Feds Allow Crime, Fudge Numbers, Then Declare Guns a 'Public Health Crisis'

AP Photo/Rick Bowmer

In what I assure you will result in yet another assault on the 2nd Amendment, the freedom-despising, gun-grabbing pinkos in the federal government have declared so-called "gun violence" a public health crisis.


Apparatchik U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy issued the histrionic flapdoodle on Tuesday.

U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy has issued a landmark Surgeon General’s Advisory on Firearm Violence, declaring firearm violence in America to be a public health crisis. This advisory is the first publication from the Office of the Surgeon General dedicated to this issue, and it outlines the devastating and far-reaching consequences that firearm violence poses to the health and well-being of the country.

You can see a video of the announcement below:

The report states that the number of people getting shot has exploded since 2020. What it fails to mention is that it was the same year the Democrats unleashed their street animals in Antifa and BLM to destroy our nation's big, blue toilet cities. Nor does it mention Democrats began to free droves of prisoners in 2019 and passed no-bail laws to keep the vermin on the streets where the Democrats knew they'd go back to committing crimes.

Liberals first pushed the lie that guns were the number one cause of children's death in the U.S.A.


When that data-denying lie fizzled, the left had to add 18 and 19-year-olds to the statistics to get the result they wanted. They also sinisterly removed children who died before reaching their first birthday. I guess they don't count. 

FACT-O-RAMA! The legal age of adulthood in the U.S.A. is 18 years old. This graph includes people who are 18 and 19 years old and are not considered children.

They also "forgot" to mention most of the teens shot are involved in gangs, which lefty prosecutors, like Cook County (Chicago) State's Attorney Kim Foxx, sometimes refuse to prosecute if the color of their skin flies against the narrative.

FACT-O-RAMA! Kim Foxx decided not to prosecute two gang members who murdered a Nation Guardsman. Federal prosecutors had to take over the prosecution. Foxx is also loathe to prosecute illegal gun crimes if the arrest stems from a traffic stop and the suspect is black.

The Surgeon General "overlooked" the fact that drug overdose deaths of Americans 14-19 years old exploded 94% from 2019-2020 when primarily Democrat governors locked down the nation over a virus roughly 99.6% of us would survive.

INCONVENIENT TRUTH -O-RAMA! Johns Hopkins University states that the U.S.A.'s COVID survivability rate is 98.9%. This obviously doesn't include people like myself who snagged a case of COVID and never called Fauci to tell him about it. COVID tests were mailed to our homes, so we didn't need a doctor to get tested. Tens of millions of kids likely caught COVID but were asymptomatic and their parents never knew they had it. With these facts, it's easy to hypothesize that the nation's COVID survivability rate could be as high as 99.6%.


The feds also ignored that 54% of "gun deaths" in 2021 were suicides.

Statistics show that four times as many people died of an overdose in the first months of 2021 than from all murders — not just by guns — combined. Most of the overdoses are from fentanyl, which pours over the border left open by President FInger-Diddle.

Related: Illegal Animals Ravage Three Girls in Four Days; Democrat Harpies Laugh

What have we learned?

The left created a crime spree and is now using the gun statistics to take away your gat. They knew teens, primarily minorities involved in gangs, would take the brunt of their plans, but when did communists care about collateral damage when it comes to achieving their goals?

They also allow drugs to cascade over the southern border, killing record numbers of Americans in the process.

Some brilliant pundits would label the Biden Administration as mass murderers. But don't look at the facts, folks. Let's keep arguing about where a handful of men in dresses are going to relieve themselves.

As you can see, the communazis are willing to sacrifice kids, primarily minorities, to supposed gun violence to achieve their primary goal, which is to disarm We the People. They ignore the drug deaths — including kids — caused by their open-border policy. They lied by fudging the data so that it would say what they wanted it to say. 

Progressives laugh at our values — you know, like saving the lives of children. They don't care that illegals are abducting, raping, and murdering children across the U.S.A. It's more important to keep that border open so that the pinkos can change the demographics of the nation.


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