The Morning Briefing: Democrats' Baby-Killing Bill Gets Aborted

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Thursday, Dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Let us not even pretend that hanging out and drinking beer in a kiddie pool isn’t the highest and best way to live.


The victory enabled in the Senate because Joe Manchin is opposed to killing babies is both something to cheer about and something to be terrified about.

Every Democrat not named Joe Manchin just went all-in in on aborting babies until the end of gestation.

More from Kevin:

Senate Democrats voted to make abortion a federally protected “right,” but the final vote sent them packing. The bill would have overridden almost every state-level restriction. It would also have allowed legal abortion up to the point of birth. Also noteworthy, the bill never actually had a chance to pass. It was all for show.

“There is no moderation in this bill,” Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) declared on the Senate floor. “Just brutal indifference hiding behind euphemisms. Fortunately, it won’t pass.”

Reiterating: all but one of the Democrats in the most august legislative body in this great Republic is OK with killing babies;

The Democrats wanted this to be a single issue that would throw votes their way in this year of desperation but one of them helped save the unborn.

Republicans were already steamrolling to a big November. If they’re smart, they can leverage this for even bigger gains.


If they’re smart.

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