Results for: On Media

Five Observations About the State of the Presidential Race
– the stormBig donors that fund Biden's campaign are closing their wallets, there are widespread calls from the pro-Biden mainstream media … for him to withdraw, and at least 25 House Democrats are reportedly about to call on him to drop out. …  While the knee-jerk reaction to Biden's debate performance has been severe, it's very likely that the impact of the debate on
Can You Believe the White House Did This to Joe Biden?
– The American people must decide whether Donald Trump's assault on our democracy on January 6 makes him unfit for public office, the … Related: The Biden Campaign Is in ChaosIt seems that, as part of the effort to calm the waters as many on the left call on Biden to … That seemed to dominate the conversation on social media more than anything he said.He looks like a plastic container after you’ve…
DISASTER: Biden Completely Disconnected From Reality in ABC Interview…mpletely-out-of-touch-with-reality-in-abc-interview-n4930419
–  They were clearly on the right track. … "I took on Big Pharma. I beat them." … After the interview, ABC political hacks piled on.…
Pride™ Hits Lima, Peru: Exclusive On-the-Ground Report
– Just as soon as I got off my editing shift for PJ Media on Saturday, I headed over to the more cosmopolitan side of Lima, Peru, for … closed roads and more of the LGBT mobilization,” the logistics of yesterday’s event are explained, which were heavily advertised on … social media (the avenue by which I found out about this ode to Sodom and Gomorrah).Lima is apparently — despite me not having seen…
Historian Known for Accurate Election Predictions Weighs In on Replacing Biden…accuracy-says-biden-is-still-the-democrats-best-bet-n4930284
– You've heard from the mainstream media and Democratic Party insiders. … Barack Obama got trounced, 72%-20% in the poll, worse than Biden, and went on to win,” he said. … Lichtman also demolished Donald Trump for lying on every question in the debate.…
Who's Really Running the Country?
–  That’s a wrap on record-setting Democratic fundraiser for Joe Biden’s reelection campaign (netting $28M). …  We're not so facile as to believe that presidents never rely on their staffers. Of course, they do. …  And thank you for supporting PJ Media!…
John Adams, July 4, and Freedom From Tyranny
– Adams took on the difficult and unpopular task of defending the British troops. … Throughout Biden's terms, his handlers and the media have desperately tried to assure us that the president was mentally fit.…
Carl Bernstein Reveals Scandalous Cover-Up of Biden's Declining Health…eals-scandalous-cover-up-of-bidens-declining-health-n4930335
– Monday night after Biden's brief address to the nation about the Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity." … This was a year ago almost exactly at the old Four Seasons restaurant on Park Avenue. … It's a cover-up that involves the White House, the Biden campaign, and the mainstream media.…
DNC Insiders: Biden Was Set Up to Fail in a ‘Soft Coup'
– Calls for Biden to drop out are coming in strong from the left-wing media, and elected Democrats are freaking out privately.How did … has been backing Biden because they can't appear to be disloyal to the President, but privately there have been discussions going on … That certainly would explain how and why Biden was allowed to go up on stage in the condition he was in, rather than being drugged,…
CCP Boasts of Its (Genocidal) 103-Year History
On poverty, the environment, human rights, global peace, citizens’ input, and every other topic the CCP either stated the opposite … Western political parties are obsessed with short-term partisan interests even at the cost of people's wellbeing, the CPC focuses on … It has funded both politicians and projects, waged economic warfare, propagandized on social media
Supreme Court Rules on Trump Immunity Case
On Monday, the United States Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in Trump v. … nature of this case, and the very significant constitutional questions that it raises, the lower courts rendered their decisions on … If you'd like to help us fight the left as they continue to persecute Donald Trump, become a PJ Media VIP member today.…
The Weekend Update: A Big Week for the 2024 Presidential Election
– NOT A TOSS-UP: Nate Silver weighs in on the state of the election, and the left isn't happy about it.PANIC AT THE DNC: Not even the … A HIT: The administrative state lost big time at the Supreme Court.COLUMNSYou can always count on PJ Media for some insightful … Want to join the cool kids and help support conservative media? You can do so by subscribing here.…
Behold the Left's Post-Debate Circular Firing Squad
– Keisha Lance Bottoms, who inflicted her own Bidenesque reign of terror on Atlanta during her single term as mayor, has called out the … Vice President Kamala Harris argued the leader of the free world should be evaluated on the totality of his presidency, not one night … Senate, eight more as vice president, and a term in the White House, age has finally caught up to him.Bottoms appeared on MSNBC on
FRIDAY AT 3 P.M. EASTERN: 'Five O'Clock Somewhere' With Kruiser, VodkaPundit, Kevin Downey Jr - Replay
– We don't usually talk much news on Fridays but, after that debate, I'm sure we'll have some fun with it.See you then — can't wait.Editor … ’s Note: Do you enjoy PJ Media’s conservative reporting taking on the radical left and woke media? … Join PJ Media VIP and use the promo code SAVEAMERICA to get 50% off your VIP membership!…
Trump Leads Patriots to Our Greatest 24 Hours of the Year (Thus Far)!
