Results for: On Media

Preparing Canada’s Future as North Korea
– The outrages just keep on coming.Trudeau has come in for much caustic criticism of late, as a growing number of ordinary citizens and … people who they believe on reasonable grounds may commit speech crimes in the future.” … Whether we know it or not, under the reign of the Canadian autocrat, we are on Hayek’s road to serfdom. …
Impeachment Bombshell: James Biden Confirms that Joe Biden Received $40K From China…l-james-biden-confirms-joe-biden-got-40k-from-china-n4926933
– fungible” before being reminded by a House staffer that James “did not have sufficient funds” to make the $40,000 alleged loan repayment on … $50,000 had come the same day from funds withdrawn from James’ entity Lion Hall Group, which had received a $150,000 wire from Owasco on … Use the promo code SAVEAMERICA for a 50% discount on your annual membership. …
MSNBC Hosts Have Meltdown Over Trump's Latest Border Speech
– Truly foreign language,” Brzezinski went on to say while getting rather creative with her hand gestures. … And how about those pre-screened questions from the media? … of Biden's issues is on American voters' minds.…
Washington State's Biggest Union Endorses 'Uncommitted' in March 12 Primary…gest-union-endorses-uncommitted-in-march-12-primary-n4926917
– the UN and withheld funding for Palestinians’ primary humanitarian aid agency, even as hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are on … The media coverage for every primary will not focus on Biden's lopsided wins but on the 10-15% of Democrats who say they're uncommitted.The…
Democracy Dies in Darkness: Blaze Journalist Arrested by the Feds
– Baker claims that the DOJ feared that he might post them on X. What did Baker do to find himself under arrest? … That's why they're so powerful.Baker is due back on March 14 at the D.C. court. … And it is a given that the mainstream media will rejoice over this development.…
The Biden Conundrum
–  PJ Media's own Matt Margolis covered this part earlier on Thursday, about Biden's ill-fated Monday appearance on "Late Night … Help PJ Media keep getting the truth out by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters. … You need independent news and analysis and we need to keep the lights on.…
Was Google’s AI All About Election Interference to Stop Trump?
– Trump won due to “misinformation” and “fake news coming from fake news websites being shared by millions of low-information voters on … social media,” Pichai specifically pointed to the use of artificial intelligence to achieve the aim of countering “misinformation.…
Biden Bemoans Climate Change at the Border After an Illegal Immigrant Raped a Utah Girl…at-the-border-while-illegal-immigrant-crime-spikes-n4926928
– Joe Biden made a trip to the southern border on Thursday. No one knows why, including him. …  The girl told her mother she had met Ruano Garcia at a soccer game and that they talked to one another on social media. … No one wants to contend with the blowback that comes from being on the "wrong side" of an issue.…
If This Is 'Christian Nationalism,' Sign Me Up!
– The other day, Politico writer Heidi Przybyla appeared on MSNBC's "All In With Chris Hayes" to talk about the hysteria de jour, "Christian … What makes "Christian nationalists" different, she went on, was that they believe "our rights as Americans, as all human beings, don't … And, clearly, to some secular Americans, the idea that a non-"earthly authority" can bestow rights on humans sounds nuts.…
The Incredible Generosity of the Widow of a Wall Street Investor
– were both huge philanthropists, giving away tens of millions of dollars in their lifetime.David was a top Warren Buffet investor on … the radical left and woke media? … Support our work by becoming a PJ Media VIP so that we can continue to bring you the truth.…
Border Patrol Union Slams Biden, Praises Trump
– meanderer-in-chief, especially compared to his predecessor.While the National Border Patrol Council (also called Border Patrol Union on … As both Biden and GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump head to the border on Feb. 29, the Union had a message for the former: … The Border Patrol Union had both sarcastic mockery and serious complaints to fire at Biden on Twitter/X.…
American Paralysis and Decline
– murder of a Georgia female jogger by an illegal alien and the savage beating of New York policemen by similar others hardly merit media … self-congratulation and hyper-environmentalism, we know that a million homeless defecating, urinating, injecting, and assaulting on … force to transport the mentally ill to proper and humane facilities, terrifies us.So we walk around, step over, and ignore those on
White House Can't Help but Politicize the Border Crisis
– the border crisis, they cannot stop themselves from politicizing it in the most painful way possible.Take this recent appearance on … But hold on; it gets better.While Joe is stiffly walking around Brownsville, Texas, to make it look like he cares about the border, … Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) crafted and House Republicans took apart like piranhas on
HIV+, Trans-Identified Man Breastfeeds Baby, Canadian Government Assists
– Fancypants" online, first shared the image of him with his then 9-month-old baby at the Goldfarb Breastfeeding Clinic in Montreal on …  Yes, you read that right, ladies and gentlemen.Milt Harris covered that one for PJ Media (emphasis added):The Telegraph reported …   If you appreciate the independent journalism we offer at PJ media, free of corporate slant or state censorship, consider…
I Know How to Fix Our Political System. Hear Me Out.
