Results for: On Media

Exclusive: J6 Prisoner Highlights Unconstitutional Treatment
– He also claimed that he was about to lose out on his third chance at bond because the prison was going on lockdown and wouldn’t move … repeatedly on Jan. 6. … As Lang has yet to go to trial despite three years of incarceration, no court has ruled on his actions.…
Jerks on Planes
– I don't usually recline my seat because I don't want to put my head on the lap of the passenger behind me. … Don't scream on your phone. … Cut out these guys and go direct with a PJ Media VIP Membership.…
How Is Perjurious Fauci Goon Dr. Peter Morens Still Free?
– Kevin Downey Jr. reported for PJ Media on this subject several days ago, but I’d just like to follow up with a rhetorical question: …           Related: Fauci Flunky Admits to Deleting COVID EmailsVia House Committee on Oversight: … Today, the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released a staff memorandum titled “Allegations of Wrongdoing and Illegal…
CNN Needs Trump Back in the White House. Like, Really Bad.
– “CNN’s new name is Cancelled Network Now,” a media insider quipped. … , “I know it’s cliché to say, but Thompson is rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. … But maybe his old media playbook will work.”In the end, it’s obvious to me that CNN needs Donald Trump back in the White House.…
The Morning Briefing: So Much for the Lawfare—Trump Rocks the Bronx…iefing-so-much-for-the-lawfaretrump-rocks-the-bronx-n4929288
– Wherever he is in the world, Donald Trump is the center of the American media universe. … It's free and it supports conservative media! …  Former ATF Official Slams USA Today Report on U.S.…
Don't Laugh: Here's How Joe Could Pull Off a 'Heroic' Escape from the Brutal 2024 Campaign
– If Joe plays his cards right, when Jill is off to work maybe he can con one of the female Secret Service agents on his detail to "guard …  The media could frame this as a father falling on the sword for his son. What a story for the ages! … I think it's a 50-50 proposition at this point.You can all be the big winner when you become a PJ Media VIP.…
Environmentalists Can't Find Their Way Out of a Brown Paper Bag
– not as if there aren't more important things to tend to in the state with most of the nation's homeless camping on … Cut out these guys and go direct with a PJ Media VIP Membership. … And, I'll let you in on a little secret. I love to your read the comments for story ideas.  …
New Footage of the Scottie Scheffler Incident Tells a Different Story Than the Police Report…ent-tells-a-different-story-than-the-police-account-n4929290
– Bryan Gillis, who said he tried to stop Scheffler and later arrested him, did not turn his body camera on during the incident, but … personnel stopped a bus from entering Gate 1,” Gillis wrote in a section of a form asking him to document what would have been captured on … uniforms and equipment, which was noted on a performance observation form in line with the department’s disciplinary protocol.”At…
The Left Can't Meme, but the Biden Campaign Still Wants to Try
– Somebody hasn’t learned the lesson that Democrats are bad at trying to be funny.The posting on Daybook states:The Biden for President … The ideal candidate for this role is passionate about bringing political content to voters where they already are on the internet. … Memes don’t come down from on high; they’re organic.…
Does It Matter if We’re in a Recession or Not When Most People Think We Are?…in-a-recession-or-not-when-most-people-think-we-are-n4929254
– It was a crazy strategy, but since leftists dominate the mainstream media, they colluded with the White House to push the idea that … However, Krugman wasn't the only person in the media pushing the narrative that a recession is whatever the Biden White House says … it is.Flashback: The Media Is Colluding With the Biden Administration to Redefine RecessionLet's face it, for all the controversy…
An Alternate Theory Explaining Havana Syndrome Illnesses
– waves" theory, but the idea that our diplomats had come under attack wouldn't die.As recently as last month, a "60 Minutes" segment on … known throughout the government, it set off a feeling of general unease so that any symptoms of any kind for any reason suddenly took on … The kind of conservative analysis of vital issues facing America we feature at PJ Media is desperately needed.…
Watch This and Tell Me You Still Think Biden Wants to Debate Trump
– They were eager for a brawler on the debate stage, and Biden fit the bill. … He was rude and constantly interrupted Ryan, barely letting him get a word in edgewise during his speaking time, but the media praised … Biden also lost track of when it was his turn to call on a reporter.…
This GOP Governor Revealed the Truth About Newsom, Cuomo, and I Can't Stop Laughing…e-truth-about-newsom-cuomo-and-i-cant-stop-laughing-n4929305
– Speaking at the Reagan Institute Summit on Education in D.C. on Thursday, the sometimes combative governor didn't mince words when … Or as Jake Snake posted on X this morning, "Finally something I agree with Sununu on." … Help PJ Media identify the pr***s and jack***es in their native habitats by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters.…
