James Carville Drops A Truth Bomb On Democrats About Kamala Harris

AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

After weeks of pressure, Democrat elites successfully blackmailed Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race, and Vice President Kamala Harris was quickly coronated as the presumptive nominee. There is no denying that Democrats are in the middle of a honeymoon phase with their new candidate. 


However, famed Democratic strategist James Carville is warning Democrats that it is not time to celebrate yet and cautioning them against getting too confident about their new choice.

"I have to be the skunk at the garden party. This is too triumphalist, OK?" Carville warned during an appearance on MSNBC earlier this week. "Everybody’s giddy. I look at the coverage and it’s great. If I had to write a play about what I think, it’d be titled, ‘The Icepick Cometh,’ OK? Get ready, they’re coming. All right? And it’s good. Everybody should feel good and liberated and everything else. But if we don’t win the election, we haven’t done anything. This kind of giddy elation is not going to be very helpful much longer ’cause that’s not what we’re going to be faced with."

Related: Flashback: Kamala Harris Endorsed Author of California's 'Pro-Pedophile' Bill

"I think the Vice President, to put it in athletic terms, needs a really good cutman in the corner, because she’s getting ready to get cut," he continued.

"It’s still the same country, all right? It might be a different mood, and all I’m saying is good. Bang your helmets against the locker, it’s fine," he said. "But still, when you go out there, you’re facing Alabama. Just get ready because these Republicans, you’re right, they got caught off guard, but they’re going to get their sea legs and we’re having to get a campaign—a whole campaign started."


Carville also warned that the best day of her campaign is already behind her.

"This is the best day that she’s going to have for the rest of the campaign, they’re coming," he said. "They were hit real bad, they were confused, but they’re getting un-confused now and Democrats have got to get ready." 

Carville has a great point. Remember, the media is working overtime to literally rewrite history about Kamala's record. After years of the media covering the fact that Kamala was Joe Biden's border czar, the moment she became the presumptive nominee, there was a massive effort to memory-hole that inconvenient fact. Similarly, there is a concerted effort to cover up her radical left-wing record.

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Carville may be a left-wing Democrat, but he's been a straight shooter for a long time now. When others were rallying behind Biden, he was calling him out for his weakness. Today, he clearly sounds unconvinced that Kamala is the Democrats' savior in this election. The current surge of fundraising and enthusiasm is a mirage that won't last.


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