Results for: On Media

The Judge Won't Allow Stormy Daniels' Arrest to Be Brought Up in Trump NYC Trial…daniels-arrest-to-be-brought-up-in-trump-nyc-trial-n4928903
On this day, a woman who acts in dirty movies was on the witness stand to explain why she has it out for Donald Trump, what she was … The commenters on these Trump Trial stories are notable and quotable which is where I got those turns of phrase. … Your subscription allows you to comment on stories and have a front-row seat for our special VIP coverage.…
Finally: D.C. Police Move in and Clear Anti-Israel Protest Camp at GWU
– the private property on which the school was located.What happened next could only happen in the media-saturated capital of the United …  On Tuesday night, the demonstrators marched to university president Ellen M. … “It is well past time for District officials to intervene and protect all students on campus,” Rep.…
We're Only Just Beginning to Understand the Extent of Biden's Censorship Regime…to-go-with-your-inflation-tax-hikes-and-global-wars-n4928864
– Jim Jordan's (R-Ohio) Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government released an 800-page report that reads like …  When I started writing for PJ Media, it was with the hopes of addressing a wider audience. … Instead of broadcasting to a wide audience, we increasingly rely on narrowcasting to a cadre of dedicated VIP subscribers.…
'I Have Learned to Cut Throats': The Specter of ISIS Lives on in Western Countries…ts-the-spectre-of-isis-lives-on-influencing-muslims-n4928821
– (The incident was captured on video — much to Australia’s chagrin.)Most spectacularly, on Mar. 22, Muslim terrorists with automatic … On Jan. 4, 2024, the “caliphate” called on Muslims to terrorize and slaughter Christians and Jews, “wherever and whenever.” … Break into their homes, kill them and steal their peace of mind by any means you can lay hands on. ...…
Michelle's Dinner With MAGA
On the surface. … The Left and, in particular, the media, have spent years in the heart of the Misty Mountains. …  Why should we pity Kosinski, who seems to be rightfully choking on a cold cup of reality?…
'Trophy' San Francisco Office Complex Goes on Life Support as This Tech Giant Leaves
– payment on their maturing debt. … Help PJ Media keep you out of the doom loop by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters. … You need independent news and analysis, and we need to keep the lights on.…
Bombshell Evidence Proves That the FBI Staged the Infamous Mar-a-Lago Raid Photo…ce-proves-fbi-staged-infamous-mar-a-lago-raid-photo-n4928850
– Who can forget that infamous photograph from the Biden Justice Department of the raid on Mar-a-Lago that showed a pile of documents … with “Secret” and “Top Secret” cover sheets messily strewn about on the floor? …  Kelly quotes Jay Bratt, who was serving as the lead DOJ prosecutor on the investigation at the time of the raid and is now on
The Morning Briefing: Stormy Weather — Merchan No Longer Biggest Sleazebag in His Courtroom…erchan-no-longer-biggest-sleazebag-in-his-courtroom-n4928839
–  That seems like a decision that one wouldn't need to sleep on to make. … It's free and it supports conservative media! …  NC Gun Owners Call on Lawmakers to Pass Constitutional CarryCornyn Engages in Damage Control on ATF New RuleAnti-Semitism on
How 'Woke' Social Conditioning Almost Cost My Friend His Life and Is Killing Our Nation
– He was a good liberal who didn't pass judgment on a threatening person simply because of the man's skin color. … There have been 90 attacks on American soil dedicated to Allah since 9/11, killing 181 Americans. …  Hundreds more attacks were foiled.PJ Media will never deceive you.…
Satanism at Eurovision — and Other Places
– Although on a superficial level, they do. … It is the expectation that every person on the planet will conform to the gender, pronoun, or even species one is embracing on a particular …  Setting aside the debates over incest, rape, or health concerns, those championing elective abortions are also fixated on the…
Monday's Conspiracy Theory About Joe Biden Is Tuesday's Fact
– "Too late," my RedState colleague Bonchie posted to Twitter/X on Monday. … an unprecedented wartime hold on an ammunition shipment to Israel.If that sounds familiar, it's exactly what I wrote on Monday that … You need independent news and analysis, and we need to keep the lights on.…
Legislator Who Backed N.Y. Bill Used Against Trump Now Opposes It After The Tables Turned on Him
– penalties.Parker was accused of allegedly raping Olga Jean-Baptiste in her home in 2004 while she was working with the State Senator on … However, the license plate # on the placard does not match the vehicle. … college campuses and was the backer of a separate bill that mandated that law enforcement review New York state residents' social media
Columbia Cancels Main Commencement Due to 'Safety Concerns'
