Results for: On Media

What Will Anti-Trump Hysteria Look Like by the Time We Get to Election Day?…steria-look-like-by-the-time-we-get-to-election-day-n4926746
– expectation of disaster is something I've never seen or experienced in nearly 50 years of writing about politics.I don't have to tell PJ Media … Those in power do not want us to inform everyone else about what is going on.…
[UPDATE] Democrat Rep. Repsonds to the Report That House Dems May Not Certify 2024 Election if Trump Wins
– That possibility was on Raskin’s mind, too. … Here at PJ Media, we’ll continue to expose these attacks on our democracy, and you can bet they will get worse as we get closer to … sites: PJ Media, Townhall, RedState, Twitchy, Bearing Arms, and HotAir.…
Attacks on Churches Spike Nearly 800% in 6 Years as Dems Vilify Christians
– Whole church buildings, or parts of them, were set on fire. … Where are the media reports on the epidemic of church attacks? … Are we surprised that some vandals and criminals take the media at their word?…
Trump Trounces Haley in South Carolina Primary
– Trump is poised to trounce Haley on her home turf — in the state where she served as a successful and popular governor. … Matt cited a recent interview Donald Trump gave where he theorized on why Haley's sticking with it." … Thanks to our friends at DecisionDeskHQ, you can check on the latest results below, and you can always count on us to report on the…
CBS Fires, Seizes Files of Investigative Reporter Digging Into Biden Scandals…into-biden-scandals-fired-and-had-her-files-seized-n4926696
– Ironically, the media itself seems to take a more ad hoc approach. … Indeed, CBS seems to have adopted a “Trust us, we’re the media” approach. … Keeping her files would prevent much of that.Catherine Herridge is going to land on her feet.…
The Future of PJ Media
– I have made a habit over the years of sending my PJ Media articles and columns to a number of close friends who profess an interest … This is not entirely true of FOX, alas, but it is largely true of PJ Media. … As my editor Paula Bolyard writes, “Support truth-tellers in the media.…
Florida's Bill Banning Social Media for Minors Is Pure Hobbes vs. Locke
– home state of Florida recently passed a bill (HB1) in its House designed to prohibit minors under the age of 16 from using social media … bill since we continually hear horror stories of kids being abducted, recruited, groomed, and God knows what else through social media … the other hand, started from Hobbes' state of nature and came to a different conclusion, partly based on the idea that people are…
It's Russia, Russia, Russia All Over Again. But the Real Question Is, Why?
–  The answer may be that the Democrats do not feel they have much else to run on in 2024. … Biden and the Democrats got almost everything they wanted on climate change. …  That pretty much hits the nail on the head.…
Based on Its Answers, I Think I Know Who Is Behind Google's Woke Gemini AI…i-think-i-know-who-is-behing-googles-woke-gemini-ai-n4926700
– Judging individuals based solely on their race ignores this crucial diversity and can perpetuate stereotypes.Focus on dismantling systems … Here's what we know:Arguments for black supremacy:Social media posts: Some point to Brooks' past social media activity containing " … Judging individuals based on their actions and their own statements is crucial.Consider the context: Social media posts and personal…
MSNBC Host ‘Morning Joe’ Claims Republicans ‘Have Surrendered to the Communists’…aims-republicans-have-surrendered-to-the-communists-n4926716
– Joe and Mika Scarborough are the quintessential corporate state media mouthpieces. … who for the past 50 years have been the main force to push back hard on communism. … Putin has Republicans on a string," Scarborough added.…
GOP in a Quandary Over Alabama IVF Ruling
– in several Magisterial pronouncements "the Church says 'no' to IVF due to the massive destruction of embryonic life, the assault on … That includes supporting the availability of fertility treatments like IVF in every State in America," Trump wrote in a post on his … social-media platform, Truth.Joe Biden immediately tried to blame Trump for the Alabama decision."…
WATCH: El Salvador President Empties Rhetorical Clip on Hostile BBC Reporter…ent-empties-rhetorical-clip-on-hostile-bbc-reporter-n4926689
– This week in “shameless hypocrisy of corporate state media,” a BBC hack had some hard questioning for recently re-elected president … BBC (emphasis added):I asked him if, now that he had turned the security situation around, he would concentrate on the next stage … BBC is any position to be handing out lectures on proper governance.…
All Black Lives Matter, But Some Black Lives Matter More Than Others…matter-but-some-black-lives-matter-more-than-others-n4926725
– casing houses (Martin had previously been caught at school in possession of stolen jewelry and burglary tools, and was currently on … Remember Alton Sterling, who fought police before pulling a gun on them?And who could forget the martyrdom of St. … These incidents were trumpeted by Black Lives Matter and their media eunuchs as incontestable evidence of systemic, anti-black racism…
Teamsters Make First Donation to Republicans Since 2004
– The former president also participated in a public roundtable meeting with the union on Jan. 31." … the radical left and woke media? …  Join PJ Media VIP and use the promo code SAVEAMERICA to get 50% off your VIP membership!…
Self-Entitled Portland Trans Activist Refuses to Apologize for Murder Because He Felt Unsafe
–  On the night of the murder, Moses Lopez, wearing a dress and a tiara, became enraged and used his brass knuckle knife to stab … cab driver Reese Lawhon in the neck.Breaking exclusive: On Easter Sunday, a taxi driver was brutally stabbed to death in #Portland … He missed his court hearing on April 6, and a warrant was issued for his arrest — three days before he allegedly murdered Lawhon.The…
What Does Funding Bad Movies Have to Do With Reducing Inflation?
