(Reminder: all of the podcast episodes are now in the Kruiser Kabana section of our shiny new podcast page. I will be doing little teaser blurbs here and/or in the Morning Briefing for each new episode.)
My friend and colleague Chris Queen and I have been discussing this for several weeks now. We were having private conversations about the state of faith in America and one day decided to talk about it on a podcast.

After tossing the idea around a little more, we decided to make it a monthly episode. It will always be the two of us, but we’re already lining up guests, too. Chris and I would like to generate some lively discussion in the comments, and we would love to answer any questions you may have.
This episode mostly lays out our vision and hopes for the endeavor. We’ll get more specific as we go on.
Now more than ever, people of faith in the United States need some camaraderie. We hope you like what we’re trying to do here.
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