Former MSNBC, ABC News, and Bloomberg hack Mark Halperin is trying to survive in independent media, which is probably not going to end well for him career-wise.
Recently, he hosted Dr. Glenn Burnett to discuss the psychological issues afflicting the TDS hordes in the wake of the dawn of America’s Golden Age.
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Via Mediaite (emphasis added):
A Wyoming doctor told Mark Halperin Thursday evening many of his patents are in crisis after President Donald Trump took office for a second time last month.
Internal medicine physician Glenn Burnett joined Halperin on 2WAY Tonight, where he compared the mental health of patients he has treated since Trump won the 2024 election to those he saw after the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks.
Burnett explained his patients are from “all walks of life” before Halperin noted he was concerned before the election that a Trump win might cause untold voters to become “deeply troubled.”…
The doctor lamented that elections are held every four years just before the holidays and said he had seen a great deal of patients who had cut family members off since the election*.
*This is a phenomenon that I have experienced in my personal life. In 2016, around Christmastime — even though I wasn’t even a Trump supporter and had never said anything in favor of his candidacy in public at the time — an immediate family member accused me in the most vicious terms of being responsible for Hillary Clinton’s historic-glass-ceiling-shattering anointment because I listened to the wrong media and because I had posted true and disturbing clips of things that Clinton has done and said over the years on my personal Facebook account, as if that was what swayed the election.
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Cutting off and attacking family members for their political persuasions is pathological, and it’s almost universally committed by liberals on their conservative or even, in my case, ideologically non-conforming relatives.
More from the doctor:
What has happened is I am just bombarded with all kinds of things all the time. I would say, to be fair, to set it up, when Biden was the president, I had all kinds of stuff from the other side. But it has been extremely intense. The last – the week or two after the election was pretty intense. It then calmed down, and now it’s really back up.
We are dealing with depression, anxiety, all kinds of medical problems that are related to that, like insomnia, chest pain, chest pressure. And then people are — there’s some genuine fear, panic. I hear things from people all the time that I just — I don’t want to repeat because they’re — people, I don’t think would believe me. That just people have these very, very severe anxieties about what is going to happen to them. And it is affecting their lives…
I was a physician during 9/11 and it was like this then ... people are having real crises.
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