LIVE RESULTS: Who's Replacing Romney and Other Primary Questions From Utah, Colorado, and New York

Townhall Media

It's primary Tuesday again! Admit it: you're going to miss them when all is said and done.

This week, Colorado, New York, and Utah voters have congressional primaries, and the Beehive State has a few statewide races as well, including the one for governor. Of course, one of the biggest contests we'll be watching is the race to replace Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah). The GOP primary is a four-way race with each candidate carrying distinct endorsements. PJ Media's resident Utah politics guru Lincoln Brown says that Trent Staggs, the mayor of Riverton, should emerge as the winner.


In Colorado, a couple of the GOP House races boil down to a moderate candidate versus a conservative one. One of the biggest races to watch is the 4th District, where Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) had to switch districts to retain a seat in Congress. That district also has a special general election today.

The Empire State has some races that will be fun to watch as well. In the 1st District, former CNN personality John Avlon — who doesn't live in the district — is vying for the Democratic nomination against Nancy Goroff. Rep. Jamaal "Fire Alarm" Bowman (D-N.Y.) is facing stiff competition from Westchester County Executive George Latimer in the 16th District. It's worth noting that a significant portion of the vote should come from Latimer's stomping grounds. Pop some popcorn, folks.

We also have a runoff in South Carolina's 3rd District. This district features two Trump-supporting conservatives who are running to replace retiring Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.), not to be confused with Georgia's former Lt. Gov.-turned-Trump-Derangement-hack Geoff Duncan. The 3rd District is reportedly the most heavily Republican district in the state, which is interesting because two of my friends who are farthest to the left live in that district. Anecdote is not data, my friends.


Polls close at 7 p.m. Eastern in South Carolina, 9 p.m. Eastern in New York, 7 p.m. Mountain (9 p.m. Eastern) in Colorado, and 8 p.m. Mountain (10 p.m. Eastern) in Utah. Check back throughout the night for updates.

You can see the latest results below, in partnership with our friends at Decision Desk HQ, and stick with us throughout the rest of this election cycle for the best and most entertaining coverage.

Editor's Note: We are facing the most consequential election in our nation's history. America won't survive another four years of Democrats. Help PJ Media tell the truth about the 2024 election as the left-wing, mainstream media propagandists do all they can to support the Democrats.

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