– environmental justice, securing America’s position as a world leader in domestic clean energy manufacturing and putting the United States onOn a scale of one to ten, Hollywood, it is a 9.5. … Especially in terms of independent film,” says “My Dead Friend Zoe” producer Ray Maiello, who runs California-based Radiant Media Studios…
Is It Too Late for America?
– the LGBTQ spectrumSchool children being radicalized by BLM propaganda.It just goes on and on. … We don't deserve it, but he may yet grant us another chanceSupport truth-tellers in the media. …  While you're here, PJ Media really needs your help if we're to survive.…
Why Don't We Know Who Built the January 6 Gallows?
– Among the most widely distributed images from the Jan. 6, 2021, riot on Capitol Hill is the photo of a gallows that supposedly was … Capitol, the mainstream media, and President Joe Biden.But why don't we know who built the gallows? Why did the U.S. … “It is inconceivable that a gallows could be constructed on U.S.…
The Morning Briefing: I'll Vote for Anyone Who Promises to Nuke the Dept. of Education…r-anyone-who-promises-to-nuke-the-dept-of-education-n4926694
–  Kids don't need bureaucratic concerns to be the primary influence on education. … It's free and it supports conservative media! … Biden Says Nine Heads of State Said He Has to Win in NovemberVIPBecome part of the PJ Media VIP party by subscribing here.…
That Time Judge Engoron Pulled a Fani Willis
– that the law secretary, Arthur Engoron, claims he only began dating the secretary of the opposing counsel, Christopher Sullivan, on … Don't you just love getting your news from PJ Media? … We cover the stories that the lame-stream media wants to bury, and we have fun doing it!…
Trump Says People of Faith Are the 'Soul of This Country'…nashville-calls-those-of-faith-soul-of-this-country-n4926712
– Former President Donald Trump made a campaign stop in Nashville, Tenn., on Thursday evening, where he delivered a speech that reaffirmed … his commitment to Americans of faith, particularly devotees to the Lord Jesus Christ, going on to remind his audience that he "fought … It will be thanks to the men and women like you,” the 45th president went on to tell the crowd.…
I Can't Wait for Nikki Haley's 'Mitt Romney in a Skirt' Shtick to Meet Its Ignominious End…omney-in-a-skirt-shtick-to-meet-its-ignominious-end-n4926592
– Even though she would eventually become Trump's UN ambassador, she really wasn't on my radar.Then her leftist spin on the dancefloor …  Her enthusiasm when she called for an end to anonymous political speech on social media was disturbing. … It’s free and it supports conservative media! Subscribe…
The Morning Briefing: Could the 'Experts' Get Any More Disgusting?
– It's free and it supports conservative media! …  Who Had 'Scientists Suggest We Rethink Cannibalism' on Their 2024 Bingo Card? … (Special thanks to my nieces Kayla and Hadley for turning me on to this amazing song.)…
Blue Laws for Red Citizens
– Trump.Carroll's suit was funded by left-wing billionaire Reid Hoffman.Smith sued to rush his court schedule in hopes of putting Trump on … Yet Reade was torn apart by the media and the left for inconsistencies in her memory. … They sought either to delay or redo ballot counting or, on the federal level, to sidetrack electors to ignore popular votes in their…
WATCH: Nancy Pelosi Resurrects Russiagate Corpse, Claims Putin Has Financial Blackmail on Trump…orpse-claims-putin-has-financial-blackmail-on-trump-n4926650
– does he have on Donald Trump that he have to constantly be catering to Putin? … Either something financial he has him on or something on the come,” she submitted..@jrpsaki: "We're all wondering... … What do you think Putin has on Trump?"…
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