Results for: On Media

Here Comes the Re-Recession?
– consumers first depleted their COVID lockdown savings, then maxed out their credit cards, and are now finally starting to pull back on … "The Pending Home Sales Index (PHSI)* – a forward-looking indicator of home sales based on contract signings – decreased to 72.3 in … Plus, real estate agent's livelihoods depend on sales commissions. When home sales dry up, so do the downstream benefits.…
Poll of 18 to 30-Year-Old Americans Finds Vast Majority See 'America in Decline'…mericans-finds-vast-majority-see-america-in-decline-n4929430
– Only 7% disagreed.Usually, I never get too riled about the younger generation's thoughts on America. … I'm willing to be it's going to be much more positive.Help PJ Media remain a vital part of the conservative conversation by becoming … The kind of conservative analysis of vital issues facing America we feature at PJ Media is desperately needed.…
Dear Mainstream Media: You're Squirming and We Love It
– to ask Biden to show more "empathy on the economy." … Falling asleep at Arlington on Memorial Day.The amount of crap Trump got about sitting in court, we will never see this in the media … Help PJ Media keep the Dems in freakout mode by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters.…
NRA Gets a Win in Case That Curbs Government Power to Pressure Advocacy Groups…curbs-government-power-to-pressure-advocacy-groups-n4929464
– administration and claims she was only targeting policies that were illegal in New York.The NRA's suit against Vullo can now proceed on … “Whether and how government coercion of a third party might violate another party’s First Amendment rights will depend on the facts … This was the much-publicized case against social media companies for censoring "misinformation" during the pandemic.…
Our Revolutionary Times
– Students on elite campuses especially showed contempt for both middle-class police officers tasked with preventing their violence and … , the courts, and government agencies.The public still cannot digest the truth that the once respected FBI partnered with social media … Its support of open borders, illegal immigration, the war on fossil fuels, transgenderism, critical legal and race theories, and the…
Israeli Airstrike Kills Two Bazillion Starving Children (Or Maybe Zero)…kills-two-bazillian-starving-children-or-maybe-zero-n4929459
– The Israeli airstrike in Rafah that killed dozens of civilians on Sunday — the one even Bibi Netanyahu called a "tragic mistake" — … The bombs were too small to cause the explosions seen on video. … On the one hand, spokesweasel John Kirby parroted Hamas propaganda, calling the deaths "devastating."…
Politico: ‘Biden’s Got a Plan to Protect Science From Trump’
– is reporting that the Biden administration is erecting “tripwires” to protect the NIH from reform (or, preferably, dismemberment) on … The White House knows Trump could still cast those plans aside but is calculating that doing so will set off alarms with the media, … And will it actually catalyze any of them on the fence to hit the polls in November?…
The Morning Briefing: Democrats Are Bathing in Desperation and Flop-Sweat…democrats-are-bathing-in-desperation-and-flop-sweat-n4929402
– Even the Dems' flying monkeys in the mainstream media are noticing that the house is on fire. … It's free and it supports conservative media! …  How Big Tech Helped Bring on America's New Energy CrisisThe ‘Massive Strain’ of Illegal Migration on U.S.…
BIDEN TEAM CONFIRMS: Trump NYC Trial Was a Biden Produced Political Show Trial
– point, the Biden regime gamely denied that this wasn't a political show trial, claiming that it was a legitimate prosecution based on … nonpolitical re-election team announced in advance that it would be outside the courtroom to hold this nonpolitical presser to the media …  — but because the media were there it was the only place where the media could be found! See?…
Illegal With Extensive Rap Sheet Arrested for West Virginia Murder
– Here at PJ Media, we have made fun of Canada for being a leftist hellhole, but even it has enough common sense to not let a guy with … This is unacceptable," Fox News quoted Berkeley County Sheriff Rob Blair after Calderon was arrested on May 13. … On a similar note, what did the American people ever do to Biden's handlers?…
Google AI Has Been Dishing Out Dangerous Cooking Tips…ogle-ai-has-been-dishing-out-dangerous-cooking-tips-n4929381
– recipe testimonies” in which people write overlong essays about what the recipe means in the narrative of their lives.I often rely on … It demonetizes PJ Media articles that go against the left’s narratives. … PJ Media VIP is a great value, especially when you use the code WITCHHUNT for 60% off — our biggest discount ever!…
WATCH: Did Biden Fall Asleep at Memorial Day Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery?…emorial-day-ceremony-at-arlington-national-ceremony-n4929382
– They’re right, of course, and the Biden campaign hilariously attempts to flip the script on the age issue. … Biden’s social media feeds are full of posts desperately trying to push the narrative that Trump is the old, weak candidate — including … widely shared on social media, with conservative activists alleging he was sleeping during an address by Secretary of Defense Lloyd…
Fear Not, Patriots, Trump Just Won the Election
– Non-Americans will celebrate this flapdoodle, much like Nancy Pelosi, who went on Bill Maher's show to cheer after a Trump impeachment … You know the pinkos want to beat PJ Media into bankruptcy. … Click HERE and you'll get a whopping 60% discount on a VIP subscription and keep real news flowing. Use the code WITCHHUNT.…
Time To Fight Dirty
– But if a real man has a problem with another man, that's a one-on-one fight. … Or are you ready to actually man up and fight like our lives, our loved ones, and our liberties depend on it? … We can adapt to the battlefield we find ourselves on or continue getting routed while we long for the quaint days of yore.…
Is Joe Biden Getting Into Witness Tampering Now?
