Results for: On Media

Mumbai on Pajamas Media
– José Guardia (Barcepundit) working in Spain while we are asleep, we tend to be ahead of the blogosphere and often the mainstream mediaon breaking stories like this.…
Pajamas Media on XM
– Pajamas Media (who host the Glenn and Helen Show podcast) a href=””will have … campaign talk show – premiering Thursday, September 27 at 6PM Eastern/3PM Pacific on XM Satellite Radio’s P.O.T.U.S. ‘08 Channel 130 … /blockquotebr /br /If you have XM, catch the show on Thurdays at 6 PM Eastern/3 PM Pacific and hear what we have to say.…
Medved on Media Bias
– Last week we linked to a Stefan Sharkansky piece on Michael Medved. Yesterday, Stefan uploaded video of his interview with Medved. It’s well worth watching, although you may find that the sound varies in level quite a bit–so keep your volume control in sight.
Commenting Changes on PJ Media
– Use promo code SAVEAMERICA for a 40% discount on your annual subscription. … Townhall Media Townhall Media If you would like to change your profile image, you can do so by signing up at using the … – PJ Media Staff…
Election Calendars on Pajamas Media
– We have put up some election calendars on PJM – World and US – to follow electoral contests globally. (US includes primaries and will eventually have more detail.). I haven’t seen anything similar elsewhere. Let me know you if you have. Suggestions for additions welcome. Thanks.
Couric Genuflects On Media Blowback
– Katie Couric finally comes to her senses; it’s good to see her beginning to understand how much damage the Spinal Tap, all-amps-on-11, all-the-time tone regarding the White House has caused legacy journalism
BROCK ON FOX: Media Research
– BROCK ON FOX: Media Research Center’s CyberAlert for 03/19/2002 has a transcription of David Brock’s recent appearance on Fox New…
MEDIA WATCH: Found on the
MEDIA WATCH: Found on the Media Research Center’s CyberAlert page, it speaks volumes about television news when a comedian asks better … questions than anchormen: The host of a comedy show posed tougher questions to conservative-basher David Brock on Tuesday night…
PJ Media on Hannity Thursday
– v=vMWPWTv5kCs I will be appearing on Hannity Thursday night along with PJ Media contributor Hans von Spakovsky at 9 p.m. … It scored the second highest per-screen average at the box office on its opening weekend. … “The American people agree on the importance of cleaning up government corruption.…
– MARK STEYN ON THE MEDIA and how they’ve covered Susan Lindauer, the journalist and Democratic staffer charged with working for Saddam … Steyn writes it’s no wonder why “the media are held in such low regard by the public–in polls of the most respected professions we … Will the media learn?…
– Ranck And File and the Mudville Gazette each have great roundups of links on how the media has handled the discovery that a Democratic … staffer and former journalist was apparently on Saddam Hussein’s payroll. … Clay Ranck wrote, “I am amazed at how blatant the media spin on behalf of the Democrats has become”. I agree.…
– ORSON SCOTT CARD ON MEDIA BIAS: What makes the liberal bias in the mainstream media so pernicious is that they deny that they’re…
This Year on Pajamas Media
– Last year I posted my Oscar screener reviews on NRO. This year (no surprise) I will be doing it Sundays on the Pajamas Site. The first round-up (Capote, Walk the Line and Batman Begins) is up now. You can use the space below to attack my paltry...
Hot Media Story on Pajamas tomorrow
– I can’t tell what it is because we have embargoed it until noon tomorrow Eastern, nine Pacific, to give the target a chance to respond. It’s the polite thing to do, doncha know, although I am not convinced they would do the same with us. I also suspect...
Americans Slam News Media On Believability
– Your medium is dying, Charles Johnson informs the legacy media: Sacred Heart University in Connecticut has conducted a poll on Americans…
Glenn Reynolds — Now on Pajamas Media!
– But we are pleased to announce today that he has donned an extra pair of jammies and stepped fully inside the Pajamas Media portal … The very latest Instapundit posts now appear on our front page — and Instapundit has a new URL:…
Mainstream Media Picking on Bloggers... Again
– and news coverage with the establishment media. … She reported it on a well-visited blog, making big news. … We on the other hand need to let loose that flower power.…
Welcome to RogerLSimon on Pajamas Media
– It just got to the point that the CEO of Pajamas Media had to be on the PJM servers.  So here I am.…
Interview: Brian Anderson on media freedom
– ie=UTF8tag=wwwviolentkicomlinkCode=as2camp=1789creative=9325creativeASIN=1594032289″ em A Manifesto for Media Freedom. … important;” / Anderson discusses his new book, the mainstream media, the Fairness Doctrine, and what to do to produce a freer and … downloading needed — by a href=””going here/a and clicking on
Pajamas Media on NRA News tonight
– My latest PJM special report landed me a spot on NRA News tonight at 10:40 Eastern. Public Sector Unions: Not as Advertised A number of public employee unions support gun control. They also support other forms of anti-Liberty attacks. If you want to be more conversant when discussing why public...
Elon Musk Takes on Media Matters…itism-with-defamation-lawsuit-against-media-matters-n4924103
– Elon Musk has gone to war with the far-left hate organization Media Matters, attacking the front for the Democratic Party on X, in … With the damages left open-ended, it leaves room for Musk and his team to accumulate more information on the damage Media Matters has … Media Matters Complaint by PJ Media on Scribd…
Amber Heard Embarks on Media Attention Tour
– launched a media attention tour. … The full interview drops on Friday. This should be entertaining. … Not even Smollett went on a media tour after being found guilty in court. Even he knew better than to do that.…
Media Botches Story on Obama's NASA Plans
– We’ve all played it, as kids or adults, perhaps at parties. Take a group of people, have one of them write something down on a piece of paper, and whisper it in someone’s ear. Then the whisperee passes it on to the next person via the same method of communication,...