The Morning Briefing: Dems Are So Desperate They Brought Biden Out for Final Push

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Delwyn felt a sense of unyielding empowerment whenever he danced the tarantella under the stars after a few plum brandies.


We have finally arrived at the week we have been waiting for. Barring an unforeseen asteroid, those of us who still respect the idea of Election Day will be heading to the polls tomorrow to issue a correction to the leftist aberration visited upon this great Republic by a toxic combination of the plague and stupid voters.

The Democrats are no doubt wishing for an asteroid at this point, given the expected outcome of the election. I’ve been optimistic about the Republicans’ prospects for the past couple of weeks, but then I started having flashbacks to 2020 and decided to at least temper my enthusiasm a bit.

I usually avoid the news on the weekend, but there is none of that when heading into an election week. I can honestly say that I’ve never seen such a big “chickens with their heads cut off” vibe from the Democrats’ flying monkeys in the mainstream media before an election. For the record, I’ve been through a LOT of elections.

They were throwing around the abortion and “Muh democracy!” talking points relentlessly, as if increasing the pace would finally make them resonate after months of failing to do so.

The desperation made for quite a spectacle—one that I imagine will careen off the rails today.

Just how bad was it for the Democrats? Joe Biden didn’t spend the weekend in Delaware eating Melba toast and playing with his Legos. He actually hit the campaign trail a little. This would be the same Joe Biden who was deemed so toxic to Democratic candidates that it seems as if they’ve had him locked in the White House basement. Why the change of heart?


There’s the aforementioned desperation, of course. Even more important from the Dems’ viewpoint, they know that Biden can lie about anything and rarely gets called out by the media. It may seem odd that I’m going to follow that statement up with an example of him getting fact-checked but bear with me.

Stacey wrote over the weekend that Biden actually was finally fact-checked on — you might want to sit down for this one — CNN:

As the midterm picture gets increasingly worse, you can almost hear the drumbeat beginning for President Joe Biden to resign. As the leader of the party with an extremely unpopular agenda, Biden will be held responsible for a trouncing, should one occur. As of today, all of the polls are pointing in that direction. And the Democrats’ stenographers in the media are starting to turn on the president.

In a stunning fact check over at CNN, Daniel Dale declares that “Biden’s midterm message includes false and misleading claims.” While it’s nice that Dale noticed, it is astonishing he published his observations just before Election Day. Perhaps the changes at CNN are fundamental, and this article is the latest example of “fair and balanced” coverage. Dale’s piece can definitely be rated an apple.

As Stacey notes, the timing is rather chicken you-know-what. “Biden’s message” is, of course, the Democrats’ message. Most of these lies have been out there for a while. What have the corporate mainstream media hacks been doing thus far?

Repeating Biden’s claims as if they were fact. There was still a lot of that going on over the weekend, CNN’s uncharacteristic 180-degree turnabout notwithstanding.


Stacey’s post also mentions that NBC’s Chuck Todd pointed out that Biden has been showing up in safe blue states, not purple states. The thing with Biden, as we all know, is his kind of stupid can travel. Kevin wrote about some remarks Biden made at a stop in California that almost certainly made it to Pennsylvania in a hurry:

As if John Fetterman’s debate with Dr. Oz wasn’t enough of a campaign killer, Joe Biden announced today that he will be closing coal plants in favor of wind and solar power.

Predictably, the White House went into “He really didn’t say that” mode, which Stacey also covered. They usually only do this when President LOLEightyonemillion accidentally barfs up the truth.

For the most part, though, Biden can lie with impunity. What the Democrats are probably hoping for is that some of his lunatic ravings can rope in some low-info undecided voters. That really is the only plausible explanation for letting the Village Idiot off-leash during the home stretch. If all of this seems ungracious, it’s because I don’t like people who are actively trying to destroy my country.

One more day.

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