The MSM Is the WORST
We all know that I am no fan of the mainstream media (MSM) and do tend to go after its heinously irresponsible members quite a lot. Let’s be honest here, kids: they deserve it.
As I have mentioned a few times, it was liberal bias in the MSM that compelled me to write about politics in the first place. It had bothered me for many years and when it came time to launch a humble political blog to fill up the time between gigs, that was my primary focus, and remains so today. (Side note: I used to write a lot about school choice back then too. Maybe I should do a post or two about that in the near future.)
Regular readers of the Briefing are well aware of how much I have lamented the MSM’s performance during our coronapocalypse isolation fun. Every time I think that the faux journalists in the MSM have hit rock bottom in the Trump era, one of them finds another shovel and says, “Let’s keep digging!”

(Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP)
I usually use one of my colleagues’ posts as a jumping-off point for the beginning here each morning but today I’m going to engage in some shameless self-promotion and begin with my most recent column, which is titled “It’s Open Season on Police and MSM Is Still Whining About Trump Walking to a Church.”
A sampling:
In the midst of readily available news about the escalating violence against law enforcement, the MSM has kept a laser-like focus on a five minute walk the President Trump took Monday afternoon. It’s been rather offensive, to say the least.
That’s kinda what got me here today. There’s an ever-growing victim count for these riots that is being almost completely ignored in the MSM. Cops and civilians are being gunned down, beaten up, and plowed into by motor vehicles and the MSM hacks are practically spraining their necks looking the other way.
This breezed through one of my Twitter feeds last night and I thought it summed things up rather nicely:
I think it's past that point. The MSM are in open revolt against both the truth and the American people. The Dems are pushing for civil war.
This is extraordinary, and way beyond anything we've seen to date.
— Ghost of St. David (@GhostofShirgar) June 2, 2020
“The MSM are in open revolt against both the truth and the American people.” Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner.
When covering the coronavirus pandemic, the MSM coverage ranged from obfuscation to outright lying.
Since the riots started, they’ve just been lying.

(Don Campbell/The Herald-Palladium via AP)
We have just spent two and a half months watching the MSM form a cheerleading squad for every Democratic shutdown governor in America. None of them cared that they were part of a false propaganda machine that aided and abetted the economic ruin of millions of Americans.
Now they’re gleefully egging on very violent people and completely disregarding the safety of the general public. Throw in the fact that their sole selling point for shutting down the economy was for the “safety” of the public and it’s all the more irritating. A couple of weeks later and they don’t care if the public gets its head smashed in by a brick because how else is anybody going to get woke, right?
Almost every member of the MSM truly believes that he or she is an anointed warrior in the battle to unseat President Trump. There is no journalistic integrity, only a mission to spin a narrative that is damaging to the president, like this:
"Our citizens are not the enemy."
Sen. Richard Blumenthal decries "militarization of law enforcement," calling Pres. Trump's threatened use of the military on protesters "what you'd expect from a two bit dictator."
— ABC News (@ABC) June 3, 2020
The MSM propaganda machine has continued to use words like “peaceful” and “protesters” for the last several days to make any pushback seem excessive. The president hasn’t threatened to use the military against protesters, of course. He has said, however, that he would deploy the military against rioters. ABC News knows that, as do the rest of the MSM.
Willfully lying and thereby endangering the public really does earn them “Enemy of the People” status. I attack the MSM in writing because every one of them is deserving of scorn and derision right now and that probably won’t change even after Trump is out of office. They’ve become that bad.

