Our Military Needs to Be Rebuilt From Scratch or America Is Finished

AP Photo/Kevin Wolf

Our military has become a joke because of wokeness. I wish I was exaggerating. It's bad enough to see woke DEI policies in corporate America, but it's devastating to see that this cancerous ideology is infecting our armed forces, especially during a time of international conflict.


According to a report from Fox News, the Pentagon's second-highest-ranking official, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks, emphasized a commitment to policies supporting "nonbinary" service members and mandating critical race theory training. She insisted that these policies are essential to national security. 

Like hell they are.

Speaking at multiple Pride events this month, including one on June 5, Hicks highlighted the need for cultural change in the military. At a DoD Pride event for the Association of LGBTQI+ Service Members, she linked the Pentagon's LGBTQ priorities to military "readiness," which involves deterring adversaries, defending national interests, and ensuring the armed forces can fulfill their missions.

"We've heard concerns about … policies focused on the needs of nonbinary service members. Please know our commitment is resolute, just as it has been over the past three-and-a-half years, to continue our progress in full alignment with our focus on readiness and our focus on the well-being of our people, on which our readiness depends," Hicks said.

However, the Pentagon claimed these policies for "nonbinary" service members don't actually exist.


"Deputy Secretary Hicks spoke about the need for Americans to choose public service in order to sustain our all-volunteer force, and the need to ensure health, safety and trust within our military as a matter of readiness," a spokesperson for Hicks told Fox News Digital. "That would include listening to servicemember input on a wide variety of policies-not just the ones she highlighted on this occasion. She didn’t talk about, or imply, the importance of any particular policy in the context of national security."

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How exactly are we supposed to believe that? Are we supposed to believe that the military isn't just trying to save face by denying what the Deputy Secretary of Defense claimed is going on? Two years ago, a Fox News Digital investigation revealed that Pentagon school libraries housed dozens of books with explicit, pornographic content, including detailed sex instructions and radical gender ideology materials, spanning from elementary to high school. The same wokeness that is plaguing our public schools is in the military — and they haven't exactly been hiding it either.

We've known for years that Pentagon leadership has placed a high priority on "woke" policy — not just critical race theory but political correctness, vaccine mandates, and even paying for service members to transition rather than discharging them and getting them psychological help. There's no reason not to believe that Hicks is telling the truth, and we have to do something about it.


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