
Why the Dems Could Win in November: The Clooney Class

AP Photo/Matt York

I don't normally read Harbinger's Daily. Like many columnists, I have a list of sites I search during the daily doom scroll, and Harbinger's Daily is not one of them. But this morning, I clicked on what amounted to an op-ed in the outlet by David Reagan titled "The Union Of The Left And Islam… A Marriage Joined By Common Hatred Of Christianity.” 

In it, Reagan ponders why so many on the Left would align themselves with Islam when examples of how radical Islam stands against everything that the Left claims to support are abundant. "Queers for Palestine" is the clearest example of this disconnect. 

In his piece, Reagan posits that the American Left and Islam are united by a common hatred of Christianity. I contend there is some merit to that. Both radical Islamists and progressives hate Christianity. The former hates Christianity because it is an apostate religion; the latter because Christianity represents everything they despise about America and the West. 

At the core of this hatred also lies a desire for power. Should these forces be victorious in their attempt to de-colonize everything and every place, the question that will have to be answered is, who will take the reins of power? That question remains unanswered amid the shouts of “Carthago delenda est!” Power is the desired result, no matter the collateral damage.

Over at The Free Press, Leighton Woodhouse recently penned the article "The Fall of Oakland." Woodhouse chronicles the most recent criminal woes to plague that beleaguered city. Oakland is no stranger to crime. When I was there in the early '90s, I was warned never to get off the BART if the train passed through Oakland, although at the time, nearby Alameda was still sane and safe.

Woodhouse writes:

I’ve lived in Oakland for about six years. From my house, I can hear the sounds of screeching tires from “sideshows”—a city tradition where drivers take over intersections and perform donuts in front of cheering crowds—multiple times a day. (Sideshows, which are often preludes to crimes, preceded both the 76 robbery and the Juneteenth shootings.) Burned-out husks of stolen and abandoned cars appear like roadkill by curbsides. It’s hard to tell whether staccato claps in the distance are illegal fireworks or gunshots. All of this has gotten worse in the years I’ve been here.

Further down, he says:

But really, there are two big reasons for Oakland’s lawlessness: there just aren’t enough cops, and the ones who exist are trained to underpolice. And the mayor and the city council share the blame for both.

When governments, from a governor's office all the way down to municipalities, adopt DEI and defund-the-police strategies, crime, poverty, and societal decay are the usual results. Tearing down Chesterton's Fence usually does not result in liberation but anarchy. 

The reason these people institute and prop up such inane policies is that they enjoy power and its perks and believe that heeding the vox populi of a small group of malcontents and pandering to the whims of academia and social winds will allow them to gain and hold power. And they seem to be successful. Oakland may burn, but those in control are immune to the heat and will continue to play their fiddles.

Today, the conservosphere is abuzz with the news that George Clooney and Rob Reiner have turned on Joe Biden. Some believe that for Clooney, at least, the shift came at the behest of Barack Obama. But has anyone noticed the one thing absent from Clooney's and the Democrats' wailing and gnashing of teeth? Namely, they are not concerned about inflation, crime, the collapse of small businesses or the middle class, censorship, the effect of foreign wars, or expanding government overreach. Unlike the lower and middle classes, the Clooney class does not have the faintest idea of the havoc that the Biden administration and the Democrat Party have unleashed on America. 

The Clooney class has nothing to worry about except power. While most Americans have to worry about being victims of crime and choosing between paying for gas, rent, or groceries, the Clooney class is only concerned with their stocks, planning a fun getaway, and trying to find a corkscrew. The Clooney class may be ignorant of the plight of the common man, but it is willfully ignorant and arrogant.

Political and electoral chicanery will undoubtedly play a role in the upcoming election, But one of the biggest obstacles to a victory for common sense will be the Clooney class. The Clooney class does not want a better candidate because it wants a better America. It wants a better candidate because it wants to stay at the top of the food chain.


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