Flashback: Kamala Harris Endorsed Author of California's 'Pro-Pedophile' Bill

AP Photo/Alex Gallardo

Kamala Harris, the most unpopular vice president in the history of polling, is hoping to reintroduce herself to the public. It's our job to make sure you know all the facts about her. So, here's a juicy little nugget that I'm sure she'd rather us not talk about.


In 2020, Harris endorsed a California lawmaker who was behind California’s SB145, which critics have dubbed the “pro-pedophile” bill for its relaxed automatic sex offender registration guidelines. The new guidelines exempt some convicted pedophiles of “certain offenses” from mandatory sex-offender registration “if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor” when the minor is between the ages of 14 and 17, leaving the decision to the presiding judge.

First introduced in 2019, SB145 did not legalize pedophilia in California, the bill — which was passed by the state legislature and signed by Governor Gavin Newsom — empowered “woke” judges to keep a 24-year-old who had sex with a 14-year-old from being required to register as a sex offender.

Does that sound right to you?

Not even all Democrats were on board with this nonsense.

“I don’t care who it is between or what sex act it is,” Democrat Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez explained. “That being said, I cannot in my mind as a mother understand how sex between a 24-year-old and a 14-year-old could ever be consensual.”

Most civilized people would agree with Gonzalez. But California state Senator Scott Wiener, a gay Democrat representing San Francisco, did not. He wrote the bill, and first introduced it in January 2019. Wiener argued that SB145 “eliminates discrimination against LGBTQ youth in our criminal justice system” because judges already have this discretion when it comes to consensual vaginal sex between 14-17-year-olds and adults less than ten years older than them. Critics argued that the bill should not have provided the same exemption for other sex acts but rather removed all exemptions for automatic sex offender registration in the name of protecting all children from all sexual predators.


Kamala Harris endorsed him back in 2020.

In fact, Wiener proudly showed off Kamala’s endorsement of his candidacy days after her selection as Joe Biden’s running mate back in 2020. “I’ve known & worked with the next Vice President of the United States for nearly 20 years,” he tweeted. “Kamala Harris also knows me & my work. I’m honored to have Kamala’s endorsement of my reelection to the Senate.”

According to Wiener, Kamala Harris knew him and “his work,” which includes SB145.

Will the media challenge Kamala Harris about SB145, and ask whether she supports the notion that a 24-year-old who engages in sexual activity with a 14-year-old should not automatically be registered as a sex offender? Don’t count on it. She’s only the presumptive presidential nominee for the Democratic Party. Does the country really want a president who backs Scott Wiener and his pro-pedophile legislative efforts that are wrapped in the pride flag? Should California have established a new exemption for automatic sex offender registration or done away with all exemptions? What does Kamala Harris think?



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