are Full of Some of the Worst People Ever

Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. I don’t believe that shuffleboard is real.


Today we are revisiting a topic that I really wish we didn’t have to, but it’s my job to rail against the ongoing awful that is Joe Biden’s America. While it is true that teachers’ unions have always been horrible, the pandemic has made them even worse, which I didn’t think was possible. It’s also exposed them to people who may have previously bought in to the “all teachers are saints” myth that has been shoved down our throats by Democrats and their flying monkeys in the media for decades.

They’ve become even worse since President Puppet began his occupation of the Oval Office because public sector unions are always emboldened when Democrats are in power. They know that they can let their perpetually corrupt freak flags fly without any repercussions.

I referenced Dante’s Ninth Circle of Hell, which, for those who need a refresher, is all about treachery and betrayal.

Oh, it’s also the circle in which Satan lives.

Teachers’ unions have been all about treachery and betrayal, especially the last several months. They’ve been betraying the children of America whose lives and futures we’ve entrusted to them.

Victoria wrote a post yesterday detailing the latest treachery:

San Diego parents who are fighting in court to get their kids back in school in person are now outraged to learn that kids who just came over the border are getting in-person instruction from some of the very teachers union members who have said the COVID-19 pandemic is too dangerous for in-person learning.

Fox News reports that the San Diego County Office of Education said it was “providing the educational program for the unaccompanied migrant children” because “we have a moral obligation to ensure a bright future for our children.”

The “moral obligation” to teach the San Diego citizen students in-person was left on the cutting-room floor somewhere between trips to court and labor negotiations over COVID fears.

Happily, teachers’ fears are now miraculously extinguished as some of them will be spending spring break teaching the children who were just brought by cartels and other nefarious characters to flood the border and come into the US illegally.


Isn’t that just lovely?

We’ve been hearing from the teachers since last summer that their lives would be in peril if they got near any children and actually did their damn jobs. Teachers in the cesspool that is our nation’s capital protested with fake body bags to illustrate the life-or-death choices their jobs supposedly present.

Apparently, it’s only American children who are going to give teachers the Wuhan Bat Flu and the randos who illegally cross the border are granted some sort of magical immunity by the Fauci Fairy.

Put mildly, these people are full of whichever animal excrement you prefer to say people are full of.

It is important to note that even I don’t think all union teachers are evil. Their union masters are though. And, as my friend Larry O’Connor points out over at Townhall, the good teachers need to start speaking out against and challenging their greedy (Dante’s Fourth Circle), corrupt, and treacherous leadership.

If they don’t, the Ninth Circle awaits.

Let’s Stop Pretending That Union Teachers Are Saints

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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author ofDon’t Let the Hippies ShowerandStraight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear twice a week.



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