The Morning Briefing: Biden's Border Nightmare Continues to Worsen

Townhall Media/Julio Rosas

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. It always gets a little weird when someone breaks out the homemade shuttlecock.

It is really difficult to keep on top of all that has been falling apart in this country since January 20, 2021. Even if it were possible, it’s a bit overwhelming and depressing.


While we have been worrying about things like inflation and whether Biden’s gaffes are going to start World War III, the crisis that he caused at our southern border has been getting worse. Apparently, Kamala Harris never got around to fixing it like she was tasked to. She’s been busy cackling, after all.

How bad is it? Matt has the story:

It’s so bad that Barack Obama’s former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson called it “unsustainable” on MSNBC Wednesday.

A day earlier, the Department of Homeland Security reported that they were anticipating 18,000 illegal immigrant encounters daily—especially after Title 42 is removed.

“The border is a tough issue. I am waiting to see when and if they drop Title 42 for the southern border. It is the, frankly, a way to keep the numbers down, although these numbers are pretty high,” said Johnson.

“Typically, the largest months are March and April … We are about to hit one million in six months. My highest year was 68,000 the entire year, and that politically felt like the world was coming to an end. These are very, very large numbers. They are unsustainable in my view,” he continued. “You make a good point, that if Title 42 is lifted then the public health debate may move to the southern border.”

Comforting, no?

Trump did still have some work to do on the border, but Biden and his handlers have really messed things up. It began almost the moment he was sworn in.

Athena wrote yesterday about what U.S. Border Patrol agents have been reduced to on Biden’s watch:


USBP agents are supposed to be intercepting aliens who break the law by crossing our border between designated points of entry. They’re supposed to be guardians of our national security. But instead, globalists and their American Democrat allies have turned agents into welcome mats.

It’s incontrovertible that a global network has been set up to facilitate and accelerate the mass movement of poor, unskilled, uneducated people from around the world to the United States. Last summer, Theresa Cardinal Brown of the Bipartisan Policy Center said, “We are seeing a permanent change in migration at the U.S.-Mexico border. And now it’s expanding.” Brown noted that “We’re seeing huge increases in people, not from the Central American countries and not from Mexico, which means this is now just the migration route.” Oppressed people don’t cross oceans and continents en masse without help.

Along the way, the colonizers are instructed on how to tell USBP agents they’re seeking asylum upon their incursion into the country in order to exploit a loophole in our immigration law and gain admittance.

Now agents do little more than greet the invaders, give them water, and arrange rides to the next way station. There, non-citizens are given all kinds of goodies at jaw-dropping taxpayer expense.

Reports about low morale among agents have been flying around for months. They weren’t trained to be concierges.

Here in the Southwest, we don’t have the luxury of playing “out of sight, out of mind” when it comes to border issues. Sadly, that is what the Biden administration seems to be doing. The consequences of that “policy” aren’t going to get better by themselves, obviously.


Naturally, the Democrat Media Complex is all but ignoring the issue. When Trump was president, the flying monkeys couldn’t shut up about it. Now it’s as if the border has vanished into thin air.

As I’ve been writing a lot lately, the leftist media hacks have only gotten worse since they’ve been put in charge of covering for President LOLEightyOneMillion. We’re still in the business of telling the truth here at PJ Media, despite the best efforts of Big Tech and the mainstream media to shut us up. Our VIP subscribers allow us the freedom to do some real journalism on the other side of the paywall.

As I’ve mentioned before, we also have a lot of fun over there. I do three podcasts a week (one with my old friend and new colleague Kevin Downey Jr.), one video, and a bunch of other goofy stuff to help distract people from politics. A political palate cleanser, if you will. On Thursdays, VodkaPundit and I are joined by some of our VIP Gold subscribers for a three-hour live chat/day drinking show called “Five O’Clock Somewhere.”

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No dress code. No censors. In my case, no filter. I’m looking forward to welcoming some new friends into the fold. Have a great weekend, everyone.

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