– celebrate the previous 24 hours of victories for real Americans.It began with Donald Trump clown-slapping *President Biden for 90 minutes on … Network (CNN), followed by the deliciously entertaining meltdown of the Operation Mockingbird myrmidons in the Pravda press.Pants on … the PJ Media VIP Army means keeping us in the fight for America.…
Trump Spox Sneaks Onto Collapsing Biden Campaign's Conference Call
– Steven Cheung, a principal Trump campaign spokesman, snuck onto a Biden campaign conference call on Monday. … have given up," Cheung wrote.The Trump spox claimed that he was able to sign up for the conference call using his real name and media … Arnold Schwarzenegger's administration, then moved to Washington, D.C., to work on the doomed McCain campaign.…
Let’s Not Forget That CNN Fact-Checked Biden’s Debate Lies to Oblivion
– was just lying his way through the debate.But one thing the mainstream media isn’t focusing much (if any) attention on from the debate … "He said he has put in a $15 per shot cap on insulin in Medicare,” Dale noted. "It is a $35 a month cap. … He said it's a $200 cap on overall drug spending in Medicare. It's $2,000 a year."…
The Real Scandal Behind Joe Biden's Disastrous Debate Performance
– Because everyone in the liberal media has seen the Joe Biden we saw Thursday night repeatedly. … In the past couple of weeks alone, there have been several senior moments that have gone viral on social media, and the White House … This was a scandalous collusion between elected Democrats, party leaders, and the media. They all knew.…
The Worst Video From Debate Night and the Real Reason Biden Isn't Going Anywhere
– You've heard this enough already, but it bears repeating: Joe Biden's debate performance on Thursday evening was so bad that the liberal … media didn't even attempt to push the Biden campaign's "Biden had a cold" excuse to spin his performance. … No one in the mainstream media has fought accusations of Biden's cognitive decline more vigorously than MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, and…
What Happened to Joe Biden's Brain?
–  Here he is in 2013 joking about his surgeries on both sides of his brain and their effect on his 1988 campaign for president. … "And I had a second operation... because they found an aneurysm on the other side. … Doctors found blood in his spinal fluid, and then a dangerous balloon-shaped bulge — an aneurysm — on an artery wall at the base of…
The WHO’s Sovereignty-Subverting Trap Door at Work
– its edicts.Related: Croatian MEP: Time to Declare WHO a Terrorist OrganizationVia World Health Organization (emphasis added):OnOn 20 May, the sample was received at the Institute of Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference (InDRE per its acronym in Spanish) of … to WHO mandate — that implements the WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR), a legally binding set of regulations enforced on
Progeria: A Sign of the Times
–  —Diana West, The Death of the Grown-Up      "An old predatorat last chewing on himself is a ridiculous sight … San Francisco Pride regales us with “nude men riding around on bikes” and “waving to children.” As C.A. … Skeet writes at PJ Media, “Pride was just a parade in the big cities. Then it became a day. Then a week. Now it's a month.…
Philadelphia Inquirer Says Trump Should Drop Out After Debate
– Joe Biden's mental decline was at its most blatant debating Donald Trump on Thursday night, to the point that even the mainstream media … But Biden on his worst day remains lightyears better than Trump on his best. Biden must show that he is up to the job. … On a similar note, Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) apparently hit the bottle quite hard last night because she was on CNN's…
Open Casting Call: Whitmer Tapped as Biden Replacement?
– News reports that she has responded to comments that Biden cannot hold Michigan in the upcoming election with this eloquent response on … She has the face of Cruella de Vil, the ethics of Boss Tweed, the vocabulary of a longshoreman, and the media presence of Mr. …  The X post comes on the heels of a Politico report that Whitmer spoke via phone to the Biden campaign, expressing concerns that…
Leftists Call for Trump’s Assassination Online
– Leftists immediately took to social media with frenzied suggestions of how President Joe “GarageGate” Biden could still take out his … TikTok, posted on X, “According to the Supreme Court, Biden could now send in Seal Team 6 to take all of them out. … But personally, I think Joe Biden should go full Monty on this.”…
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