AI Predicts the 2024 Presidential Election — for What It's Worth

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We can’t escape AI these days. Between the handwringing over what role AI will play in the future — some of which is understandable — to the ubiquity of AI assistance online, it’s on our minds and in our faces.


AI can be helpful; we occasionally use image generators here at PJ Media to come up with funny or unusual featured images. It can also be annoying as all get out; if Meta AI is any indication, I don’t think we have to worry about robot overlords taking over anytime soon.

But now, prognosticators rely on AI to predict all sorts of events, including the 2024 presidential election. I received an email with a link to an article from SportsCasting, a site I’m admittedly not familiar with, with an AI prediction of what will happen on November 5. While I’ll take this guess with a shaker of salt, there are some interesting nuggets of information here.

Let’s dig in, starting with the methodology. After all, AI is only as good as the information that feeds it. SportsCasting explains that “Combining the likes of ChatGPT, Gemini, and Bing AI, a prediction was formulated as to how the 2024 US Presidential Election will play out and whether Donald Trump (Republican) or Joe Biden (Democrat) will be in office for the next four years.”

The big finding from his report is that the AI models predict Donald Trump will defeat Joe Biden handily. The software gave Trump 311 Electoral College votes to Biden’s 227. What’s fascinating is that the prediction flips five states that voted for Biden in 2020 to Trump: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.


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SportsCasting predicts Election Night in a stirring narrative:

Early results from Eastern states like Florida and Pennsylvania start trickling in, showing a tight race but with Trump gaining significant ground in rural areas and maintaining strong support among his base.

As the evening progresses, key battleground states begin reporting. Trump secures Ohio, North Carolina, and Georgia, indicating a strong performance in traditionally competitive regions. In the Midwest, Trump’s messages resonate with voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, flipping these critical states. His rallies and targeted campaign strategies, particularly addressing economic concerns and border security, pay off.

By midnight, the West Coast results come in as expected for Biden, but it’s not enough to offset Trump’s gains. Trump’s victories in Arizona and Nevada further bolster his electoral count. Texas and Florida, with their substantial electoral votes, firmly align with Trump, sealing his path to victory. The final tally shows Trump with 311 electoral votes, surpassing the 270 needed to win. This decisive victory underscores the importance of swing states and strategic campaigning, marking a dramatic and historic election day.

It’s a nice little story about how things could go, but what matters most is the Electoral College total. And those numbers, if we are to believe them, favor Trump.


Beyond the raw AI numbers, SportsCasting points out what factors should motivate voters to turn out for Trump.

“Donald Trump being reinstated as President of the United States after one term out of office seems very realistic, given Joe Biden’s age and current worries about his health,” Lee Astley, head of news at the site, notes. “Despite some of his own issues outside of politics, it seems the U.S. people are happy to give Trump another chance as President.”

“The fact that the states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have all turned from a Democrat majority into a Republican majority shows just how popular Trump is,” Astley adds.

While we might look askance at an AI election prediction, we can definitely hope for a scenario like this to come true. These prognostications shouldn’t cause us to rest on our laurels or get cocky, either. Instead, we have a lot of work to do to make sure this prediction comes true.


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