(AP Photo/John Minchillo)
And I’m going to stay on them for as long as it takes.
It’s a Question That Needs an Answer
Can a robot make a breakfast omelette? – video
— The Guardian (@guardian) June 3, 2020
Happy Hump Day
Wednesday: VIP Gold Live Video Chat with VodkaPundit, Stephen Kruiser, and Bryan Preston
— PJ Media (@PJMedia_com) June 2, 2020
PJM Linktank
Karma got bitchy. Looters Break Into Philly Gun Store. It Doesn’t Go Well for Them.
Trump’s Latest Religious Freedom Move Is a Warning to China
Left-Wing Radical Nabbed by Police for Inciting a Riot in Pittsburgh
Rioters Murdered These Two Black Men
It was really bizarre. Tucker Carlson Spent Tons of Politcal Capital In This Monologue
China’s Latest Desperate Attempt to Distract From Its Coronavirus Malfeasance Is Truly Incredible
Minneapolis Police Union Chief Decries His Officers Becoming ‘Scapegoats’
SPLC Slams Trump’s Terror Designation of Antifa as ‘Dangerous and Unjust’ as America Burns
Leftist Rioters Try to Divide Us, but a Poll About George Floyd’s Killer Says It’s Not Working
UN Report: Taliban and Al-Qaeda Maintain Close Ties Despite Treaty
VodkaPundit: Coronavirus ‘Key Information’ Withheld by China, Leak Shows
‘Random Piles of Bricks’ Magically Appearing at Protests While Agitators Hand Out Cash to Rioters
WATCH: SUV Plows Into Police at George Floyd Riot in Buffalo, NY
Cops Under Fire: 4 Officers Shot in St. Louis, Las Vegas Officer Gunned Down
Mayors Aren’t Going to Tamp Down Violence by Firing Police
Biden Speech Recalls Hard-Right Democrats — in 1972
The Latest Liberal Outraged Trump Held Up a Bible at a Church Is None Other Than Joe Biden
The Kruiser Kabana Episode 42: Are We Doing This Civil War or What?
Riots Crisis: Don’t Let the Moral Idiots Guilt You Into Anything
Hollywood Celebrities and Democrats, But I Repeat Myself, Raise Bail Money for Domestic Terrorists
The George Floyd Riots Are Nothing Like the Boston Tea Party
VIP Gold
Schlichter: Everyone Is Sure Biden Is Toast
Nikole Hannah-Jones On The Definition Of Violence
From the Mothership and Beyond
Looters Stealing Massive Numbers Of Guns During Riots
“Wreck It” Ralph Northam’s Message To Rioters Will Have Gun Sales Soaring
No, Trump’s Talk Of Protecting 2A Rights Wasn’t a “Dog Whistle”
Media Latches On To Denver Gun Activists Arrest, Glosses Over Riots
Decades of California Democrats Defying Laws Has Led to This
Black Lives Matter Has One Demand for LA Mayor Eric Garcetti
More of This Please: Denzel Washington Peacefully Mediates Between Cop and Homeless Man
Minnesota Files a Civil Rights Complaint Against Minneapolis Police Department
Steve King Loses Republican Primary
Trump Campaign Buries Biden on Race By Pointing to His Record
Rep. Stefanik’s Challenger Tweets Vile Message in the Wake of Nationwide Riots
Heart-Wrenching: Minneapolis Woman Details How Rioters Have Completely Destroyed Her Life
Pharmacist Unleashes Hell on Wuhan Virus Social Distancing Hypocrites: So ‘Riots Are Just Cool’ Now?
It was always B.S Whitmer: Maybe We’re Done With The Lockdown
AP: Say, Are The Media Encouraging The Riots With Our Coverage?
One New Yorker’s Sleepless Night As Lawlessness And Disorder Took Over The City
Brits Crack Down On Sex During Lockdown
Good News: Our national strife will end now that Playboy Magazine has ended racism
Smells Like Onion
Roger Goodell Insists Martin Luther King Jr. Would Have Wanted 17-Game Football Season In Front Of Full Stadiums
— The Onion (@TheOnion) June 2, 2020
The Kruiser Kabana
Most Splendid Stained Glass Windows in the World
— Architecture Hub (@architecturehub) June 3, 2020
One day we’re all gonna look back on this and wish we had been a lot drunker.
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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear every Tuesday and Friday.
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