The Morning Briefing: Even Biden's Media Monkeys Are Finding It Difficult to Spin for Him Now

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Top O’ the Briefing

Biden Is Losing His Besties

Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. I’ll be spending the weekend making dream-catchers for people who suffer from sinus challenges.


We could all use a distraction from reality lately. I’m a huge fan of them. My big worry lately is that if I stay distracted for too long, I will no longer recognize reality upon my return.

Alleged President Biden has the power to warp things that quickly.

The insidious relationship between the hacks in the mainstream media and Joe Biden has been a bit rough even on my cast-iron gut. From the moment it became obvious that he was going to be the nominee, I knew that the MSM would be working overtime to prop him up. What we’ve endured thus far has been worse than what we saw during the Obama years. They just looked the other way a lot when The Lightbringer was in office. This year they’ve been creating a president out of whole cloth.

Anyone over the age of six and who possesses an IQ above 14 can see that that almost — and I’m being generous with that — every nanosecond of the Biden presidency has been an unmitigated disaster. Bless their hearts, the MSM has soldiered along, pretending that Biden is awake, competent, and in charge.

Until this week.

I’m not saying that the love affair is over, but after Biden’s complete and utter failure overseeing the withdrawal from Afghanistan, they seem to be in need of couples counseling. I reported in the first two Briefings this week that CNN’s Jake Tapper — usually a loyal Democratic lapdog — had criticized the administration two days in a row. That alone should have been a harbinger of public relations doom for Team Biden.


Earlier in the week, The New York Times — aka “The Official Publication of the Democratic National Committee” — almost flirted with saying something negative about Joe Biden.

Those incidents may not seem like much to many people, but you could employ a staff of hundreds to search for the last time CNN and the Times criticized a Democratic president on consecutive days and they’d be busy for quite some time.

The very large, very powerful NBC News organization has long been the most reliably biased haven on television for the Democrats. It’s home to the pathetic likes of Brian Williams, Rachel Maddow, and Chuck Todd, after all.

Even Chuckster couldn’t crank up the spin cycle all the way this week. A.J. Kaufman has that story:

In a rare move, left-leaning NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd criticized Joe Biden Tuesday, claiming the chaotic abandonment of Afghanistan damaged the president’s purported image of political competency, especially compared to former President Donald Trump.

“I do think the biggest political fallout is competency,” the Meet the Press host explained. “Joe Biden’s greatest strength against Donald Trump in the campaign was the idea that he has been around the block, he knows what he’s doing, we’re facing this crisis with COVID, we need some basic competency back in government, no more chaos. He’s lost the competency high-marks that he was getting at one time, and that’s tough to get back.”


All you need to know about how strange it is that Todd is saying something negative about Biden is the fact that he admits that he’s been giving Ol’ Gropes high marks until now. Chuck is finally realizing that the emperor isn’t wearing any clothes. For the moment, anyway.

Team Biden tried to throw the U.S. intelligence community under the bus in an attempt to cover for the empty husk that is polluting the Oval Office. The CIA isn’t having any of that and, once again, it’s NBC that is passing along the bad news to the administration.

We will no doubt soon be back to a place where all of the usual horrible suspects in the media are fawning over Biden’s every lazy drool, but he and his pals are definitely taking a bit of a break this week. They got to this point because President Puppet spent last weekend playing with his choo-choo set at Camp David while an international crisis of his making was unfolding.

It won’t be the last.

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