Results for: On Media

Faux Conservative NY Times Errand Boy Bret Stephens: GOP Will 'Regret' Trump's Reelection…boy-bret-stephens-gop-will-regret-trumps-reelection-n4930722
– These are people who met a lot of wealthy Coastal Media Bubble™ Republicans early on and have reaped the benefits of being well-connected … That's just three bucks a month for VIP Gold, which will get you access to the VIP content on all six Townhall Media sites! … It's free and it supports conservative media!  Subscribe…
Here's a List of Everyone Scheduled to Speak at the RNC in Milwaukee This Week…cheduled-to-speak-at-the-rnc-in-milwaukee-this-week-n4930715
– The Republican National Convention is underway in Milwaukee this week, and although news of the assassination attempt on Trump has … (Scroll down for PJ Media programming notes for this week.) Republican elected officials and candidates: U.S. … the Townhall Media sites: Townhall, RedState, Twitchy, Bearing Arms, and HotAir.…
The Student Loan Forgiveness Pandering Continues Even as Courts Strike Down Past Efforts…g-continues-even-as-courts-strike-down-past-efforts-n4930881
– He has tried time and time again to wipe away student loan debt on the backs of taxpayers.I busted my rear end in high school to earn … to soak taxpayers for votes on hold. … Reuters reports that the court “granted a request by seven Republican-led states to put on hold parts of the U.S.…
Trump Shooter Crooks Asked Classmate, ‘Shouldn’t You Hate Trump?’
– There has been a great deal of talk about how the left’s hysterical rhetoric about Donald Trump led to the attempt on the former president … And on those issues, he could be 'smug [and] arrogant.’ … We saw the result on Saturday evening.…
Could This Crazy Election Get Any Crazier? Yes!…est-election-season-ever-and-were-not-close-to-done-n4930875
– even crazier.So far, two major developments stand out: the fallout from the Trump-Biden debate last month and the shocking attempt on … Biden’s performance was widely criticized as disastrous, leading to a torrent of calls from the media and within the Democratic Party … The implications of this event are profound, not just for Trump but for the entire electoral process.The attempt on Trump’s life has…
The Hand of God and Trump Fate in November
– I said the "L" word and possibly invoked a curse on us all. … Andrew Fowler has an excellent article on RealClearReligion that discusses the idea of the hand of Providence on George Washington … I had been talking off and on with the family during his stay.…
Unsophisticated Karine Jean-Pierre Lets the State-Media Collusion Cat Out of the Bag…let-the-cat-out-of-the-bag-re-state-media-collusion-n4930878
– English: White House Diversity Hire’s Reading Problem KJP, on the other hand, recently did just that.Via (emphasis …  And you have always — always advocated heartfel- — heart- — heart- — heartedly on behalf of your fellow journalists. …  And we are grateful for your service, and we are relieved you will still be onon the beat here at the White House and in the…
Trump's Promises
– The media called George W. Bush the "anti-regulator." But once Bush was president, he appointed thousands of new regulators. …  Of course, the media weren't happy. Reporters love regulation. … "Tariffs are taxes, and regulations on the border are regulations on consumers."…
Should Biden Resign the Presidency in Addition to Dropping Out of the Race?…presidency-in-addition-to-dropping-out-of-the-race-n4930877
on the first or second ballot in Chicago. … And strategically, it’s the only way to guarantee the country becomes better acquainted with her through inevitable media focus on …  Rubio's point is spot-on.…
Assassination, Political Violence, and Deluded Leftists
– The media and Democrat politicians spent years screeching that Jan. 6 protesters, most of whom were peaceful, were literal “terrorists … prison.Related: Dem Leaders Can Spare Us the Fake SympathyAnd, of course, as I highlighted just after the assassination attempt on … Trump, Democrats from Joe Biden on down have been hurling every vile accusation and insult at Trump for years.…
Another Nail in Biden's Coffin
– pounded in the coffin with the release of a CBS News poll showing Donald Trump increasing his lead over the president.Since a poll onOn the day Trump was first nominated, in July 2016, the national polling average maintained by the political website FiveThirtyEight … Bush in 1992, and Trump himself in 2020 all had approval ratings underwater in the 40s on election day.…
MSNBC Wonk Tries to Ambush Don Jr. Hilarity Ensues.
