The Morning Briefing: Clarence Thomas Annoys All the Right People

Erin Schaff/The New York Times via AP, Pool

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Tasha rarely got weird with her cotton candy. Until that one Saturday…

Remember a not-so-long time ago when the always hyperventilating progs were saying that Clarence Thomas wasn’t fit to be on the Supreme Court because he didn’t say much?


Well, Thomas is saying much now and the proggies are losing what little minds they have. And it’s glorious.

Mitch wrote this yesterday:

MoveOn along with Demand Justice, both Leftist activist organizations, started a petition and called on Thomas to either resign or be impeached because after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade they fear that SCOTUS will next overturn “gay rights and contraception rights,” according to MoveOn.

MoveOn also stated on its site that “Thomas voted against a Supreme Court decision to compel the release of Donald Trump’s records regarding the January 6 insurrection and attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election,” because “his wife—longtime conservative activist Ginni Thomas—was actively urging the White House to overturn election results both leading up to January 6 and after the deadly insurrection.

So, if you’re a concussed idiot who believes the Democrats’ insurrection fiction, Clarence Thomas is the devil.

If you’re a reality-based American, Thomas is one of the greatest Supreme Court justices this country has been blessed to have.

The lefties hate Thomas because he loves the Constitution and because — let’s be honest here — they’re all racists. There is no other objective explanation for their ire.

Let us all hope and pray that Justice Thomas enjoys good health for a very long time. He is, indeed, a national treasure.

And a constant thorn in the side of those who are trying to destroy the United States of America,


The Mailbag of Magnificence

I’m getting so many great emails that this will become a thrice-weekly segment starting next week. I’m sorry I can’t get to all of you this week!

Let’s start with Nick:


Why is it so hard to get Communism right?  

If communism is the perfect answer to all of humanity’s suffering, then why is it so hard to do it right?

We’ve broken a lot of eggs trying to get it right. A LOT. 

So why don’t we have any omelets? Even just one?

Yeah, I’m hungry now.

From TB:

I want you to know that I have had a text file called
“KruiserSentences.txt” long before KruiserSentences became a Kruiser item. 


From Damon:

Mr. Kruiser, your intro statement had me giggling and reminded me of something pretty awesome.  I don’t know how familiar you are with classical music, but the Tchaikovsky violin concerto is considered one of the toughest in the violin repertoire. 

Evidently, that proved no problem to this young man absolutely shredding it on an accordion . . . proudly performed at little Billie Greenwald’s 4th grade birthday celebration.  Incredibly, it’s actually a pretty amazing performance musically.   I find myself both amused and impressed at the same time.   Enjoy!

Wow. Not kidding here, Damon, I almost posted the YouTube vid of this kid last week GREAT MINDS.

And good taste.

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