'Unwoke' Free-for-All #71: Joe Biden Wants Poor People to Starve
– The Biden administration blamed it on COVID for as long as they could, but there is nowhere for them to hide now. … If you’d like to take a ride on Brokeback the Magic Mescaline Pony and join us on the other side, you can subscribe to VIP here. … It's free and it supports conservative media!  Subscribe…
Experts: Green Energy Would Take Up to Half of U.S. Land
– now provided by more reliable and inexpensive energy sources, according to Heartland Institute president James Taylor in a recent media … Wrightstone agreed with Taylor’s assessment, explaining just how permanently devastating “green” energy is to the land and ocean on … As the three experts on the call agreed in statements that I previously covered, there is no climate crisis and moderate global…
Here's Why Polling Really Stinks Sometimes
– Political experts on both sides of the aisle say that if the election were held today, he’d win. … The poll made zero sense and was an outlier, but the media couldn’t help but pounce on it.Last month, Newsweek once again played up … And, another one has popped up that you can bet the media is going to be excited about.Recommended: The Election Is Coming!…
The Morning Briefing: Leftists Continue to Try and Normalize Deviants and Criminals…ontinue-to-try-and-normalize-deviants-and-criminals-n4929253
– I admitted I was ambivalent about him when he first got into office, but he grew on me. … As I said, they're all on the same page. … It's free and it supports conservative media!…
Summer Music List: The Artists That Best Represent Summer to Me…part-1-the-artists-that-best-represent-summer-to-me-n4929295
– I saw them last weekend, and they put on one of the best shows that I’ve seen in a long time.Here’s a sampling of some of their songs … “Love and Sunsets” is my all-time favorite ZBB song, and you can find it on the band’s criminally underrated 2021 album “The Comeback … “Son of a Son of a Sailor” is a bona fide Buffett classic, but I’ve always enjoyed the live versions that feature Nadirah Shakoor on
Congress Continues Antisemitism Theater With Northwestern, President on the Hot Seat…ge-presidents-feet-to-the-fire-is-good-for-the-soul-n4929307
–  In truth, the committee has yet to get serious about antisemitism on campus. … If they did, they'd bore in on why the Palestinian cause on campus is so well funded and investigate just who is doing the funding.Rep …  The Qatar embassy released a statement Thursday on social media stating that for months, "Qatar has been the target of disinformation…
Biden Is Still Off the Ohio Ballot, and That Could Tip the Senate to the GOP…hio-ballot-and-that-might-tip-the-senate-to-the-gop-n4929258
– , but both states have since resolved the matter to allow him to be listed on the ballots. … "You know, this is not going to be a situation where the president’s name is not on the ballot. … , is not that Republicans in the Ohio state legislature are trying to block Biden from appearing on the ballot.…
Georgia Voters Do the Right Thing on Primary Night
On Tuesday, Georgia voters went to the polls for primary elections in a slew of statewide and local races. … jurist, against John Barrow, a slimy former Democrat congressman who pledged to politicize the court if voters elected him to a spot on … What we do here at PJ Media is important, and your support allows us to do what we do.Won’t you become a PJ Media VIP to help us continue…
The Biden Campaign’s Strategy Keeps Getting More Desperate
On Monday, social media went into hysterics after a video that one of Trump's social media accounts reposted showed images of fake … The Trump campaign isn’t directly responsible for the ad, as it lacks the standard FEC disclaimers, but that didn’t stop the media … It's what you do when you don't have a record to run on.…
'Unwoke' With Kevin and Kruiser #107: Give a Nobel Peace Prize to That Iranian Helicopter…give-a-nobel-peace-prize-to-that-iranian-helicopter-n4929246
– (New “Unwoke” episodes are posted on the podcast page every week.)Kevin and I recorded this on Tuesday, while various blithering idiot … Finishing on a high note is important in podcasting and in life. Enjoy! … It’s free and it supports conservative media! Subscribe…
Wargaming the Electoral College
– I'm talking about the full-court press from the White House, the traditional media, social media, rogue federal agencies, AI deepfakes … We talked about this on Monday's "Five O'Clock Somewhere." … I'm waiting to read more on-the-ground reporting from the indispensable Salena Zito before I'll change my mind on this one.But if Trump…
LIVE RESULTS: Presidential Primaries in Kentucky and Oregon — and More
– I know you've been sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for Tuesday to roll around. … Help PJ Media tell the truth about the 2024 election as the left-wing, mainstream media propagandists do all they can to support the … Democrats.Join PJ Media VIP and use promo code 2024 to get 50% off a VIP membership!…
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