– alternative media. … On the one hand, you almost have to feel sorry for the guy, who is still running on the progressive fumes of 2019. … Their viewership consists of a few radicals, depending on their moods on any given day, and maybe some college kids napping in the…
There's an Intriguing New Theory About Why the Democrats Want Biden Out
– Through most of Election Night 2020, Trump appeared on the verge of victory until late-night ballot drops suddenly ate into his lead … The mainstream media, however, treated the Russian collusion hoax as legitimate and allowed it to undermine Donald Trump's first term.Democrats … It's time to stop dwelling on the past and recognize that Democrats are so desperate for power that they are on the verge of throwing…
WHOA: Young Voters Abandoning the Dems in Droves
– exposed to a whole lot of politics around here unless they broach it first.Recommended: REPUBLICANS POUNCE: Our Awful News Media … Than You Can ImagineSo it was a big surprise when my eldest, now 18 but just 13 at the time, told me he'd been watching Ben Shapiro on … But the power of storytelling is still real, and our ability to tell those stories — even if in condensed, social media form — has…
RNC Night 2: House Leaders Make the Case for Another Trump Term
– “But New Orleans has nothing on Washington, D.C., these past four years. …  President Biden waived taxes on Chinese solar panels, but he raised taxes on Americans. … “I need to say something about Saturday's attempt on President Trump's life,” Scalise recalled.…
The Two Scariest Things About the Trump Assassination Attempt
– narrowly avoided death in an assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania.Leftist ghouls are angry that Trump survived; the mainstream media … is doing its best to downplay the crime by deflecting to "retaliatory violence" and trying to blame Trump for his own attempt on his … My other PJ Media friends have written about how Democratic officials and the mainstream media have been unironically comparing Trump…
Tucker Carlson Was Mocked Last Year for Warning of Looming Trump Assassination Attempt…for-warning-of-looming-trump-assassination-attempt-n4930670
– Carlson warned that the United States is “speeding towards” the assassination of former President Donald Trump, prompting the liberal media … The comments have been picked up by other media personalities on the far right, including conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and former … In the episode description published on the Apple Podcasts platform, he asserts without evidence that the “plot to take out Trump is…
The Morning Briefing: Assassination Attempt on Trump Has Been the Dems' Goal All Along…n-attempt-on-trump-has-been-the-dems-goal-all-along-n4930694
– I've gone full tinfoil hat on this one and am wondering if he registered just because he knew how it would play out in the media. … It's free and it supports conservative media! … on Trump AssassinationRacist Much?…
Kamala and Every Other Democrat Polled Beats Biden Against Trump
– “Dems can’t spend enough to prop up a new candidate on the national stage while a fully-defined Trump emerges from the RNC convention … united and poised to outspend and take on whoever Dems put up.”Meanwhile, a YouGov internet poll tried to measure voter enthusiasm … the assassination attempt, with one-third of Americans agreeing that he was favored by divine providence.This does not reflect well on
Ford's Latest Pivot Shows That the EV Craze Has Fizzled Out
– the Biden administration’s massive push for EVs and away from gas-powered cars, the Big Three and other manufacturers doubled down on … strategy, backing away from EVs so that it can provide “customers with the right mix of gas, hybrid, and electric vehicles based on … It was time for a change, and Ford knew it.Ford just made another announcement proving that it’s focusing its efforts on what customers…
Biden Now ‘Receptive’ to Ending Presidential Campaign
– “The private conversations with the Hill are continuing,” a senior Democratic adviser told CNN, speaking on condition of anonymity … Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) called on Biden to drop out of the race on Wednesday. … For just $1.63 per month, you’ll unlock unlimited access to exclusive members-only content on PJ Media, including our lively and insightful…
Assassination, Inc.
– In a time of runaway political turbulence and feverish incitement to violence, the attempt on Donald Trump’s life is by no means surprising … As Victoria Taft writes at PJ Media, the Democrats “have come up with all kinds of ideas on how to get Joe out before the election. … No elected official or media personality would go on record advocating assassination.…
Biden Forgets Name of His DefSec, Calls Him 'the Black Man' in Dumpster-Fire Interview
– secretary of defense — the black man...I named Ketanji Brown, because of the people I've named," Biden said in an interview with BET on … The media would have a field day. We all know it.…
Axios Wants Trump to Accept Blame for Assassination Attempt
– and Jim VandeHei are essentially blaming Trump for the attempt on his life, and want him to accept the blame for it." … Vance (R-Ohio), a finalist to be Trump's running-mate, attacked Democrats and the media on X in the hours after the shooting. … environment that culminated in this attempt on his life.…
Understanding the Mindset of the Left
– Disingenuous, and if you still trust the media, especially after yesterday, there is no saving you. … A lower-tier leftist may never get a guest spot on CNN, an invite to a cocktail party on the Vineyard, or a spot at the Cannes Film … It is likely that no one else on the island would, either.…
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