Stories You May Have Missed This Week: Kamalot Rising

Kevin Lamarque/Pool via AP

After a crazy July, what does August have in store for us? The Olympics stir up controversy... Kamala officially becomes the Democratic Party's nominee despite not winning a single primary vote for president... Go democracy... or something... That and so much more were covered this week at PJ Media, and your humble weekend update is here to highlight the key stories that you may have missed!


Without further ado, here are the key stories from the past week.


NEVER AGAIN: House to investigate Biden-Harris plea deals for 9/11 terrorists.

WHAT THE ZUCK?: Trump tells us what Mark Zuckerberg told him on the phone.

STEALING ARIZONA: The left scores a victory in the courts that will help illegals vote.

STICKS AND STONES: 70% of college kids think speech can be as damaging as violence.

THE COMPANY YOU KEEP: Remember when Kamala endorsed the author of California's pro-pedophile bill?

MASSHOLES: Massachusetts nixes "mother" and "father" from birth certificates.

BIG TECH: Yes, they interfered with the 2020 election.

CARVILLE KNOWS: The Kamala honeymoon won't last.

GROOMER: Kamala parties with the drag queens.


The media claims the Democrats are unified. Are they really?

PUSHBACK ON SHAPIRO: Progressives don't want Kamala to pick Josh Shapiro, but will she listen?

HIGH ANXIETY: Behind the scenes, there isn't a lot of confidence in Kamala Harris.

CALIFORNIA KNOWS: A California Democrat delegate admits the truth about Kamala Harris.

WITH A VENGEANCE: Biden endorsed Kamala as revenge on Democrats who forced him out.



You can always count on PJ Media for some insightful commentary. Here are some of the best from the past week.

STEPHEN GREEN: Wargaming the Electoral College: Keystone Edition.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Harris Is Recycling the 2020 Democrat Campaign.

PAULA BOLYARD: I'm Sorry You Have a Horrible Medical Condition. Now Stop Punching Women in the Face.

LINCOLN BROWN: Ode to Joylessness.

SCOTT PINSKER: Mega-Dittos: Today’s the Anniversary of the Greatest Moment in Radio History.

CHRIS QUEEN: Fiddle-De-Dee! Kamala Sounds Like She's Never Met a Southerner.

BEN SHAPIRO: Kamala Harris, Candidate of Myth.


The following articles are exclusive to VIP members. Want to join the cool kids and help support conservative media? You can do so by subscribing here

FLORIDA MAN FRIDAY: If you need a good laugh this weekend,.

HIDE-N-SEEK: Kamala is trying to hide her way to the presidency.

KAMA KAMA KAMALA-CHAMELEON: She called herself Indian before she identified as black, and we have the receipts.

NOVEL IDEA: If you need a little escapism, try some science fiction.

FLIP TO THE FLOP: Kamala Harris is the John Kerry of 2024.


BIG TECH RIGGING: Trump says Meta and Google are rigging the election.


Kamala Harris is flip-flopping on the issues like John Kerry

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Kamala Harris's first unscripted moment after becoming the presumptive nominee was as bad as you could have imagined.


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