The Morning Briefing: Team Sleepy Joe Seems to Have a Case of Kennedy Panic

AP Photo/Josh Reynolds

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Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Rennard fancied himself a kite-flying dandy despite the perpetual ill fit of his dungarees.


First, Hunter Biden will always be a scumbag and the story won’t go away, despite all of daddy’s corrupt string-pulling.

Thanks to all who pointed out my “palates/pallets” blunder yesterday. I’ve been trying to finish the Briefing earlier and that’s what rushing gets me. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

The curious case of Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. is getting, as Alice famously said in Wonderland, “curiouser and curiouser.”

The Democrats were obviously hoping that the drooling shell they have running as an incumbent president wouldn’t be challenged at all. They can’t have Biden in any sort of contest with other people, as he is in a constant struggle with himself. They just want to get Sir Sniffsalot back to the basement and record the occasional video where First Lady DOCTOR Cruella de Biden can do all of the talking.

Hey, it worked once before.

Marianne Williamson isn’t a problem for Biden or his handlers. While she’s making dream catchers out of locally sourced hemp and chanting old Norse pillaging rhymes, they get to pretend he’s not as crazy.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is presenting more of a problem, or at least the Biden surrogates are acting that way. Robert wrote a couple of stories yesterday about Dem media cheerleaders running interference for Biden. Here’s the YouTube story:

Leftists know what’s best for you. They know that better than you know it yourself. That’s why they have graciously and selflessly taken it upon themselves to decide what we may and may not see, hear, and read. If we were left to ourselves, we might make bad, self-destructive choices, as we did in 2016, when we elected Donald Trump president of the United States. Now the social media giants want very much for you to dislike Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and so YouTube has just taken down an interview he did with Jordan Peterson. If you saw what he actually said, you might end up voting for him instead of for Old Joe Biden, and that would never do.


This is just a case of YouTube being good little Democrat dogs and letting their masters know that they’re still obedient. The lefties don’t have Twitter on their side anymore and, as Robert notes, the video is still available there. YouTube didn’t accomplish anything other than letting the Democrats know that they will always be there for them.

Robert’s other story covered a thoroughly pathetic hit piece that the Los Angeles Times did on Kennedy:

It would make a great novel, but it’s real life, and it’s an exhilarating reminder that America is still a republic, still a place where the elites can be challenged at all, however entrenched they may appear to be. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has not only challenged the elites, he has frightened them to the core, and that’s wonderful to see. The latest indication of how much of a threat they consider him to be comes from the Los Angeles Times, always a reliable organ for far-Left propaganda. The Left Coast Times is so scared of RFK Jr. that on Monday, it proclaimed, “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a threat to your health — and our democracy.”

Now, this is absurd on its face and an insult to the intelligence of the handful of remaining Los Angeles Times readers. The Left has now become so divorced from reality that Times writer Michael Hiltzik would have us believe that a contested Democrat party primary is bad for “our democracy.” But a full-out coronation of Old Joe to serve another four years as the figurehead for the shadowy individuals who are really running things? Why, that would be “our democracy” personified. One candidate, inevitable outcome? Good democracy! Two candidates, unclear outcome? Bad democracy!


It gets more absurd from there. As we’ve discussed before, the mainstream media is going to have to work even harder than they did in 2020 to prop up Biden, so the tales are only going to grow taller — and more unhinged.

Preemptive strikes by the MSM for their preferred candidates are nothing new. This seems a bit premature to me, though. Yeah, any real competition wouldn’t be a good look for Biden. The Democrats, however, are good at shielding the people whom they want to get their presidential nominations. They make up “super-duper delegates” or something.

Kennedy may have the name, but most people on both sides of the aisle thought of him as a bit of an outlier nutter when he entered the race. As Mr. Green reminded us in a VIP column earlier in the month, RFK Jr. is still a commie loon — not that that’s necessarily bad in the Democratic party. I can’t help but think that the bits of panic we see from the Dems are giving Kennedy more street cred than he’d be earning on his own. They’re creating an opponent more formidable than may actually exist.

RFK Jr.’s biggest threat to Biden would probably be as a third-party candidate anyway, so they may not want to chase him out of the Democratic primaries so quickly. The old “keep your enemies closer” strategy.

This is fun political theater at times, but it’s also a painful reminder that everyone over on the Dem side is a prog freakshow who should never be near any kind of power.



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