The Morning Briefing: Relax GOP, the Dems Are Going to Get Rid of Biden for You

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Wednesday, Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Arnold wasn’t completely clear on when society’s precipitous decline began, but he was sure that the rise in popularity of the acai berry had something to do with it.


I’m going to hit a few quick things here at the top today rather than just focus on one topic. This will happen from time to time going forward.

It looks like the Democrats are going to pitch in with the heavy lifting of making sure that Joe Biden isn’t president for as long as his evil wife wants him to be.

As I recently wrote in a VIP column, the Biden cheerleaders in the corrupt mainstream media have recently been admitting that President LOLEightyonemillion isn’t really up to the task of being the most powerful man in the world, or any task for that matter.

Athena wrote yesterday that the criminal sleaziness oozing out of Hunter Biden’s pores will probably force the Democrats to find a way to make Ol’ Gropes step aside sooner rather than later. Rick had a post detailing the efforts of some progressives to make sure that a run in 2024 isn’t an option for Biden. He also cites a poll that says that two-thirds of Democratic voters would prefer that Biden not be on the ballot in 2024.

It would appear that the always unhinged Grandpa Loony Tunes reads different polls:

Note: Biden also thinks Elmo is real.

Well, they did promise that Biden would bring the country together and he seems to have done just that. Nobody likes him now.

Kira had a horrifying story over at RedState the other day that makes yet another case for making public sector teachers’ unions illegal and defunding public education:


In a school discrimination case that could set a precedent for beleaguered parents across the country frustrated with Critical Race Theory-related issues in the classroom, a California woman is set to file suit against her child’s school district after her 7-year-old daughter was punished and humiliated for drawing a Black Lives Matter picture for her friends that also included the sentiment that “any lives” matter. In addition, the school never informed her about the incident or the punishment; she only learned about it after another parent mentioned it to her a year later.

Kira does a deep dive with the girl’s mother and her attorney. It’s an upsetting, but necessary read. Kira will be joining Stephen Green and me on Thursday for “Five O’Clock Somewhere” to discuss the story.

Our own Megan Fox is having quite the week. She immediately smelled a rat in a story published in the Indianapolis Star that was only backed up by a single, very dubious source. Being the journalistic pit bull that she is, Megan wouldn’t let it go. Other outlets began picking up on it, many of them (looking at you WaPo) not giving Megan attribution. That’s changed. She was on Jessie Watters’s FNC show on Monday and on Tuesday the Wall Street Journal editorial board acknowledged that she was the first to call b.s. on the story.

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Hope to see you soon.

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