RIP Democratic Party: 1828-2024 — Death by Suicide

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

The Democrat Party is on the ropes, and frankly, it's long overdue.

The Democrats have been on the wrong side of history since its birth. 

James Buchanan, a Democrat, sat on his hands as the nation slid into the Civil War, which would eventually kill 2.5% of the nation's population.


FACT-O-RAMA! Such a war today would mean that 7 million soldiers would die.

When Republicans took away their slaves, Democrats responded with Jim Crow laws to keep black people down and the KKK to terrorize them with near impunity for generations.

Many consider Woodrow Wilson to be the grandfather of progressivism, a racist, and a fiend

FDR refused to pass an anti-lynching law as black people were being hung throughout the Democrat-run South. 

The Democratic Party famously fought against civil rights legislation for years until LBJ buckled and allegedly said "I'll have those n***ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years" and signed the Civil Rights Act into law.

Don't get me started on Obama.

But wait, there's more!

The Democrats, in their manic panic overdrive to banish Trump from the White House, screwed Bernie Sanders' two attempts to run for president. Donna Brazile famously cheated and handed legendary harridan Hillary Clinton questions for an upcoming debate. Talk about "ending democracy."

States with Democrats in charge happily locked down their constituents while ignoring the rules themselves. Then-New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been accused of slaughtering almost 15,000 elderly people by sending seniors stricken with COVID-19 back into nursing homes where the virus that killed mostly older folks did just that.

FACT-O-RAMA! Cuomo knew in early May or even late April of 2021 that lockdowns made the COVID situation worse but didn't rescind all of his COVID tyranny for another year.


The Democratic Party doesn't need an enema, it needs a body bag. Frankly, I'm surprised We the People allowed this party of miscreants to survive as long as it has.

The Democrats backed the wrong horse in 2020. In their narcissistic haste to remove Trump from power, they pushed Joe Biden into the race, which I believe Biden only took on to save his family from going to jail.

But pushing a dementia-laden and potential criminal Biden is having catastrophic effects.

The House Oversight Committee has a train-load of evidence pointing to the Biden family's involvement in bribes from China, Russia, Ukraine, and elsewhere.

Is the death knell nigh for the Party that believes in the "right" of an attention-hungry 14-year-old boy to ginsu his genitals off while keeping his parents in the dark? I hope so.

The Democrats' Operation Mockingbird media machine is starting to turn against Biden and call for him to step down, but that's difficult. If Biden relinquishes his delegates, his brother and son are more likely to go to jail.

REMINDER-O-RAMA! Hunter Biden was found guilty of three felonies relating to his buying a gun while he was tootin' the crack. He faces a nine-count tax evasion case in September. The Oversight Committee has called for an investigation into Hunter and Jim Biden for allegedly lying to Congress. Then there is those influence-peddling and bribe-taking allegations that the committee is also investigating, which stands to be the worst legal situation facing the Biden crime family.


Most Americans are fair people who see the persecution of Trump and his followers, and they don't like it. The Democratic Party allowed their street animals to burn our big, blue toilet cities in the name of George "Fentanyl" Floyd then proceeded to imprison their enemies on lesser crimes, such as sending a 75-year-old woman to two years in prison for blocking the door to an abortion clinic.

No one who is paying attention can't see that the Democratic Party has been hijacked by filthy communists.

Parents don't want to come home to find that their tween son Carl is now Carla.  

We see that our Cadaver-in-Chief isn't fit to work as a statue, much less the leader of the increasingly-less-free world.

Even your normie neighbors are waking up to the propaganda that has been gavaged down our throats by a media complicit in the purposeful destruction of our nation.

Most importantly, young people, black folks, and Hispanics are leaving Biden for Trump. Everyone sees the Democrats for what they are: the party of lies, tyranny, and division.

The Democrats are on the ropes, but the lizard people looking to enslave us aren't going down without a fight.

Related: Democrats Stage Insurrection, Destroy Democracy to Depose President Who Refuses to Leave Office

What can you do to seal the deal? Get in the political donnybrook for the future of America TODAY.


For starters, we need to mock the Marxists every time they say something stupid, like "Project 2025 is Trump's 'Mein Kampf!'" 

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FACT-O-RAMA! "Changing the demographics of the United States" means replacing every natural-born American.

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