The Morning Briefing: Biden Digs in and MSM Reaches for the Kid Gloves Again

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Top O' the Briefing

Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Unbenthwys would occasionally stir a little Robitussin into his morning chocotini when he was feeling nostalgic for his madcap days in community theater. 


In a continuing effort to put lipstick on a public relations disaster pig, Joe Biden's handlers keep trotting him out in front of television cameras for chances to "prove" himself. Most Americans are in agreement that it's a little late in the game for that, but the kids on Team Joe are a plucky and determined lot. 

Or desperate. 

Biden's much-hyped press conference last night was supposed to assuage any fears Democrats might have about his ability to carry on as their nominee. Let's be honest, we're not really talking about his readiness for a second term, just whether he can make it through until Election Day. 

The most charitable thing I can say about it is that there wasn't much in the way of assuagement. 

You can check out the reactions of the PJ Media crew here at the liveblog we had going during the press conference. Matt then wrote a wrap-up of the presser, and here was his assessment:

Make no mistake about it: this was not a great press conference, but it was better than his performance at the debate and his interview with George Stephanopoulos. And that's a problem for the Democrats. From the perspective of Biden's campaign, that's good enough for him to stay in the race.

As we have discussed many times in recent days, Biden and his missus aren't in sync with most of the people in their party. The more of them who call for Biden to leave the race, the more the Bidens dig in. There were a few more defections after the press conference, but the media reaction was telling. 

Yes, the propagandists acknowledged his verbal blunders but didn't dwell on them. The Washington Post homepage said, "Biden shows foreign policy depth in news conference with a few stumbles."


The New York Times — which has been quite critical of Biden since the debate — merely offered up a benign headline with Biden's vow to "finish the job." 

The Times and WaPo weren't exactly back in pre-debate cheerleader mode, but there was a subtle shift away from the harsh tones both have been taking. I've been telling people all week that we would start to see this as soon as the realization that Biden's not going anywhere began to sink in. Celebrities and elected officials can continue to call for Biden to yield to another candidate, but the flying monkeys in the mainstream media will eventually have to get back to covering for the work of fiction that they created in 2020.

Democrats on Capitol Hill will eventually have to fall back in line, too. This is from The New York Times post-presser report:

“I think Biden was presidential. He hit his accomplishments really well, showed a substantive mastery of foreign policy, for an hour, and a determination to finish the job,” Senator Chris Coons, a Democrat of Delaware and one of Biden’s closest allies on Capitol Hill, tells me. “Honestly, could the other guy have done any of that? Anyone concerned about his ability to lead and govern should be reassured.”

Reiterating: there was nothing reassuring about Biden's slur-fest. 

Democrats will soon have to start whipping up huge batches of Kool-Aid. They've been drinking it for four years now, so it won't be tough to get back into the habit after a short break. 

The mainstream media's brief moment of clarity will most likely soon end. We will keep pushing back on every false narrative they throw at us. You can help us fight harder by becoming one of our VIP subscribers here and using the promo code KRUISERMB to get a huge 50% discount. For a little under four bucks a month, you can become a VIP Gold subscriber and have access to all the premium content at every Townhall Media site. Sign up this morning, and you can join my friend Stephen Green and me for our weekly romp called "Five O'Clock Somewhere." Today, we're welcoming RedState's Brad Slager to the show for the first time. 


Hope to see you there soon, and have a great weekend, everyone! 

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The Mailbag of Magnificence contributions can be sent to [email protected].

The Mailbag of Magnificence

We have a few quick ones this week. Let's begin with this one from Alex:

I can’t draw, but picture this for a cartoon: an angry Joe Man Orange standing outside the White House with the caption, “Get off my lawn!”

I wish I had some drawing skills, too — I'd be having a field day right now. I would do the above cartoon with him yelling at Secret Service agents because he doesn't know why they're there. 

Again, this isn't something I would mock in a private citizen, but this senile idiot is urinating all over the Constitution. 

Mark New Mexico writes: 

Interesting that they are pulling the ‘He was always supposed to be a one-termer’ excuse from their nether regions, when the big dog donors coulda been raising the issue much earlier. Great day to be here in the forest highlands east of ABQ – Temps in the low 60’s, with a ‘backdoor’ ( comin’ from the east ) cold front on the way. You get to brag about TUC weather in the winter; we’ll be there for a few weeks then in any case ;-}

I would wager that an implicit agreement was in place, then DOCTOR Mama Jill backed out of it last year. The money people were caught off guard, but at the time, probably figured that the various lawfare assaults on Trump would keep him from the nomination and they ballot. They knew that pressing forward with Biden wasn't ideal, but felt safe because of their hijacking of the justice system. 


As for the weather, it's 109 here in the cooler part of the Sonoran Desert this Thursday afternoon. Let's just say I'm not hiking a lot right now. 

Democrat TDS is also self-defeating.  Trumps support is half the country giving the middle finger to the other half.  The more that other half engages in TDS, the higher that middle finger goes up.

And let us hope that more voters who are on the fence want to join us in the one-fingered salute. 

We will finish with this from Dale: 

Republicans have this uncanny talent for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. I’m with you - I’ll celebrate only when the moving vans tote Mama Jill and the rest of the miscreants back to Delaware.

Yeah, I'm still smarting from getting way out over my skis in 2022, and I don't even ski. Trump could be leading by eight in every swing state, but I still wouldn't be comfortable. Fingers crossed for the moving vans!

It's good to be back. Thanks to everyone who wrote in, and keep 'em coming!

Everything Isn't Awful

SFK of the Day

Democrats Have Never Really Loved Joe Biden Enough to Spare Him This Humiliation

"The presser didn't go well. A case could be made that it was his best public appearance in weeks, but that's like picking your favorite herpes flare-up. 'Less train-wrecky' isn't a quality associated with history's great leaders."

Shot of Vodka

OH NOES! Scary Report Reveals SpaceX Manly Men Get Things Done

"I'm not about to defend hostile work environments, and Holland-Thielen, who quickly landed back on her feet as the Ops Automation Lead at Muon Space, seems to be a real pro who knows her space stuff. I also can't help but think that 'bro culture,' which isn't limited to men any longer, still has a place in American life — and ought to."


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