The Morning Briefing: Maybe Democrats Just Don't Like Their Kids Very Much

AP Photo/Michael Sohn

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. The silver lining to the cloud is probably a poisonous substance.

There are always two political realities here in America in the modern media era: the reality that Democrats and their flying monkeys in the media are describing and real reality.


Democrats hate real reality, but it doesn’t mean that they don’t occasionally let some truth out.

We’ve been witnessing quite the parental uprising here in America recently. The powers that be — those in the pockets of teachers’ unions — are not happy that their indoctrination plans are being interrupted. The feds have gotten involved and it’s been a little ugly out there. I wrote last month that this probably isn’t a fight that Merrick Garland and his boss really wanted to pick, but pick it they have.

We had a couple of stories yesterday that really don’t paint the Democrats in a good light when it comes to this issue. A.J. wrote the first one:

Former President Barack Obama’s rhetoric during a weekend rally for Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe is being criticized.

Obama classified Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin and Americans’ focus on important education issues as “fake outrage.”

“We don’t have time to be wasting on these phony trumped-up culture wars, this fake outrage that right-wing media peddles to juice their ratings,” the tone-deaf former president rambled Saturday. “Instead of stoking anger aimed at school boards and administrators, who are just trying to keep our kids safe…. [W]e should be making it easier for teachers and schools to give our kids the world-class education they deserve, and to do so safely while they are in the classrooms.”

It’s always easy to dismiss anything that comes out of The Lightbringer’s diarrhea mouth. He’s always on auto-demagogue and the schtick was worn out almost from the moment that he burst onto the national scene. He’s also never been much of an original thinker, and these latest talking points of his appeared to be scripted and part of the new ongoing false narrative from the Dems.


I wrote a column yesterday about a recent article in The Washington Post written by a couple of leftist partisans who dismiss the concerns of conservative parents as a mere “political tactic.”

This is indicative of how the Democrats play the narrative game. They quickly realized that calling the parents “domestic terrorists” wasn’t a winning tactic, so they quickly to the phony outrage thing and got their media lapdogs on it in a hurry.

I got to thinking though…what if it isn’t just false narrative building. While I would prefer not to be the guy who always thinks the worst of people, I find it to be a real time-saver when dealing with Democrats here in Joe Biden’s America.

Maybe the conservative “phony outrage” stuff is easy for the Dems to believe because they really don’t give a crap about their children. I mean, do loving parents eagerly seek to turn over their kids to the state at the earliest age possible? It’s not only the rich Democrats, who can afford to send their kids to private schools, who support universal pre-K, after all.

We knew that they never cared about our children, but perhaps the real problem is that they don’t like their own very much either.

Again, it’s so much easier to just assume the worst.

Everything Isn’t Awful


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