–  Perhaps they figure that since the media is on their side, they don't have to worry about honest coverage blowing their cover …  Meanwhile, it remains to be seen how the media will cover Hunter Biden's trial, or even if they will cover it at all. … But, why did this happen on Sunday night of all nights?…
The Democrats Never Learn From Their Mistakes
– I have to say that I've been amused by the Democratic Party's ongoing dilemma over getting Joe Biden on the general election ballot … "The move came moments before the Ohio Senate convened on Tuesday for a special session to address Biden's ability to appear on their … The mainstream media has tried to pin the blame for this problem on Ohio Republicans, but it was the DNC that once again disregarded…
Trans 'Man' Threatened to Kill TN Governor, Wife
– It's been a while since I wrote about something happening in the Volunteer State (hello again, Tennessee readers of PJ Media). … was when a bunch of anti-gun people protested a new state law allowing teachers to carry concealed in schools by holding a "die-in" on … Still, my earlier claim that transgenderism is an excuse for men to act on their worst urges seems to cut the opposite way for women…
Alito Rejects the Left’s Hypocritical Calls to Recuse Himself…where-to-shove-their-calls-for-his-recusing-himself-n4929436
– Have you noticed that whenever there's a big case before the Supreme Court, the Democrats and the media somehow find some reason to … recusal" under the Supreme Court's Code of Conduct.Related: The Democrats Never Learn From Their MistakesAlito's elaboration on … We're currently offering a 60% discount on new memberships—the largest ever.…
Biden White House Shows Exactly How Not to Run a PR Campaign
– that can be said about this PR disaster — from the White House's point of view — is that outside of alternative press sites like PJ Media … an administration-approved protest — press conference — whatever the hell that was — outside of the Trump trial in New York City on … I happen to think Charlie might be right on this one.…
'De-Growth': Communist Urges Cuts for Meat, Cars, Travel
– Help us keep things running despite the left's attempts to suppress the truth by becoming a PJ Media VIP member. … Atlantic, as Climate Depot quoted: The crazy idea is “degrowth communism,” a combination of two concepts that are contentious on … One leading proponent [Kohei Saito] suggests imposing a hard cap on total national energy use, which would ratchet down every year.…
Coming to America: 'Low Emission Zones' Geared to Make You Buy a Chinese EV
– checker will allow you, by providing your vehicle registration number, to check if your vehicle can or cannot drive within a LEZ based on … Help us keep things running despite the left's attempts to suppress the truth by becoming a PJ Media VIP member.…
Minimum Wage Folly
– That's what the media, unions and Center for American Progress see. … "If I cost more, why would a company take a risk on hiring me? They'll hire the worker with more experience instead."…
Trump Lawyers Turn the Tables After Jack Smith Demands ANOTHER Gag Order…smiths-latest-anti-trump-move-is-beyond-ridiculous-n4929374
–  Trump's bookkeeping trial continues on Tuesday with closing arguments. … When you become a PJ Media VIP Member, you get to comment on our articles, along with all the other great benefits. … Cut out these guys and go direct with a PJ Media VIP Membership.…
Is This the Silver Lining for Biden With Trump’s Polling Lead?
– If you're on Team Biden, you're looking at the polls, and you're freaking out. … networks and the like — the disengaged are far likelier to report getting their news from social media. … But in this cycle, if enough of them stay home, Biden could do much better on Election Day than it appears in the polls."…
Reverent Media: Joe Will Break 'Vow of Silence' About His Elephant in His NYC Courtroom
–  The headline: "Biden has stayed silent on Trump’s trial," but, by gawd, "The verdict will change that." The. Gloves. … "I hear you're free on Wednesdays!" … And predictably, the "campaign’s social media team is considering leveraging the line of attack further, with discussions underway…
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