Biden Is Back…Or Is He?
I’ve just been waiting to write that for a while.
As we discussed here a couple of weeks ago, what Trump really needed was to hit the road again and begin to goad Joe Biden’s handlers to into letting him out of the basement so the public could see just how bad things have gotten.
Christmas showed up in June this year and Team Biden announced on Monday that it is willing to go ahead with the debate schedule that was agreed upon pre-pandemic. This is a gift horse with its mouth WIDE open and I probably shouldn’t peek into it but I am curious.
As we are all aware, Biden has been thriving during his pandemic time out of the live public eye. He has these train-wreck scripted video appearances that are very selectively edited by the MSM before they’re sent a-traveling down the memory hole. His minimal exposure to the public has greatly contributed to the ridiculous polling we are currently seeing.
I was convinced that Team Biden was going to lobby every which way to keep him not only off of the campaign trail, but especially off of a debate stage with President Trump. I truly thought that they would play the COVID card just to keep Biden as far away from the spotlight as possible.
My bad.
Honestly, I don’t get the Biden campaign’s calculation here. True, they probably couldn’t have kept him sequestered forever, but to agree to the full slate of debates seems unnecessary.

AP Photo/Susan Walsh
I mean, have they not seen any of Biden’s basement videos?
On his best days right now, Joe Biden is barely there. Many people don’t want to touch on this because they believe it’s all about a rapid cognitive decline. I truly believe that Biden has always been like this and people didn’t notice it because he wasn’t about to waltz into the Oval Office.
Two things are unequivocally true about these upcoming debates:
1: Trump is absolutely going to crush the drooling idiot in the Joe Biden suit.
2: The MSM will say that the opposite happened.
Point 2 is the only reason I can see Biden’s camp going forward with this. Biden has been so awful with the tightly scripted stuff these past few months that they cannot possibly be comfortable with him getting out in public and speaking extemporaneously. I can only think that they are so cocky about how the MSM will spin Biden’s performances that they’re willing to risk it.
Other than the first Democratic primary debate when Kamala Harris had her fifteen minutes in the spotlight and went after him, Biden was largely given the kid-gloves treatment from the MSM after that. He was never good in any of the debates. If they’re willing to play make-believe like that in the primaries, there is no doubt they’ll spin themselves dizzy for Biden when he’s debating Trump.

(AP Photo, File)
You know what? Let them. Trump and Biden head to head in a debate is the palate cleanser this plague campaign needs. This election will turn on a few discerning voters in flyover country. They’ll get to see Joe Biden for what he is this way.
Beijing says it will respond if Washington keeps targeting Chinese media
— Reuters (@Reuters) June 23, 2020
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Smells Like Onion
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The Kruiser Kabana
The Great Cover Up
— Perfectly Timed Pics (@PicsPerfectly) June 22, 2020
Ed McMahon once said in an interview that Carson hinted beforehand that this line was going to kill. He didn’t tell him what it was. McMahon also said that this is the most popular Carnac line ever. I’ve got one I like better and I’m still looking for it.
OK, here’s Ed’s story about it.
None of this is real. Except for the part where all of it is.
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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear twice a week.
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