The Morning Briefing: My Guns Are Here for the Public Health and Not Causing a Crisis

AP Photo/Seth Perlman, File

Top O' the Briefing

Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Brionysas combined a love of miniature pony grooming and funnel cakes to inspire just the right amount of caprice when sharing her interpretation of a "super moon."


As we get closer to whatever is going to happen next November, a good number of sane Americans are politely and frequently saying, "Buy ammo," to one another. It used to be, "Buy guns and ammo," but most would agree that it's time to focus right now. Around these parts, you don't even have to know someone to have the ammo conversation.

The Democrats are forever waging war on law-abiding American citizens who are fond of exercising our Second Amendment rights. It's all part of their "criminals shouldn't face consequences and people who obey the law are the real bad guys" approach to governing. 

They're plucky, the gun-grabbing Dems. No matter how many times their commie confiscation schemes get smacked down by judges who have actually read the Constitution of the United States of America, they regroup with lightning speed and assault freedom from a different angle. 

This is from my colleague Ryan Petty over at our sister site Bearing Arms

They finally did it. The Biden Administration has declared gun violence a public health crisis. The question many of us in the gun community are asking, why now, when the Biden administration has been touting (and taking credit for) the declining rates of violent crime across the country? 

U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy labeled gun violence as a public health crisis and called it "the leading cause of death among children and teenagers". This declaration is a blatant overreach and a direct threat to the Second Amendment. As a staunch defender of the right to bear arms, this advisory is deeply troubling for several reasons.


As Ryan goes on to note, the leftist loons have done the public health crisis thing before. As with all of their gun control drama, they attempt to justify everything with tortured statistics or outright lies. Ryan does a great deep dive into that. 

The gun haters also have a tendency to avoid context altogether. Kevin provided some when he wrote about this yesterday:

The report states that the number of people getting shot has exploded since 2020. What it fails to mention is that it was the same year the Democrats unleashed their street animals in Antifa and BLM to destroy our nation's big, blue toilet cities. Nor does it mention Democrats began to free droves of prisoners in 2019 and passed no-bail laws to keep the vermin on the streets where the Democrats knew they'd go back to committing crimes.

Again, the gun grabbers' solutions are never solutions at all, because they target people who have absolutely nothing to do with any of the problems that they allegedly want to address. Got a bunch of repeat offenders using illegal guns to commit various crimes? Then pass a law that turns a bunch of recreational shooters who own their guns legally into criminals overnight. 

At least that's been the approach for the last decade or so. That's why California's gun control overreach attempts keep getting tossed. 

As I have written before, no one has been able to be able to explain to me why I should give up my guns if they're not shooting anyone. Of course, we know that the end game here has nothing to do with a public health crisis. Biden and his ilk just want our guns. It makes it easier to get us all to the gulags when they invite their ChiCom overlords to waltz in. 


Most of the "commonsense gun legislation" types out there continue to insist that they don't really want to take our guns. Well, not all of our guns, anyway. There are some who don't hide their deepest anti-Second Amendment desires any longer though and will freely admit what they're attempting to do.

Once more, with feeling: the reason that Democrats fail over and over when trying to pass onerous gun control laws is that far more American citizens are fans of their 2A rights than the nanny-staters like to admit. Democrats in rural states are hunters. The elected Dems' vision for gun control is a tyrannical fetish that a lot of their rank-and-file voters don't appreciate. 

The public health crisis panic is, as we know, a favorite of government tyrants, especially since COVID-19. Vivek Murthy is certainly showing tendencies that he would prefer to party like it's 2020. Last week, he suggested that he wanted to put warning labels on social media because libs don't like the idea of children being raised by their parents. 

The Democrats' attempts to launch another election-year plague freakout haven't worked, but not for a lack of trying. They've tried monkeypox, the "tripledemic," and most recently, the return of bird flu. Maybe they hope that they can throw another wrench into this election with this gun crisis nonsense. 

Who am I kidding? 

Of course, that's what they're thinking. 

Buy ammo. 

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Everything Isn't Awful

I can't stop watching this. 

SFK of the Day

Go Away, Hillary — America's Bitter Drunk Grandma to Release a New Memoir in September

"I will forever reject the notion that Hillary Clinton has some sort of natural constituency out there that's hanging around because they "know and love" her. Voters loved her husband. As a result, she enjoyed a 13-year-long coattails ride in Washington as a United States Senator and the Secretary of State. 

She only got the Senate gig because Rudy Giuliani got cancer, probably as a result of the deal with the Devil Hillary made when she decided to stay married to Bill."

Shot of Vodka

While Putin Wages War on Ukraine, Islam Goes to War Against Russia

"The world has two rising anti-Western powers, Islam and Communist China, and both have been made relatively stronger — and certainly more daring — by Putin's stupid war in Ukraine. 

(I've been referring to the Russo-Ukraine War here at PJ Media as 'Putin's stupid war' since almost the very start. Just how stupid it truly is becomes clearer every day. )

China is doing the difficult and serious work of building a world-class, blue-water navy — and, just as importantly, establishing the doctrine that turns a collection of ships into a deadly fighting force. Meanwhile, we have spent the last 30 years squandering our ability to build or even maintain a decent Navy — and, just as bad, disabling its ability or will to fight with Woke nonsense." 


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