– Now we give them seven-figure book deals and cushy part-time gigs on MSNBC. … Help PJ Media keep getting the truth out by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters. … You need independent news and analysis and we need to keep the lights on.…
Was the Judge Who Booted Trump off the Illinois Ballot a Traffic Court Judge?…trump-off-the-illinois-ballot-a-traffic-court-judge-n4926882
On Wednesday, Judge Tracie Porter of Cook County, Ill., ordered the State Board of Elections to "remove Donald J. … Trump from the ballot for the General Primary Election on March 19, 2024, or cause any votes cast for him to be suppressed." … Judge Porter was sworn into office on November 12, 2021. Judge Porter currently sits in the Traffic Division in the Richard J.…
New Evidence Says Former Bachelor's Accuser Has No Pregnancy Records…again-if-he-does-not-drop-the-current-legal-action-n4926872
–  To get caught up on the underlying case, read my reporting here and here. … Because she is losing badly and about to be exposed as a fake on the stand, she is returning to the old habits she has used against … Echard explained the real estate aspect of their relationship on a podcast, and you can hear his story here. It's frightening.…
It Looks Like Biden’s Goose Is Cooked
– out of 10 voters in battleground states believe that Biden is too old to be president.Biden, the White House, and the mainstream media … The public can see the differences between the two on television.Here's how it's hurting him.…
New Poll: Voters Say That Biden Should Go If Bribery Charges Prove True…s-say-biden-should-go-if-bribery-charges-prove-true-n4926886
– As further revelations of apparent corruption by President Joe Biden emerge from a congressional investigation, the mainstream media … but not run again,” “Run again in 2024, regardless of the findings,” and “Not sure.”Recommended: Brands Warned Not to Run Ads on
Trump Derangement Syndrome Meltdown of the Week — Open Borders Because Ohtani or Something…f-the-week-open-borders-because-ohtani-or-something-n4926890
– This is, of course, the intended by-product of their relentless assault on absolute truths. …  Most of MLB's foreign nationals are not immigrants, they're here legally on work visas. … It's free and it supports conservative media!  Subscribe…
A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words, Even If It’s a Lie
– If you could get your hands on one, it was like discovering gold. … On its website, it calls "organized retail theft" a $30 billion-a-year industry. … The FBI is so woke and gutless that instead of visually posting the truth on social media, they chose to denigrate white people.…
Biden Announces Unannounced Hospital Visit Because He's Fine and Nothing Makes Sense Anymore…it-because-hes-fine-and-nothing-makes-sense-anymore-n4926845
–  There's nothing sinister going on here — at least not on the surface — it's just that the time has come for Biden's annual physical … However, "most media outlets danced around Biden’s latest gaffes," Toto noted. … You need independent news and analysis and we need to keep the lights on.…
Biden’s Latest Health Report Is Pure Malarkey
–  But we all know what's going on. … party insiders aren't being shy either.So when Joe Biden made an unannounced visit to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on … The liberal media constantly raised questions about Donald Trump's mental health, and he responded by taking cognitive exams.…
The New Narrative: Illegal Migration Hurts Wages but Helps Federal Revenue…migration-hurts-wages-but-it-helps-federal-revenue-n4926852
– Amidst the persistent and shameless media and political propaganda about both the disastrous economy and the equally disastrous illegal … It’s become so brazen that leftist media is now trying to spin cheap migrant labor as a huge win for the economy, totally ignoring … by about $7 trillion over the next decade by swelling the labor force and increasing demand, the Congressional Budget Office said on
Google Still Doesn't Get It
– That's because Gemini's image generator was producing results based on the biases already built into the Gemini chatbot.Google has … Help PJ Media keep getting the truth out about Big Tech by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters. … You need independent news and analysis and we need to keep the lights on.…
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