Israel Says 100 UNRWA Employees Are Hamas Terrorists

Israeli Defense Forces

The Israeli government says that a stunning 100 members of a United Nations agency have been identified as Hamas terrorists.

The report that at least twelve UNRWA staff actively participated in the heinous Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israelis again focused international attention on the UN agency’s deep ties to terrorism. While the UN has doubled down on siding with the Palestinians and falsely smearing Israel, the new report of a hundred UNRWA employees serving as Hamas terrorists highlights just why both UNRWA and the UN as a whole need to be defunded.


The Times of Israel cited German outlet Bild to report that Israel’s Foreign Ministry sent a letter to UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini with the names of his employees accused of being part of Hamas. UNRWA, which is supposedly an agency for Palestinian refugees, is so inextricably tied to jihad against Israel that international human rights lawyer Hillel Neuer labeled it “terrorism-infested.”

The Times of Israel provided more details from Bild:

The report says the letter states that the names are part of a “broader list” of UN workers who are members of Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad, but will not be released publicly “for reasons of confidentiality.”

According to the newspaper, which says the allegations raise fresh questions about Berlin’s funding of the UN agency and notes that the remains of murdered Israeli-German hostage Shani Louk were found in an UNRWA building, Israel is calling for the alleged terrorists to be immediately canned.

Gazan jihadis have long used UNRWA buildings to stash weapons and even hide or shield bases and launch sites. Last month, reports surfaced that Hamas had skimmed no less than $1 billion in UN aid for spending on their weapons and tunnels.


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Not only that, but UNRWA schools teach Palestinian children to hate Jews and glorify terrorism. The UN agency is brainwashing the next generation of aspiring antisemitic terrorists, and until very recently, it received U.S. taxpayer money.

The hideous nature of UN support for Palestinian jihadis and UNRWA membership in Hamas cannot be overstated. Hamas terrorist attacks on Oct. 7 included the decapitating, mutilating, raping, and burning alive of innocent Israeli men, women, and children, even babies. Yet one recent poll showed increased support for Hamas and jihad among Palestinians! The Palestinian Authority (PA) is no better than Hamas, as it financially rewards Hamas terrorists. Despite all this, the UN is once again falsely accusing Israel while repeating Hamas propaganda about the situation in Gaza.

In light of the new information about UNRWA and Hamas, Hillel Neuer had an excellent point: “UNRWA chief Lazzarini now has the names of 100 staff who are Hamas terrorists. He has our dossier proving his teachers' union chief Fathi al-Sharif is a terrorist. Tomorrow is UNRWA's pledging conference in NY. Until he fires them, we call on 🇫🇷🇩🇪🇬🇧🇨🇦🇸🇪 not to pledge a dime.”


Funding for the UN is funding for Islamic terrorism. Enough is enough. No country claiming to be democratic should be contributing financially to the Holocaust of our time.


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