
In Light of Bird Flu Terror, Let’s Revisit the PCR Scam

AP Photo/Fernando Llano

We the techno-serfs of Earth have been treated to much hullabaloo over the past several months with intensified propaganda each consecutive news cycle regarding the imminent plague of bird flu.

Let’s unpack what’s going on here with a specific focus on one of the major cards in the technocrats’ back pocket.

Related: HHS Set to Roll Out Bird Flu Vaxes by the Millions

You’ll be shocked to learn that the diagnostic method that the Public Health™ authorities are using for bird flu is the notoriously inaccurate PCR test.

Via CDC:

CDC has developed diagnostic test materials to specifically detect the avian influenza A(H7N9) virus that was first identified in China in 2013.

These test materials include rRT-PCR reagents (primers and probes), controls, and an rRT-PCR test protocol.

PCR tests are not designed in any way to detect whether a person is actively infected with anything or whether that person could transmit any virus to others. Instead, it looks for fragments of DNA pieces.

The critical piece of the PCR test accuracy is the “cycle count” — the number of times the material is replicated to register on the test. With a high enough cycle count, nearly any targeted material reaches the “cycle threshold,” at which point a positive result is reported in the sample.

Shockingly, the “fact checkers” sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry, Bill Gates, et al., who launder their propaganda through the veneer of factual analysis concede the flawed nature of PCR tasting, although you have to dig a little bit to find the admission amid a sea of caveats and hedging designed to distract and detract from the reality.

Via (emphasis added):

A PCR test is performed by repeatedly replicating target viral material in the sample to the point that it becomes detectable. The number of cycles before the virus is detectable is known as the cycle threshold (Ct). We have written previously about how PCR tests work, and how effective they are. 

A positive test with a high Ct value may indicate a test from someone who had a very small amount of detectable viral RNA on their initial swab, and may not be infectious or have ongoing active infection

During the course of the pandemic, it has been recognised that positive tests with a high cycle threshold may be detecting very small amounts of viral genetic material or ‘non viable fragments’ rather than active virus

There is concern that these positive tests may not represent people with an active infection, or who are most infectious.

This manipulation of PCR testing appears to be exactly what transpired with the recent terroristic news cycle concerning the first man to have allegedly died of bird flu.

Via Human Events (emphasis added):

Mexico’s Ministry of Health head Jorge Alcocer on Wednesday denied reports that a citizen had died from a strain of the bird flu, which had marked the first time that a human had died from the H5N2 virus.

Alcocer said that the WHO statement was "quite bad," according to La Verdad News, stating that the cause of death has not been confirmed. He noted that the patient suffered from type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and systemic arterial hypertension, all things that could have contributed to the 59-year-old man’s death.

Alcocer urged citizens not to panic, and said there was no reason to avoid consuming chicken or chicken products, as there was no evidence that the infection spread through food…

The WHO said that the case had been laboratory-confirmed, and the first case of its kind reported globally.

Are we going to allow them to perpetrate the same scam again and again?


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