– Based on feedback from our students, we have decided to focus attention on our Class Days and school-level graduation ceremonies, where … What matters is the media focus.Spokesman Ben Chang said the security concerns around the commencement ceremony “proved insurmountable … Unless administrators are willing to give the protesters what they want or let the police loose on the students, there's little they…
The Morning Briefing: The Dems' Alternative Reality Gets Weirder by the Day…he-dems-alternative-reality-gets-weirder-by-the-day-n4928815
– Biden and his DOJ goon squad have been going on and on about a domestic terror threat from White Trump supporters. … It's free and it supports conservative media! … ESPN Writer Whines About Tom Brady RoastVIPBecome part of the PJ Media VIP party by subscribing here.…
Google Banned Trump Ad Targeting Black Voters
– Last week, a pro-Trump campaign ad went viral on social media, though not entirely for good reasons.The ad itself, which targets black … looked and it's now been removed.Super PAC spent over $15K targeting it at specific communities near Macon, GA after launching it on … violation.All four of the ads highlighted below were flagged in my tweet from yesterday and it appears they've all been turned back on
I Never Thought I'd Be This Grateful for a Rapper Feud and the Goofy Met Gala Clothes…ul-for-a-rapper-feud-and-the-goofy-met-gala-clothes-n4928833
– That's why catching up on its particular weirdness is a palate cleanser for me. … I keep up on all facets of entertainment pretty much by just perusing Twitter/X. … It's free and it supports conservative media!  Subscribe…
Experts Warn U.S. Against Europe’s ‘Green’ Energy Mistakes
– Experts are warning the United States of America against following Europe’s disastrous policy of dependence on expensive and unreliable … Yet Europe made the foolish decision to become increasingly dependent on “green” energy, and under the Biden administration America … European voters are waking up to the fact they have been lied to by the climate propagandists (their politicians and leftist media)…
Illegal Arrested for Assaulting a Minor in Florida
– If anything, the mother showed enough restraint to call the cops on Perez Lopez, and he was lucky the victim's father wasn't the one … to find him.Naturally, when police came by for questioning on Friday, he ran off like the coward he was, only to be caught the next … caught by Border Patrol, processed, and released, reaching the Sunshine State by the end of the month with a court date for 2027.On
What Did the White House Know About the Hamas Ceasefire and When Did They Know It?…about-the-hamas-ceasefire-and-when-did-they-know-it-n4928801
– Too late," my RedState colleague Bonchie posted to Twitter/X on Monday. … ," PJ Media's own Rick Moran reported on Sunday. … You need independent news and analysis, and we need to keep the lights on.…
Jon Stewart Says Biden Is Too 'F***ing Old' to Be President and... Hello, Math Much?…is-too-fing-old-to-be-president-and-hello-math-much-n4928798
– We didn't even need prophets to foretell us — it's on the calendar. … Help PJ Media teach lefties how to count by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters. … You need independent news and analysis, and we need to keep the lights on.…
The Morning Briefing: Yeah, President Joe Is Getting Dumber
– His puppet masters can pull the strings on any commie initiatives that they want. … It's free and it supports conservative media! …  Survey: Texas Hispanics Support Abbott's Border Crackdown, Jumping on the Trump Train#WINNING.…
BREAKING: Judge Merchan Fines Trump Again, Threatens Him With Jail Time
– Judge Juan Merchan, the Biden-donor judge presiding over Donald Trump's criminal trial in New York City, announced on Monday his intention … In the first statement, made on April 22, Trump said, "And when are they going to look at all the lies that Cohen did in the last trial … But he said Trump’s “continued, wilful” violations of the gag order amounted to a “direct attack on the rule of law.”…
Trump Isn't the Only One Silenced at His Trial…stop-the-nyc-trump-case-isnt-allowed-to-testify-why-n4928777
– So did many PJ Media readers. I told them I'd look into it. … Readers of PJ Media know the drill. … Joe Biden was in on that one as well.…
Warren Buffett: Your Taxes Will Go Up to Pay for Biden's Spending
– Forget Buffett's warning that tax hikes are "likely" on the way. … Help PJ Media tell the truth about taxes by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters. … You need independent news and analysis, and we need to keep the lights on.…
Bragg’s Case Against Trump Is Imploding Fast
–  "Absolutely…I don’t think he wanted anyone in his family to be hurt or embarrassed about anything on the campaign. … With Hicks on the stand, prosecutors dwelled interminably on the infamous "Access Hollywood" tape. … It has no bearing on the case, mind you, except to smear Trump with irrelevant and prejudicial information.…
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