Mainstream Media Continues Its Enemy of the People Mission
Happy (things can still be that) Thursday, ye Kruiser Morning Briefing readers of good taste.
A point of clarification: the headline says “most” because even I can’t blame the mainstream media for the plague. I could if I were a member of the mainstream media, but I’m just an opinionated, partisan, verbal bomb-thrower, so I am actually more honest.
Whenever I have a discussion with anyone about any or all of the malaise afflicting our beloved United States, we always end up getting around to the role that our mainstream media idiots play in shaping false narratives.
Another point of clarification: when I refer to the “mainstream media” I’m not just talking about cable and network news, but leftist entertainment as well. I’m mostly dealing with the faux journalist class today, but it’s all part of the problem.
Let us begin with the most obvious and problematic hackery being foisted upon the American public right now: Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.
The only reason that this obviously senile, basement-bound idiot is still one of the major political party’s presidential nominees is that the media is so infused with liberal bias that it pretends that he is not a senile, basement-bound idiot.

No matter how bad anything is for the Democrats, the bubble media filth will carry as much water as is needed to cover for them. They’re already “interpreting” der Bidengaffer’s insane ramblings, telling us what he really meant to say. This is going to become an almost hourly thing as we get closer to the election and the Democrats are forced to expose Basement Joe to the public more and more.
They may be able to keep him from debating President Trump, but they are going to have to keep doing the video appearances, which will all be train wrecks that desperately need “interpreting” by the media.
Sane people are painfully familiar with the media’s public-relations work for the antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters. After months of assault, battery, looting, and murders, members of the media still insist that it’s all “mostly peaceful.”
(AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
They cover for them because doing so is an integral part of the Democrats’ anti-Trump agenda, pure and simple. No questions asked, no honesty necessary, just another day’s work on the Orange Man Bad leftist watch.
The most egregious abuse of First Amendment freedom by the garbage media types who parade themselves as journalists in recent years is their extremely active involvement in perpetuating the Russian hoax that was meant to unravel the Trump presidency.
Townhall Senior Editor Matt Vespa wrote a post yesterday that detailed which media hacks were involved in pimping the incredibly flawed Trump dossier as gospel truth.
American media hacks spent years as the chief propagandists for the Russian collusion myth simply because they were in an extreme fit of pique over the fact that they couldn’t get Hillary Clinton elected president. It was the first time their power had been rejected on a large scale.
Despite that defeat, they still remain a powerful influence in narrative-shaping. Their power may be diminishing, but they can still do damage to freedom, democracy, and the overall American way of life.
What almost no one in the media seems to understand is that they are aiding and abetting people who would completely dismantle the First Amendment if they come to complete power. They are not only opening the front door for the enemy, they’re laying out a full luncheon and asking them to stay for a while.
Forever, actually.
One of the Greatest of the Television Greats
We are remembering the great Lucille Ball, who was born 109 years ago today. The "I Love Lucy" star was one of the most beloved TV personalities ever, and though she died in 1989, her legacy of laughter continues to entertain millions around the world.
— Eyewitness News (@ABC7NY) August 6, 2020
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Bee Me
Riotous BLM Protesters Suddenly Realize They're All White People
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) August 5, 2020
The Kruiser Kabana
— Archillect (@archillect) August 5, 2020
Don’t forget to salt your cashews.
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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear twice a week.
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